KX Riders
Maintenance & Technical => KDX (KX step child) => Topic started by: BDI on February 25, 2011, 03:49:41 PM
So I had this 1994 klx 250 fall into my hands with a blowed engine.Come to find out you gots ta put earl in em. I'm going to put this thing back together but I was wondering what can I do to update the looks. can I get newer plastics that will fit on this? I have seen some cool road going klx bikes. Does anyone know of any cool KlX parts or sites. I know nothing about this bike.
Thats a KLX not a KDX. My brother has a ex Team Green KLX300 with a 331 BB built by Stroker Racing, now 4 Stroke Works. It has a extended swingarm, modified shock with KX internals, KX500 forks. It was pretty tricked out and ridden by a local Team Green rider in enduros. Theres all kinds of stuff for these bikes, 365 BB kits, E start kits etc. The late model KLX250 dualsports are very similar. Ive seen KLXs with 99-02 KX tanks and plastics on them. Yours has a aftermarket tank on it. They make great little woods bikes when built right and can humble the expensive euro trash in the right conditions!
I think he might be fishing :-D
Thanks For some reason I always mix up kdx and klx. I can't keep it strait in my head.
Bought my 351 big bore kit and 36mm pumper carb. here. Bill Blue http://bandbcyclerestorations.com/ real nice guy, trucked my bike up to him with a FMF full pipe I purchased. 351 kit & carb $800, my supplied pipe $600, his labor to install all and jet $200. Also removed the reed valve that injects air into the exhaust. Added the KDX air snorkel. One day service, total for project $1600. This bike is fun to ride now.
My bike is a 2006 KLX-S 250
Long term review. http://www.advrider.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3008242&postcount=1645
klx forum. http://klxforum.suncup.net/
Sweet bike danger. Is this one of those bikes that stayed the same for years like the 500 did? will I be able to up date it with newer klx part? I really don't know crap about this bike. It's one of those bikes I would have never gave a second look at but now that I have one it looks like it could be a cool bike. My goal is to fix it and sell it to make some money but I'm thinking it might not be a bad commuter bike. It would probably pay for itself in no time.
So I take it no one knows anything about these bikes :?
About the only thing I know on the KLX250 is it shares some parts with the KLX300.
I don't know the specifics on all the interchangeability but that is a place to start.
My question is how bad is the engine?
Theres no oil in the engine and you can't get the engine to roll over by rocking it in fifth.I'm assuming the cranke is done and it needs all new bearings. I'm hoping the top end is still good. I took the valve cover off and it looks like a brand new bike inside. The radiators look like new inside and the brake pads are 75%, I'm pretty sure they are stock. I think this bike is very low hour for a 1994.
Pull the cam clamps off and take a look at them on the inside.
The journals should be smooth with no marring.
If they are not smooth and unmarred then the top end lost oiling and you will have to have the cam journals repaired as well as a complete rebuild.
Also, the cams would have to be replaced if the journals are worn.
If it all looks good, try pushing the valves open (one at a time) with the palm of your hand.
They should all open and shut smoothly.
If it all looks good you should as a minimum have the valves ground and the seals replaced.
I'm going to yank the engine and gut it. I'm going to split the cases and rebuild the engine from the bottom up, It will be as new when I'm done.
That should do it :lol:
was looking the bike over and noticed it has a 1mm spacer under the jug so I assume it has a 2mm stroker crank in it.
BDI got a KLX.... How long till I get beat by it at the dunes? :evil: :evil:
I hear those are great bikes... if you use them for their intended purpose... Id like to get my hands on one...