KX Riders

General => In General... => Topic started by: martinfan30 on January 17, 2011, 05:34:40 AM

Title: Home Brew
Post by: martinfan30 on January 17, 2011, 05:34:40 AM
Anyone here make your own beer? Just got a Mr Beer 2 gallon kit last week and started a batch of pale ale. It seems to still be fermenting. Although the bubbles are slowly dissipating. I want to bottle it, but don't want to rush it. Any tips, tricks or ideas?

Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on January 17, 2011, 06:49:03 AM
Wow you have stumbled on my "other' sickness besides motorcycles.

I have been brewing for YEARS... way before it was "Cool"...

My current capacitys are...
20Gallon Batches.
70Gallons worth of fermenters.
150 Gallons worth of Corny kegs
10Tap Kegorator, 1 of which is a guinness tap on nitrogen
8' digital temp controlled lagering fridge

I have several awards from local competitions.. (del mar fair). for some of my recipes..




Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on January 17, 2011, 06:57:20 AM
Oh as far as tips..

You will never get Great beer out of that kit... drinkable.. yes... but GREAT... no...  Just not enough controll etc..


How long ago did you start the fermentation (put yeast in it)?   
What tempuraturs has it been fermenting at (temp of room its in)
What kind of yeast? (ale or lager)
Do you have a original gravity reading?

#1 mistake most make is bottling too soon..  as either fermentatin isnt done yet.. OR.. alot of newbs dont know.. that yeast when fermenting leave "off flavors" behind while they do their work.. and if you let it sit for a while after they are done "eating".. they will actually clean up after themselfs a little bit... ... autalisis isnt an issue in small batches...   but oxigination is with plastic.. so... its all a balance..

A great book to pick up and read in your extra time.. you will learn alothttp://www.amazon.com/Complete-Homebrewing-Third-Harperresource-Book/dp/0060531053
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: martinfan30 on January 17, 2011, 07:11:11 AM
Oh as far as tips..

You will never get Great beer out of that kit... drinkable.. yes... but GREAT... no...  Just not enough controll etc..


How long ago did you start the fermentation (put yeast in it)?   
What tempuraturs has it been fermenting at (temp of room its in)
What kind of yeast? (ale or lager)
Do you have a original gravity reading?

#1 mistake most make is bottling too soon..  as either fermentatin isnt done yet.. OR.. alot of newbs dont know.. that yeast when fermenting leave "off flavors" behind while they do their work.. and if you let it sit for a while after they are done "eating".. they will actually clean up after themselfs a little bit... ... autalisis isnt an issue in small batches...   but oxigination is with plastic.. so... its all a balance..

I added the wort to the keg, then the yeast. This was at 5pm last monday.

Temperature has been between 66 and 68, constant.

The yeast is just what came with the can of HME. 2 gm of brewing yeast. IDK what strain, it's dry.

I don't have anything to measure specific gravity.

This kit seems to be a beginners kit. I followed the directions with the kit in great detail. I do however plan to upgrade after I brew the remaining 3 cans of HME. We have a local brewing supply store and was in there drooling over the bigger 5 gal capacity fermenters/kits.

I can say I am already addicted to this process! It's cool man. I really like your setup, and see myself there in a couple years EASILY!

I am waiting for the bubbles and floating colonies to subside and go away like the book said before I bottle. (1 liter plastic bottles with plastic sealed caps).

Then I'm supposed to bottle, and warm condition for at least 7 days, then cold condition for at least a couple.

Any help you give is greatly appreciated! I don't have anyone here to discuss and BS with over the process. :-D
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on January 17, 2011, 07:18:43 AM
Oh as far as tips..

You will never get Great beer out of that kit... drinkable.. yes... but GREAT... no...  Just not enough controll etc..


How long ago did you start the fermentation (put yeast in it)?   
What tempuraturs has it been fermenting at (temp of room its in)
What kind of yeast? (ale or lager)
Do you have a original gravity reading?

