I know alot of you ride in the woods and run brush guards or lever guards on your bikes. However, if you're just running brush guards, or nothing at all like me, the ASV unbreakable levers are something to consider. Since I spend more time picking myself and my bike up off of the ground, I purchased the clutch lever right away after I got the bike. Cost for the shorty universal lever was $75. Two days later I cased a pumpkin patch out at Borrego and wiped out big time. The clutch lever was fine, the break lever was destroyed. A few days later I purchased the brake lever.
Now a few weeks later I have learned a few things about ASV and these levers. The clutch levers come in standard universal mount or pro perch. I bought the standard universal and later wanted to buy the nylon bushing that goes inside the clamp to allow lateral movement of the lever in a crash. ASV does not make those for the standard universal mount. Only the pro perch has those bushings. The nice thing was that they sent me a pro perch for my existing lever assembly and simply charged me the difference between the two. I think it was $50. The pro perch runs $125 complete with brake lever, etc... Additionally, ASV makes a billet bottom clamp for the brake lever assembly that also includes the nylon sleeve. That runs $25. Since the master cylinder is incorporated into the brake lever assembly, when you purchase the ASV brake lever, you just get the lever, spring, etc.. and actually replace just the lever portion of your brake asssembly.
In short, if you are considering going this route, do yourself a favor and spring for the pro perch clutch with the nylon insert which allows for lateral movement of the clutch lever assembly. Also, spring for the brake lever assembly bottom clamp with nylon sleeve to do the same for the brake side. They guarantee these levers not to break for like 3 or 5 years. However, who gives a *$%# about a guarantee when you're in the middle of the desert or woods with no clutch.