Author Topic: Trick to repacking silencer?  (Read 3116 times)

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Trick to repacking silencer?
« on: June 03, 2005, 06:52:11 AM »
Hey everyone:

I have a 93 KX5 with what appears to be the stock (Powercore) silencer.  Based on a number of posts I had read about noise, weight, environment, etc. I had decided that I should repack it and based on the weight/sound, I suspect it is long over due.  The problem is that I can't get it apart.  There is probably so much gunk in there that it will not separate from the external housing.

Are there any tricks to this?  I have removed all of the screws, I tried tapping both ends with a rubber mallet, I've tried a little bit of heat and I've even clamped it in my vice and yanked on the pipe - Nothing.

Any thoughts or ideas would be helpful.


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Trick to repacking silencer?
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2005, 05:03:34 AM »
I clamp the pipe in a vice (not too tight, as it will distort the pipe), and use a rubber mallet on the mounting tab to get the two to seperate.



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Re: Trick to repacking silencer?
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2007, 02:47:59 PM »
Yep, I'm in the same predicament.

I've learned that you have to remove the threaded collars from the inside of the endcap, and FMF says you only remove the front endcap, not the rear.

I guess I'll go try beat on it some more.


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Re: Trick to repacking silencer?
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2007, 05:20:30 AM »

Remove bolts and inserts from inlet side, hold linlet in hand with silencer hanging down, smack mounting tab area with scrap 2x4 about a half dozen times, voila!


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Re: Trick to repacking silencer?
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2007, 08:44:15 AM »
mine caused the same - I clamped it like stated early and used a rubber mallet on the mounting bolts - it took a lot but it finally came off - I  dont think the other owner ever repacked it
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Re: Trick to repacking silencer?
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2007, 12:10:21 AM »
Hey everyone:

I have a 93 KX5 with what appears to be the stock (Powercore) silencer.  Based on a number of posts I had read about noise, weight, environment, etc. I had decided that I should repack it and based on the weight/sound, I suspect it is long over due.  The problem is that I can't get it apart.  There is probably so much gunk in there that it will not separate from the external housing.

Are there any tricks to this?  I have removed all of the screws, I tried tapping both ends with a rubber mallet, I've tried a little bit of heat and I've even clamped it in my vice and yanked on the pipe - Nothing.

Any thoughts or ideas would be helpful.

If your silencer says "Powercore" on it, it's not stock it's an FMF aftermarket silencer. As for a repack, separating the core from the outer body can be a pain. I spray PB Blaster in the inner to outer joints let it sit for a few days. This will aid in breaking down the caked carbon inside the silencer, and help free the core up. After you remove the bolts, use a block of wood, and start smacking. The core might get bent in the process, but you can tweak it back into position after you get it removed. When you wrap the fresh packing around the core, wrap the packing as TIGHT as possible, and do multiple layers. Next wrap the packing with masking tape to easily allow the packed core to slide up inside the aluminum body.
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