#1 mistake most make is bottling too soon..  as either fermentatin isnt done yet.. OR.. alot of newbs dont know.. that yeast when fermenting leave "off flavors" behind while they do their work.. and if you let it sit for a while after they are done "eating".. they will actually clean up after themselfs a little bit... ... autalisis isnt an issue in small batches...   but oxigination is with plastic.. so... its all a balance..

I added the wort to the keg, then the yeast. This was at 5pm last monday.

Temperature has been between 66 and 68, constant.

The yeast is just what came with the can of HME. 2 gm of brewing yeast. IDK what strain, it's dry.

I don't have anything to measure specific gravity.

This kit seems to be a beginners kit. I followed the directions with the kit in great detail. I do however plan to upgrade after I brew the remaining 3 cans of HME. We have a local brewing supply store and was in there drooling over the bigger 5 gal capacity fermenters/kits.

I can say I am already addicted to this process! It's cool man. I really like your setup, and see myself there in a couple years EASILY!

I am waiting for the bubbles and floating colonies to subside and go away like the book said before I bottle. (1 liter plastic bottles with plastic sealed caps).

Then I'm supposed to bottle, and warm condition for at least 7 days, then cold condition for at least a couple.

Any help you give is greatly appreciated! I don't have anyone here to discuss and BS with over the process. :-D

Well the bubbles shold slow and stop within the next few days (id bet wednesday)..
Id bottle 2-3 days after it stops.. (If it were a glass setup Id say a week, to let the yeast clean up after themselfs... but too much risk with the plastic).. when you bottle... the less airation the better (no splashing, etc of the beer, as oxigen is bad...).. (I actually purge my kegs bottles etc with CO2 when filling... to get all air out.. (airation when putting into the fermenter is good (before adding yeast)...
Extract tends to chug longer than all grain from my VERY limited experiance with extract...  (on the next two batches, you may want to consider steeping some specialty grains to give the extract some more flavor. (like making tea.. very easy to do, with a local beer supply store)... I can walk you through it... If you want to give it a shot...    can do it on the stove with some water, and pantie hoes actually...
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: martinfan30 on January 17, 2011, 07:24:05 AM
I am very interested in trying some steeping, and adding additional flavor to the beer that this kit produces. I saw a "Muslin"??? bag at the store and think thats what I would use. A little walk through would be cool man! I will follow your advise for this batch and look forward to getting more involved.

I noticed from what I read, that I don't have much control like you say. I don't like that... So I will be stepping up to some more equipment for sure.

Love the stooges pic! :lol:
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on January 17, 2011, 07:37:53 AM
I am very interested in trying some steeping, and adding additional flavor to the beer that this kit produces. I saw a "Muslin"??? bag at the store and think thats what I would use. A little walk through would be cool man! I will follow your advise for this batch and look forward to getting more involved.

I noticed from what I read, that I don't have much control like you say. I don't like that... So I will be stepping up to some more equipment for sure.

Love the stooges pic! :lol:

Yep a Muslin back is what you would use if you dont want to go the ghetto pantie hoes way (id reccomend the mulsin)..

what kits do you have left?  (flavors)

The RED would be the best to add flavor to....
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: martinfan30 on January 17, 2011, 12:34:40 PM
I have a can (HME) of Golden Lager, Red Ale and Amber Ale.

A  little confused about the Lager. I understand it's different and needs to be cold conditioned?
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on January 17, 2011, 12:52:26 PM
I have a can (HME) of Golden Lager, Red Ale and Amber Ale.

A  little confused about the Lager. I understand it's different and needs to be cold conditioned?

The Yeast likes to work at colder temp's.. (Mid to high 40's)... where ALE yeast likes to work at warmer temps... (50's-70's depending on strain)

thats what they mean by Cold conditioned..

Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: martinfan30 on January 17, 2011, 12:54:53 PM
Ok, I see.

Now, do you prefer to use a liquid yeast or dry strain? Is either better for an Ale vs a Lager? Or does it not really matter, and either can be used either way?
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on January 17, 2011, 01:10:49 PM
Ok, I see.

Now, do you prefer to use a liquid yeast or dry strain? Is either better for an Ale vs a Lager? Or does it not really matter, and either can be used either way?

