Sold sold sold
this is a 2008 kx450 chassis and i'm sure the motor is on the newer side not sure what year it is. but the motor is fresh and runs awesome,one of the strongest kx500 motors ive ever ridden and ive owned and ridden lots of them. raced them for many years.
just finished the fabrication , considering selling the rolling chassis ready for your motor or complete ready to ride, after I get it cleaned up and assembled.
all t work was done by me. if you want any other pics it would be easiest to send via text as I'm not at my home computer very often.
I have been welding and fabricating quads,bikes,race cars and everything else for over 20 years. this is a very well thought out conversion and it uses the factory 450 radiators, so no worries about stuff lining up and replacing anything oddball.
the rest off the bike is in excellent condition.
feel free to post questions or text me
thanks john 608-346-4015
none of these pics are in order. the bike is pretty much done