Author Topic: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.  (Read 6056 times)

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Offline sandblaster

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How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« on: February 06, 2013, 05:30:26 PM »
One of our members asked me about how to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
So I put together some helpful suggestions that you may find useful.

I will be doing some follow up articles on how to resolve a problem with a seller or buyer.
Don't have a ETA on completion as we are starting to get busy again  :-o
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

Offline Foxx4Beaver

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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2013, 06:44:25 AM »
Good write-up.
I generally buy only from a handful of sellers that I've been doing business with for several years and stick with example,air filters.I've been buying my Twin-Airs from the same guy that's located out in CA for almost 5 years,because he has the cheapest price on them that I've found,and when you're throwing them in the trash after a few rides,it can get pricey.
If I'm just browsing around and come across something I like,I'll e-mail the person.If I get a good vibe out of the person(meaning he gives the right answers to my awkward questions I throw at him to throw him off)then I'll give them a chance...even sellers with 100% Positive Feedback can sell you a bad/wrong part...intentionally or un-intentionally.I never bid on anything...I'm the type of person,that,if I see something I want,I "Buy It Now" only.I don't have time to wait around for an auction to come to an end...and I don't want to use Automatic Bidding either.
Feedback is an issue with me....I've noticed alot of people neglecting to post ANY Feedback these days.In the last 6 months,I've had to write 9 e-mails to sellers that never left feedback,saying that I was very happy with their business and with the item I purchased...BUT,because they had'nt left ANY Feedback after 2 weeks,that I would not be a returning customer.I strongly believe that 2 weeks is MORE than an adequate amount of time to return the favor by posting Positive of the people I e-mailed had been 4 months!!
« Last Edit: February 07, 2013, 07:27:35 AM by Foxx4Beaver »
Excuse me, ma'am...but you've got extremely nice legs!!!...what time do they open???                                                                                                     

Offline sandblaster

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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2013, 07:53:09 AM »
Yep, I also sort by "Buy it now" as I want it in the mail NOW!
I have received  20,144 feedbacks.
I have given 32,153 feedbacks.
37.3% of people don't bother with it  :x
Currently I have one negative.
It will be gone in a few days.
A guy bought a fender and never paid.
We filed a non-payment so we could get our selling fees back.
The same day we get a negative with a "No" for the description.
I contacted eBay and explained the problem.
They told me that as soon as I close the unpaid item case out that I can have the negative removed.
So I'm stuck with it till Monday....
Thanks PayBay!
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

Offline Foxx4Beaver

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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2013, 08:04:52 AM »
A guy bought a fender and never paid.

That sucks!!....I ALWAYS pay the SECOND I click "Buy It Now"...from the time I click "Buy It Now",till my e-mail from Pay-Pal comes through,is less than a minute.
Compared to you,I'm just a tiny pi$$-ant on e-bay,with only 521 for a score...but my feedback is 100%.Granted,I'm not running a business on there either....I'm just a random buyer.
Excuse me, ma'am...but you've got extremely nice legs!!!...what time do they open???                                                                                                     

Offline sandblaster

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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2013, 09:27:20 AM »
521 is a lot for a buyer.
Unfortunately for a buyer the feedback really has no meaning like it did in the early days.
Because a seller can't leave neutral or negative feedback.
You can only leave positive feedback or none at all.
In our case as soon as the person pays they automatically get positive feedback regardless of what happens later.
But hey, it's the ePay way :-)
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

Offline Foxx4Beaver

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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2013, 10:08:33 AM »
521 is a lot for a buyer.

Yeah it's higher than average....but I have a WIDE range of purchase preferences.Between my truck,sled,street bike,two KX's,buying funny/obscene T-shirts and sweatshirts,PS3 games...and 8 1/2 years..I think it's about right :-D

As for the feedback...I left negative feedback once back when I first started using it in 04.I never took the "Estimated Delivery Time" into consideration,and an item I bought took alot longer than the ETA.Since then,I've always left Positive..providing everything is/went good with the transaction/purchase.If not...I'll e-mail the seller to try and make things right,and so far,I've always had good luck doing this....fortunately I've only had to twice.
Excuse me, ma'am...but you've got extremely nice legs!!!...what time do they open???                                                                                                     

Offline 81cr450

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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2013, 12:16:39 PM »

Yup I'm one of the azzholz who dont leave feedback, just because a seller can't leave neutral or negative feedback. Even when you could it was a double edge sword. Right now feedback is used to tax sellers on their listing fee's with the 4 star program. People are never 100% satisfied with "anything" so ebay uses the 3 stars & less to charge the sellers more in listing fee's. If it worked I'd do it but it really is just BS like alot of personal opinions on the internet.

if I only had a pair, I could actually ride this thing

& to the people I like  FYYFF

Offline maddoggy

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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2013, 07:48:01 AM »
A guy bought a fender and never paid.