I like the Liquid (Pitchable) yeast...

they tend to be healthear more viable yeast....   at the size of the batches Im doing... I normaly get one Vial of yest... and do a starter (grow the yeast).. resulting in a LARGE ammount of yeast... Saaves me money from buying it when dealing with 20gal batches... also gets you a good Pitch rate.. (too little yeast, and you stress them out, too much and same issue)  all depends on your OG and volume...

If your going to try the steeping... Id do it on the RED....   toss some Crystal 60, perhapse some crystal 80,  in there... and......... (will make a list).. should get some good (better) flavor out of it..

I have had issues with Whitelabs in the past... (FUNK). Unfortunatly since they are local to me. as have some of my buddys that brew for a living...   I have since swapped to Wyeast smack packs (as have they, only not smack packs as they are professional)... 
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on January 17, 2011, 01:20:18 PM
For fun

<<KX500 IPA>>A ProMash Recipe Report

BJCP Style and Style Guidelines

14-B India Pale Ale, American IPA

Min OG: 1.056 Max OG: 1.075
Min IBU: 40 Max IBU: 72
Min Clr: 6 Max Clr: 15 Color in SRM, Lovibond

Recipe Specifics

Batch Size (Gal): 10.00 Wort Size (Gal): 10.00
Total Grain (Lbs): 25.25
Anticipated OG: 1.075 Plato: 18.20
Anticipated SRM: 9.1
Anticipated IBU: 140.4
Brewhouse Efficiency: 79 %
Wort Boil Time: 100 Minutes

Pre-Boil Amounts

Evaporation Rate: 15.00 Percent Per Hour
Pre-Boil Wort Size: 13.33 Gal
Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.056 SG 13.86 Plato

Formulas Used

Brewhouse Efficiency and Predicted Gravity based on Method #1, Potential Used.
Final Gravity Calculation Based on Points.
Hard Value of Sucrose applied. Value for recipe: 46.2100 ppppg
% Yield Type used in Gravity Prediction: Fine Grind Dry Basis.

Color Formula Used: Morey
Hop IBU Formula Used: Rager

Additional Utilization Used For Plug Hops: 2 %
Additional Utilization Used For Pellet Hops: 10 %


% Amount Name Origin Potential SRM
83.2 21.00 lbs. Maris Otter ? 1.038 3
3.0 0.75 lbs. Wheat Malt America 1.038 2
2.0 0.50 lbs. CaraMunich 60 France 1.034 60
4.0 1.00 lbs. Aromatic Malt Belgium 1.036 25
4.0 1.00 lbs. CaraVienna France 1.035 20
4.0 1.00 lbs. CaraPilsner France 1.035 10

Potential represented as SG per pound per gallon.


Amount Name Form Alpha IBU Boil Time
3.00 oz. Northern Brewer Pellet 9.00 61.1 70 min.
0.50 oz. Amarillo Gold Pellet 10.00 10.9 55 min.
0.50 oz. Cascade Pellet 5.75 6.3 55 min.
0.50 oz. Centennial Pellet 10.50 11.5 55 min.
0.50 oz. Amarillo Gold Pellet 10.00 8.3 40 min.
0.50 oz. Cascade Pellet 5.75 4.8 40 min.
0.50 oz. Centennial Pellet 10.50 8.7 40 min.
0.50 oz. Amarillo Gold Pellet 10.00 4.4 25 min.
0.50 oz. Cascade Pellet 5.75 2.5 25 min.
0.50 oz. Centennial Pellet 10.50 4.6 25 min.
0.50 oz. Amarillo Gold Pellet 10.00 2.9 15 min.
0.50 oz. Cascade Pellet 5.75 1.7 15 min.
0.50 oz. Centennial Pellet 10.50 3.1 15 min.
1.00 oz. Amarillo Gold Pellet 10.00 3.6 5 min.
1.00 oz. Cascade Pellet 5.75 2.1 5 min.
1.00 oz. Centennial Pellet 10.50 3.8 5 min.


