BEWARE of Dimas Agashi he is a Fake and a Fraud.
He is pulling many scams.
He will tell you he is from many parts of the world including Florida and The Netherlands.
I hate to admit it but he has ripped me of for a couple of thousand in motorcycle parts.
Still not sure how it will all work out.
Everything has to be shipped right away...
He gave me this address in the Netherlands:
The address is FAKE!
The postal code is for Switzerland.
If your packages make it to Switzerland they will be re-routed to his address in Indonesia.
Then he will complain that he did not receive his packages.
I'm waiting for him to file a claim with the credit card companies but he may not.
Why? I'm pretty sure that he used stolen credit card numbers.
He claimed to have a friend that also wanted some parts.
His friend gave me two bad credit card numbers... Fraud
I don't want to give all the details of his little scam but let's just say that he gave me a whole new outlook
on how to run my International shipping.
Lessons to be learned.
1. If you accept money in the form of a credit, wait 3 work days before you ship no matter how bad they scream, or contact the credit card company. You will have to contact VISA, or MAsterCard to find the issuing bank and then get their number and call.
2. If you get paid through PayPAl, only accept a verified shipping address.
If the address is not verified, forget the sale, give them their money back and count your blessings.
3. Do a search on the address they provide.
You can do it on Google and see if anything valid comes up.
4. You can also check their IP address and search to see which country it comes up in.
This is the last IP address he sent me an email from. is a great site for tracing IP's.
If anything sounds to good to be true or seems somewhat suspicious... It probably is...
Hope you all learn something from my ignorance