That sucks!!....I ALWAYS pay the SECOND I click "Buy It Now"...from the time I click "Buy It Now",till my e-mail from Pay-Pal comes through,is less than a minute.
Compared to you,I'm just a tiny pi$$-ant on e-bay,with only 521 for a score...but my feedback is 100%.Granted,I'm not running a business on there either....I'm just a random buyer.

i do the same thing foxx4. i see no reason to wait to pay. if i buy something i want it now, i don't think the seller should have to wonder if they need to relist the item again. just pay now and remember to leave feedback. in fact i think ebay should force you to leave feedback before you can make another purchase. of course i realize that could be problematic, but i think something similar could be implimented. not sure if i stated that right but i think you guys get the jist of what i'm saying

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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2013, 07:55:43 AM »
a month ago i lost the one and only key i had for my snowmachine, so i bought a new ignition set on ebay. that same day, i found the missing key in the bed of my truck. i contacted the seller and explained what happened and asked if we could cancel the order. he was cool with that and i told him to keep the shipping cost so that he could cover the cost of relisting the item. he appreciated the gesture but refused to keep the shipping fee and said "stuff happens and thats ok, i hope to see you purchase something else from our store in the future" . thats a great seller and i wish all ebay sellers were like that.

Offline sandblaster

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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2013, 08:31:45 AM »
That is a good seller.
Here is a general template as to how we handle these cases:

Yes, we can help you with this.
Here is how it works.
We will have eBay send you a notice to cancel the transaction.
Once you receive the notice from eBay you will need to AGREE to cancel the transaction.
Only you can cancel the transaction, we can't do it from our end.
If you do not agree to cancel the transaction eBay will give you an unpaid item strike against your account.
There is nothing we can do to prevent it if you do not agree to cancel it.
So please, AGREE to cancel the transaction.
No restocking fees or transactions fees are necessary.
If you have any questions feeel free to email us or call us at 541-603-2993.

It's amazing how many people ask to cancel a transaction, and then never AGREE to cancel it once they get the notice.
All they have to do it click on the AGREE button one time and yet they never AGREE to do it...
Geeze Louise!!! Just AGREE !!!  :-D
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.


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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #10 on: March 12, 2013, 12:19:06 PM »
Okay. here is one for ya blaster.

I buy a flashlight for my father for Xmas       it comes without the charger and batts (added in)    .....

I got it 2 days before Xmas.

give it as a gift.

I contacted the seller the SAME HOUR I oppened the package.

sent them 4 emails, and 2 phone calls within 2 weeks.

No responce.

so I file a ebay claim  after the 2 weeks.

They DONT respond to the ebay claim either.

I win the claim.

unfortunatly ... the resolution was to send the light back..   which I explained to ebay that is not possible, that I need a PARTIAL refund to go buy some batts and a charger....

I get stuck.  ebay wont bend.

so im out batts and a charger.

3 months pass.

and I get this email from the seller..

You had agreed to remove the negative feedback you left for us but you still have not done it. Is there a particular reason why you have not kept your word? Is there something else we need to do? I am just trying to clear up old business and this one is still on my list. I will give you a call later today to see what we can do to resolve this.
Take care,

The seller now has TONS of negative feedback since I bought my light.. mostly the same BS.

I think he is trying to spam BULK email Bully away his bad feedback?!

is there a way to notify ebay of this crap?
« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 12:22:02 PM by Motorrad »

Offline sandblaster

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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #11 on: March 12, 2013, 01:07:48 PM »
If you have a problem with a seller and can't resolve it then you need to turn it in. (You did)
The seller would not resolve even after a dispute had been started. (Unusual)
eBay would not send you a refund until you sent the part back and provided tracking and the tracking showed it as delivered.
You didn't want to send it back (Understandable) but eBay will not refund..
The only work around would be to send the seller a box of the same size and weight with tracking.
What the box contained would be up to your conscience  :-o
Of course the seller could report and it may delay your payment but it seems to me that it would be your word against his and when that is the case, eBay typically sides with the buyer.
Regarding the email you received, I believe you only have 45 days to change the feedback so it's way too late unless he could get a court order. (Fat chance)
Further, if the email was sent through the eBay messaging system, look at the bottom of the email.
You should be able to report the email as harassment.

I checked his feedback, what a idiot.
If we have a problem we take care of it even if it's not our fault.
I've got one I'm working on right now, and it's not our fault....
No warning, no dispute...
I got his phone number from eBay and called him immediately.
He was really mad but after I calmed him down and figured out what was wrong it turns out that he had a different problem entirely.
He has apologized and said he would change the feedback but he hasn't yet so we'll see...
« Last Edit: March 12, 2013, 01:14:39 PM by sandblaster »
The four stroke engine: That's one stroke for producing power and three for wearing the engine out.

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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #12 on: March 12, 2013, 02:34:23 PM »
I haven't had any bad experiences with Flea Bay.........I have found lots of good deals on there myself.  Crap, I think I just jinxed myself :lol:
I once heard my buddy Bill ask Danny Hamel after a race....
"How can someone who looks like a high school band tuba player go so d**n fast on a bike?!"


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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2013, 11:42:16 AM »
God. why do I have the worse luck.

ordered a main jet.   was one shipping day away, and new.     okay easy.    a 142 Kehein jet.

what do I get.?

a 132.     

Bloody hell, I cant win

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Re: How to buy on eBay and not get ripped off.
« Reply #14 on: November 14, 2013, 11:52:22 AM »
take a drill bit to it....... :-D
I once heard my buddy Bill ask Danny Hamel after a race....
"How can someone who looks like a high school band tuba player go so d**n fast on a bike?!"