Author Topic: My bike...  (Read 2208 times)

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My bike...
« on: March 06, 2004, 03:56:53 PM »
Just rode a couple of tanks worth today and I wanted to share a couple of things:

1. My bike doesn't vibrate...not even as much as an '04 250! The crank work is the ticket (Allignment). Shimming the motor is, also, an advantage here. This I know due to the fact that I was very attentive to "Shiming" while installing my motor last week (Two Cell calls to Johnny while doing it :oops: )! I'll post the install sequence after I talk to the guys at Kawi.

2. This is what I was told today: "You know, even when you're just rolling the throttle on all nice and easy, your bike is throwing a roost EVERYWHERE!"...this is from a couple of guys on the latest and greatest Thumpers from Europe and Japan!  The point? My motor is a Pro-Circuit ported/head machined motor assembled by John Braasch at Kawasaki. Why do I make this point? Look, I ride new stockers ALL THE TIME! These motors REALLY ARE DIFFERENT! A hard pull from idle that RIVALS a KTM 520 with ALL THE TRICKS that Larry Roesler can muster! That's my point ! Thanks Bones and John.

I think what I'm really trying to say is this: My motor is a well assembled example of what ANY OF US can have. No "V-Force"..however, I ALWAYS run good reeds...those "Carbon Boyseens" are next on my list!. I always have clean and well adjusted KIPS valves, well packed silencer, good Exhaust O-rings, good plugs, good gas, keep up on my "Top-End" maint., get the point.

After getting to know people like Rick, I'm of the belief that NOTHING..and I mean NOTHING, is as Raw and Pure Moto as a well built and maintained K5! Nothing!

Ultimately, I posted this to say the following: Build a good K5, get the suspension and motor done right, and have a helluva time making your Thumper friends wonder why the HEII they bought their scooters!

Good Gas.
Good Oil.
Good Maintainence.
Good Suspension Tuning and/or Mod's (I'm a real big fan of Pro-Circuit and their "Link-Rods").
Smart Motor Mod's (I'm not gonna recommend that EVERYONE get an after-market pipe...I think the Stocker gets a bad rap!)
Good Tires.
Lot's of riding!

Can you tell that I had a REALLY GOOD DAY and put 2 tanks thru my latest K5 on our new track? No-one got a better "Pull" up/over the Hill! NO-ONE! The KTM guys ended their day EARLY!!!!!! I think they were PI$$ED! Here's this K5 running like a mad 250 and just roosting their stuff!

I was rolling into this Hi-Speed turn with a rut/berm that was one of those "You're In or you're Out" deals and the "Pumpkin Heads" were trying to figure out how to get their "Cammers" to pull in, hold the line, and RIP(!) out as hard as my "Old-Tech"(!) Kwaker! :P

So, to rub it in, I'd come up on one of them and take an INSIDE LINE(!) in this "One line-You're In or You're OUT" and STILL rip'em a new one exiting and pulling up the hill to the 'Over-the-Top' jump! Suckers! It was a Very Green Thing! :lol:
I have a feeling that Paul would love our little GNCC come Out-Door MX track....




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My bike...
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2004, 07:36:04 PM »
Sounds like someone had a good day!!