Got the bike apart and motor out of the frame. A lot of work to do and not impressed at all with what the previous owner has done so far.
-tail section cross member needs to be re-welded
-exhaust mount broken (header), needs to be re-welded
-master link was on backwards and almost ground down to nothing
-completely missing the output shaft (front sprocket) retaining nut.
-one motor mount was stripped really bad (easy replacement)
-cylinder looks pretty beat up around the ports. it definitely needs to be stripped and replated
-none of the washers were beaten over against the nuts for any of the gears
-the clutch nut, primary gear nut and flywheel nut were hardly tight...clearly not to spec.
-the flywheel woodruff key was sheared
-piston is still in good shape...need to clean it up and file some rough edges but I can use it
-couple of transmission dogs look a little rounded to me (i'll get pictures up another time and get your opinions)
-still a lot to go through and inspect once I get the manual in. she's going to need some work!!
Oh, and the last picture I just thought was cool because the piston is bigger than my fist...and I don't have small hands LOL