Well boys it happened, after 15 years I finally got a new bike. Unfortunately it's not green, it doesn't burn oil, and it has more valves than my grandad has teeth. It was a tough decision for me. I've been to the dealers twice before with cash burning a hole in my pocket. The first time I could never find enough things any new bike did better than the K5 worth the $10K so I bought a ski boat. The second time, ditto and I bought a new truck. I guess 3rd times the charm, plus the wife wouldn't let me come home until I bought something. I am getting kind of old so I started looking at bikes with wide cushy seats, electric start, maybe streamers on the handlebars, you know old guy stuff. Then the little MX devil on my shoulder started talking "you're not that old, you could race again.....buy a weapon!!" and so on. To be fair I did visit the green dealer first. As usual I couldn't get the time of day from him and the best deal was full retail with some free oil. Luckily the red dealer in the next town was blowing them out for $2500 off, so I took a road trip. Here is the whole story (the second pic is what happens when you buy a bike in winter in Canada):