Amount Name Type Time
0.10 Oz Irish Moss Fining 15 Min.(boil)


White Labs WLP002 English Ale

Water Profile

Profile: Marin County CA
Profile known for:

Calcium(Ca): 12.0 ppm
Magnesium(Mg): 10.0 ppm
Sodium(Na): 15.0 ppm
Sulfate(SO4): 17.0 ppm
Chloride(Cl): 13.0 ppm
biCarbonate(HCO3): 74.0 ppm

pH: 8.31

Mash Schedule

Mash Name:

Total Grain Lbs: 25.25
Total Water Qts: 29.04 - Before Additional Infusions
Total Water Gal: 7.26 - Before Additional Infusions

Tun Thermal Mass: 0.00
Grain Temp: 70.00 F

Step Rest Start Stop Heat Infuse Infuse Infuse
Step Name Time Time Temp Temp Type Temp Amount Ratio
mash 5 30 100 100 Infuse 105 29.04 1.15

Total Water Qts: 29.04 - After Additional Infusions
Total Water Gal: 7.26 - After Additional Infusions
Total Mash Volume Gal: 9.28 - After Additional Infusions

All temperature measurements are degrees Fahrenheit.
All infusion amounts are in Quarts.
All infusion ratios are Quarts/Lbs.
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: martinfan30 on January 17, 2011, 09:28:58 PM
 :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

Holy s**t man! Very interesting, but I had no idea!!!!
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Danger4u2 on January 18, 2011, 01:25:35 AM
For sure get away from the plastic containers.  When you buy your fermentation vessel go with the 6 gallon jug.  Most of your kits require the 6 gallon container.  When I was making beer I used the kits.  They are "OK" but like Motorrad say's you must grind if you want to personalize your beer.  My neighbor wanted me to add a Valium to a bottle to see if it would still ferment.  I never did but I told him we could call it "Dummie Beer".  He's kind of, shall we say "out there".
I have not made any in years but I still have all my bottles and equipment.  I use Grolsch bottles with the swing lock top.  And what's the best part of using Grolsch bottles?  There full of beer when you buy them and you have to empty them.
There's nothing like live beer, most store bought beer has been pasteurized, come to think, all store beer is most likely pasteurized.
If you really get into it you should buy a beer bottle drying tree and faucet jet bottle washer.
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: martinfan30 on January 18, 2011, 04:07:27 AM
For sure get away from the plastic containers.  When you buy your fermentation vessel go with the 6 gallon jug.  Most of your kits require the 6 gallon container.  When I was making beer I used the kits.  They are "OK" but like Motorrad say's you must grind if you want to personalize your beer.  My neighbor wanted me to add a Valium to a bottle to see if it would still ferment.  I never did but I told him we could call it "Dummie Beer".  He's kind of, shall we say "out there".
I have not made any in years but I still have all my bottles and equipment.  I use Grolsch bottles with the swing lock top.  And what's the best part of using Grolsch bottles?  There full of beer when you buy them and you have to empty them.
There's nothing like live beer, most store bought beer has been pasteurized, come to think, all store beer is most likely pasteurized.
If you really get into it you should buy a beer bottle drying tree and faucet jet bottle washer.

I am looking at the 5 gallon jug kits, but I see the 6 gallon carboys look cool. I was thinking of those Grolsch bottles, but isn't it better going with brown bottles?
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: martinfan30 on January 19, 2011, 01:18:48 AM
Motorad, do you do extract or AG brewing? I found a site homebrewtalk.com, and trying to figure which path to take from my Mr B.

Extract brewing obviously seems easier, but capable of high quality beers. AG/Partial mash brewing seems like a ton of work(AG wise).

The partial mash video I saw didn't look too bad, but you have to have a barley crusher?
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on June 27, 2011, 05:43:49 PM
Anyone do anything latly?

