I did not purchase the bike yet. However, I was assuming that all the 100's were pretty much the same frame as the 80 with a longer swing arm and the larger wheels? Did not think they came with the smaller wheels? I'm considering a 100 for my daughter, she had a CR-80 with the normal small wheels and she really was too tall for it (All legs!). Long story behind it but I sold the 80. I have an 05 KX-125 that I put a KDX220r motor on for woods riding. The 125 is closer to the right height for her but, she would rather something a little lighter. That's why I'm considering a 100. My only other concern with the 100 is the distance from the foot pegs to the top of the seat. Like I said, she is all legs at 5'7" but barely tips the scale at 100lbs.
Did the 100's come with either small or big wheels off the showroom floor?