I am running in my first hare scramble this Sunday. I have never raced in anything competitive before, but I have been on dirt bikes for 15 years. I have had the 500 for a couple of years now and really get my kicks doing crazy hillclimbs, but I really wanted to try a race.
I added bark busters, skid plate and a new kickstarter to the bike. I was hoping for a new ASV clutch lever and perch but they will arive the day after the race. I am also ordering a flywheel weight before my next one (if I make it out of the first one alive!). The main thing that I am worried about is physically being able to ride the beast for 2-3 hours in a race. I am also a bit worried about being passed by some kid on a 85cc bike, so my plan is to roost the crap out of anyone trying to pass me
I will let everyone know if I am still alive after the race.