I had read of some issues with the 09, as I recall wires were pinched between the frame and tank maybe and that the short was internal of the loom. another thing to check would be the fuel pump, it could cause it to not run, I also heard of issues with the 09 fuel pump. I would also look at the tip over switch, make sure it didn't come loose and hanging in the wron angle. I had an 09 but didn't have any problems with it, traded for an 11 and had 0 problems with it, now we have a 12 and 13, they are flawless. You can check the stator with an ohm meter to see if it is a problem, I would say a staotr problem would be on the low end of my whats wrong scale, even ECU would be low, especially if it runs then quits, not to say it isn't cause that would be a sympton, as soon as it warms it breaks connection and quits. wire harness or connector would be my number 1 suspect.