I cracked some Apple Cider I did 1.5 years ago.. been aging...   me and my buddy opened 1gal jug of it, in the idea of Tasting it.. and checking carb level..   we ended up drinking the entire 1gal jug it was so good..    to top it off, It was at 9.2% alc/vol..
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on October 07, 2012, 04:28:19 PM
anyone play with Shine?

been talking about building a Pot Still for years (about 8 years now).

decided to take the plunge and go for it   (time to light off the TIG torch)

Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Brute on October 07, 2012, 05:52:56 PM
I started with making beer, added wine, then when a 5 gal wine batch got messed up I started distilling. First with a gallon jug, a crock pot filled with mineral oil and a water cooled tube to start with, then on to a larger one. ?Larry?s Brewing Warehouse? in Kent Washington sells all kinds of Brewing supplies and BEAUTIFUL distilling tanks. When I was making beer I took him a sample of one I had made up and he told me what and how much of everything I had put in the batch! Amazing. Nice guy too. Decided to stop it all and had him sell all my stuff. Distilling was great fun. I distilled everything using the gallon jug first to see what it would taste like and the original flavor of whatever I distilled always came through. My favorite was a dark beer I brewed. Distilled about ten gallons out of a 16 gallon batch of that once I liked it so much!
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Danger4u2 on October 08, 2012, 12:36:26 AM
I still have all my bottles, swing lock tops,  haven't used them in 30 years.  I had to wash off the dust for the picture.  About 50 of the small bottles, 30 of the pint size, 15 wine type and 5 of the big bottles.
2 of the clear flask type.  I should drag out my stuff and make a batch.


Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Dutch-K5 Fan on October 08, 2012, 04:24:01 AM
I see two Grolsch beugel flessen. A well known beer brand here in Holland.
I'm more of a Heineken man, but Grolsch will go in as well. :-D

Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on October 11, 2012, 02:17:38 PM
I started with making beer, added wine, then when a 5 gal wine batch got messed up I started distilling. First with a gallon jug, a crock pot filled with mineral oil and a water cooled tube to start with, then on to a larger one. ?Larry?s Brewing Warehouse? in Kent Washington sells all kinds of Brewing supplies and BEAUTIFUL distilling tanks. When I was making beer I took him a sample of one I had made up and he told me what and how much of everything I had put in the batch! Amazing. Nice guy too. Decided to stop it all and had him sell all my stuff. Distilling was great fun. I distilled everything using the gallon jug first to see what it would taste like and the original flavor of whatever I distilled always came through. My favorite was a dark beer I brewed. Distilled about ten gallons out of a 16 gallon batch of that once I liked it so much!

what kind of still Head are you running?   (pot, flute, bubble plate, bokabob,  blab blah blah)
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Hillbilly on October 12, 2012, 03:23:12 AM
Reminds me of Graffinvier in Germany.Flippie Beer,2 of those and i was done for.
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Brute on October 12, 2012, 12:24:52 PM
Home made old school! Glass gallon jug, crock pot filled with mineral oil, Cork in the top with a hole drilled in it, 2' of 1/4" copper tube with 1" conduit and washers silver soldered on, inlet on the bottom side, outlet on the top side. Hose from top to sink, hose on faucet to bottom inlet. Slow dribble of water to cool the coil. Did the long coiled copper tubing at first, but too much to work with and clean. You have to clean the tubing with vinegar for 20 minutes, then flush just before you start. If you clean the copper well you do not have to worry as much about getting poisoned.  :-D  Some still charcoal filter after, but that is a personal choice. There are things you watch for (blue tint, slick on the top of the liquid) so you know it is not contaminated. If the liquid "boils over", or gets in the tube you have to stop and clean everything again and start over. ALL distilled alcohol is clear. Additives or burnt oak give the color. Later outfit did 5 gal at a time. Old stainless 5 gal milk jug with the removable sealed top, but a 3/4" water cooled tube. Propane cook element to heat it SLOWLY. You can watch the vapor move up into the tube to the top of the copper. Acts like a liquid. When it starts to 'pour' over the top bend it starts the flow and the temp spikes. If it is too hot it will boil/foam up into the tube then you get to clean up and start over! Do NOT fill your vessel too full! 1/2 was usually pretty safe. Bringing back some memories. making me thirsty!

Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on October 12, 2012, 05:04:30 PM
Currently in my pile is

15gal keg.

