Learned a few interesting things about the machines in photos #1 and #2...........
Photo #1Fact #1.....Poor attempt at a discrete street motorcycle
Fact #2.....Makes astounding amounts of power
Fact #3.....I didn't even twist the throttle enough to get the KIPS to open thus making Fact #2 that much more
Photo #2Fact #1.....40 year old technology will out corner 21st century technology very easily with good rider
Fact #2.....right sided shift and 4 speed with reverse shift pattern takes getting used to....I did it in 3 corners
Fact #3.....Torquey motor makes the need for a 4 speed unecessary......realisticly you only need neutral and 4th
I trucked my Yamaha R1 to San Diego and had the pleasure of taking part in an awsome 150 mile (guesstimated) ride through some of the most beautiful twisty roads that southern California has to offer.....not to mention that the fine gentlemen I road with made awsome tour guides.......I can't say enough about the character of both "Motorrad's". The ride was without incident however there was some brain storming that took place concerning my possible future motorcycles and things to be done to my existing stable.....thus I have made many threats to my wallet.