Al, what are the specs for the advance/retard curve?
As far as I know when Service Kawasaki did a dyno run with it they said the curve was almost the same as stock and they liked it. They said they would send it to me but I have to check if they did. I will also ask Penton if they have this spec.
Here is what I found....
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Hi Alex,
we need to do a more accurate runs with the timing played with.
the loss on top i'm convinced was all from being just a tad retarded, ..
We just did a quickie to see if it matched the stock curve closely and it did..
I'd hate to take much more info from that particular run that..
as it was not intended at that moment for anything else and we dint delve into it.
we certainly wernt looking at the actual hp numbers /just the shape of the curve comparing torque /hp - rpm
verses stock curve.
I'll try and scan you in some copies ,but as i said i wouldn't use the actual number at all,,
i made no attempt in setting the dyno for truly accurate numbers
so even the stock ign run wouldnt mean anything others than it's "shape'
i just used it as a diagnostic machine to see a match (or not)
if anything it showed that its exactly the same if timing is set..
and likely if advanced would gain half a horse.(but might alter the curve some,same as advancing a stocker)
I do need to get another KX500 set up like that, and run more tests ,we simply havnt had time to get back to
the dyno,and the set we bought i put on a customers KX500AFX for some real world testing ,so far he loves it.