I'll be a son of a ___tch I took everything apart and flipped the spring over then put pressure on the pads with my fingers and it pumped right up unbelievable and never come accross anything like it.
It's 1:35 here in michigan and I just finished up so from my last post until now it took me cleaning everything up and adjusting everything tightening and retightening all buttoned up and man between the new pads and stainless lines and the fasst spring and clevis what a solid brake and can't wait to try it out tomorrow to see how good it stops.
Bike bandit sent me the wrong galfer stainless front line so I have to wait until the new line comes in to tune the front brakes up but we'll check the rear.
Fasst billet brake clevis no more play in the brakes and the spring loaded brake return
Huge thanks motorad I can't believe it was just that simple