So I figured I'd go for a rip this morning, since we finally got some rain yesterday and over night. I haven't ridden in 3 weeks because it's been so dry for the past 6 weeks.
I pulled it out put it on the stand, then mixed up a fresh gal of C-12/93 pump and the usual capful of StarTron.
Ok, ready to fire it off....gas on, choke on...4 quarter kicks for priming...and then one good full kick and it fires off...but not this time!
Ok, no's been sitting for 3 weeks...give it another full more...nothing.
So I know something's wrong since this thing's NEVER not started on the first I grab a clear drinking glass from the kitchen, pull the fuel line from the carb and let some fuel flow into the glass...hmmm...looks like purified water!
Then I unscrew the drain plug on the bottom of the carb....more purified water
That's what I get for leaving a 1/4 tank of old fuel in the tank, even though I've gone as long as 5 weeks with no problems on a number of occasions with StarTron added.
So off with the tank and dump it out...I can see it's all cloudy as I'm pouring it out.
Then off with the carb, and pull all the jets...which actually were ok, but cleaned everything real good any ways since I had it apart.
Put it all back together, mixed up another fresh gal of C-12/93 pump...gave it two priming kicks, and bang...lit right off.
So now I'm really starting to consider either running straight race fuel now(not that "that's" a fool-proof way of going about it either)...I'll have to buy it by the 55gal drum to make it economical financially...OR, remember to dump out what's left in the tank after a week and use it in my truck and yard equipment for now on.
This is the 1st time I've ever had an issue since Massachusetts started using E10 in '05...and it will be the last. I consider myself lucky, knowing there's a lot of guys that have blown/seized motors from jets getting clogged and the fuel/moisture separating, and running lean from E10.