3" stainless pipe  (5' long)

PID temp controller

5500W electric element

and various other bits.  to make a Vapeur management  setup (reducers, stainless ball valves, etc etc)..    should be right at 8' tall when im done...

will also have a quick connector in the lower section (about 2' up) to attache a pot still head for quick rum and whiskey runs...

sad thing.. I had all of that laying around  :-D   havnt bought a thing yet...    

Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Brute on October 12, 2012, 05:57:25 PM
If you are thinking of the keg for a still, keep in mind you have to clean the insides of the leftover 'stuff'. Kegs are bad for that unless you weld in an opening that can seal. Water boils at over 200, alcohol 175 or so. The PID would be great for that. Sounds like you want to go big time with the size! I always ran my stuff twice to get it up to 180 or more. The first stuff out is the strongest. The easy way to test it is lighting it on fire. When it gets down to around 80 the flame changes and/or you can not light it. Not worth going more. The flow will be less as well. I liked the 5 gal one as it could be stored out of the way, would do a 3 gal batch in about 45 minutes. I am talking 3 gal in. The out is whatever percentage you start with/stop at. Not much out! The higher content going in, the more you get out. At one time I had quite a collection of notes and recipes. Gave it all away.
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on October 13, 2012, 05:35:15 AM
If you are thinking of the keg for a still, keep in mind you have to clean the insides of the leftover 'stuff'. Kegs are bad for that unless you weld in an opening that can seal. Water boils at over 200, alcohol 175 or so. The PID would be great for that. Sounds like you want to go big time with the size! I always ran my stuff twice to get it up to 180 or more. The first stuff out is the strongest. The easy way to test it is lighting it on fire. When it gets down to around 80 the flame changes and/or you can not light it. Not worth going more. The flow will be less as well. I liked the 5 gal one as it could be stored out of the way, would do a 3 gal batch in about 45 minutes. I am talking 3 gal in. The out is whatever percentage you start with/stop at. Not much out! The higher content going in, the more you get out. At one time I had quite a collection of notes and recipes. Gave it all away.

I have like 5 15gal sanke kegs around.. and 2 pony kegs (7gal?)

the colum im building will attach to either.    so I can run BIG 15gal batch, or small 5gal batch.   a nice option.   and when I say 5gal run.. you could get away with a 3gal run with my electric element placement.

Im very familiar with the HEads, hearts and tails..    (heads, first out, is full of acetone, etc.. that is better for cleaing parts, than drinkign)

oh.. I have full sized keg washers... so no need to worry about cleaning them.  (that and BLC (beer line cleaner) works wonders.
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Brute on October 18, 2012, 06:55:38 PM
Must be the season! Guy at work was quite interested to do some distilling as well.
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on December 17, 2012, 05:29:55 AM
Must be the season! Guy at work was quite interested to do some distilling as well.

Was working on a 6' high Bokakob / vaper management still..     

But copper etc prices are so high.. that I decided to go another route...   Since my cost was getting so close to what I actually wanted.

a Bubble plate still..

specifically a Stilldragon...


Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on December 31, 2012, 04:41:11 PM
stumbled across some pictures of my Old Kegorator.

Still have the tap head off it...    need to put it back together again..   lots of fuzzy memorys with that thing.






Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: sandblaster on December 31, 2012, 05:00:57 PM
Mmmm.... I feel the urge to purge...  8-)
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on December 31, 2012, 05:06:50 PM
stumbled across some pictures of my Old Kegorator.

Still have the tap head off it...    need to put it back together again..   lots of fuzzy memorys with that thing.






Ive got the urge to go get another beer
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: sandblaster on December 31, 2012, 05:13:31 PM
I'm having a spot of tea  :-)
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on December 31, 2012, 05:18:38 PM
I'm having a spot of tea  :-)

Im quite the tea nerd as well.

have about 4 lbs of loose leaf around here.   

drink many cups a day..

but if I have any this late... I wont sleep
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: sandblaster on December 31, 2012, 05:34:21 PM
That is a lot of tea  :-o
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on December 31, 2012, 05:36:46 PM
That is a lot of tea  :-o

when ya buy it by the LB it gets cheap.

and then you hit a certain price, and shipping is free..

so I tend to go..

