Author Topic: Quick fix for 99 front fender.  (Read 2317 times)

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Quick fix for 99 front fender.
« on: May 08, 2006, 12:45:14 PM »
Hey as some of you know I was having a problem with my front fender hitting the frame by the exaughst exit on the cylinder, and I have seen pics of a couple other 99s that are having the same problem. As I was putting my silencer back on after repacking it and putting the washers back in place I came up with a brillant plan to fix it! 

Put two decent sized washers on the bolts closest to the frame to lift the front fender up more in the back.

Wallah! a 10 cent fix for a problem Ive had for a couple years now lol, No more scraping when I turn the bars anymore, I now have a healthy 1 inch gap between the frame and the fender and am quite happy with my quick fix :P

Hope this helps other 99ers with this problem.