Hey Chod,
Please don't think we were being judgemental, I can get all of that I need from Church
I know how hard it is to get something across in written word. Trust me, If the concensus is that you have it coming you will know it.
The guys know an honest question and when they're being "Baited"
I'm 47, 5'8 and 240. There is a kind of a thing to starting the bike however the compression release is the way to go from what I can see.
Next time out, take along a 5 gallon bucket and set it just behind the left footpeg.
Use the bucket to stand on for balance and then git that thing fired up and warm. I usually only need the bucket to get it started in the morning or use it obviously when back at the truck. The other option is to start the bike while still tied down in the truck and warm it up. The bike doesn't move at all and you can really jump on it!
Trust me I would very much like to have the Comp. Rel. and the squish modified and get the whole Mary-Ann coated with the fancy ceramic stuff.
Four wheelers are o.k., but if your still sporting a modified KX 500 you're probably a pretty tough dude. besides, you'd have to build a hayabusa quad to be happy
I tell you what, you try the 14 tooth counter up front. Like the guys said it will increase your acceleration and give up some top end. If that doesn't give you what you need I will send you a steel 50 off my kids CRF450 and you can try that.
I wouldn't recommend keeping an old sprocket on the bike and messing up your chain. I can't imagine a few miles would tear it up. All you would have to pay is to ship it back.