yeah we ride dunes here for fun and gear up. Its alot different riding sand, though. I am not dismissing that it can pull taller gearing, or that I need taller gearing, but If I was ripping sand with no jumps I might even go taller or build for top end. I am targeting bottom and Mid range plus am riding two differnt bikes,, right after each other. I know there is faster bikes out there, even here. I'm trying to get mine to be mine and like you said before be comfortable, of in my case confident. A good wipe out or loop out is hard on strategy and confidence. I have put the 14 back on and am more confident that it is rideable even though I've yet to race with it. The Cr's I race against have a taller final drive so will be taller, if I match sprockets. If I can keep in the gas, I should lite it up by being taller and stronger.
10 gallons is quite a bit of riding in one bike. Our sand dune riding is on 750 to 800 acres and gets old after about 4-5 gallons. We usually find a good jump and hit it till we almost eat it and then cruize to the next one. Hills there have ten foot of vert on top where there is hard pack on top layer. You have to be careful going off the top or you may wind up launchin to the moon. I'll keep what you said in mind about the spacer and V-force reeds. Are V-force the best reeds for 250 also? 250 is currently stock reeds.