1LB assam
1lb irish breakfast
1lb earl grey
1lb Black dragon pearls
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: sandblaster on December 31, 2012, 05:42:48 PM
My favorites.
irish breakfast
earl grey
I haven't tried the others..
I'll have to put them on the list.
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on December 31, 2012, 05:44:52 PM
My favorites.
irish breakfast
earl grey
I haven't tried the others..
I'll have to put them on the list.

black dragon pearls are a real treat...  expensive      but d**n good.

How do you steep yours?

I use one of these..  have one at home  and (had) one at work..

best invention ever   (watch the video they have on it)

Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: sandblaster on December 31, 2012, 05:48:54 PM
That's cool,
I've always used my tea pot and strained it.
I guess I'll have to help stimulate the economy and get one.
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on December 31, 2012, 05:51:35 PM
That's cool,
I've always used my tea pot and strained it.
I guess I'll have to help stimulate the economy and get one.

did you watch their  video?

once you have one.. you will wonder how you ever did without...
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: sandblaster on December 31, 2012, 06:02:39 PM
Yep, I watched it.
Now it's time for bed.
Tea in moderation does not effect my sleep. :-D
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Brute on January 01, 2013, 09:53:50 AM
I have been around some of you serious tea guys! I am the guy that drives you nuts! I use one of those spring loaded tea steepers and an 'acorn' that screws together for loose tea. Yes, if I use a tea bag I swirl it around for a couple minutes and squeeze it into my cup before I toss it into the compost. Tea has never affected me as far as sleep. Coffee keeps me awake. They say tea has more caffeine. Go figure.
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on February 05, 2013, 01:54:21 PM
Home made old school! Glass gallon jug, crock pot filled with mineral oil, Cork in the top with a hole drilled in it, 2' of 1/4" copper tube with 1" conduit and washers silver soldered on, inlet on the bottom side, outlet on the top side. Hose from top to sink, hose on faucet to bottom inlet. Slow dribble of water to cool the coil. Did the long coiled copper tubing at first, but too much to work with and clean. You have to clean the tubing with vinegar for 20 minutes, then flush just before you start. If you clean the copper well you do not have to worry as much about getting poisoned.  :-D  Some still charcoal filter after, but that is a personal choice. There are things you watch for (blue tint, slick on the top of the liquid) so you know it is not contaminated. If the liquid "boils over", or gets in the tube you have to stop and clean everything again and start over. ALL distilled alcohol is clear. Additives or burnt oak give the color. Later outfit did 5 gal at a time. Old stainless 5 gal milk jug with the removable sealed top, but a 3/4" water cooled tube. Propane cook element to heat it SLOWLY. You can watch the vapor move up into the tube to the top of the copper. Acts like a liquid. When it starts to 'pour' over the top bend it starts the flow and the temp spikes. If it is too hot it will boil/foam up into the tube then you get to clean up and start over! Do NOT fill your vessel too full! 1/2 was usually pretty safe. Bringing back some memories. making me thirsty!


Submitted for KXriders approval..       just need to weld 2 ferrules on the keg.. and im up and runnin...      stands 6' tall



Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Brute on February 05, 2013, 07:01:43 PM
‘Tis a thing of beauty! Should get you some serious production. I have and old beer handle around here somewhere if you want it. Do not remember what kind of beer it is. I will dig around for it. Was going to use it for a gearshift handle, but I think I am edging toward selling the 327 & 4 speed in the garage rather then build a project around them.
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: E ticket rider on February 06, 2013, 01:57:46 AM
Clean set up!  I think I can dig up an old tap Handel also, It has some racing theme on it.  :-o
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: sandblaster on February 06, 2013, 02:26:57 AM
That is a work of art...
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on February 28, 2013, 12:09:39 PM
Unfortunatly .... Im not average..

Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on March 05, 2013, 04:56:31 PM
Hmm   now what do I do with the 400LBS of Cracked corn and 300LBs of sugar That just showed up?   Hmmmm   8-)
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: USMC 500 on March 05, 2013, 04:58:50 PM
Hmm   now what do I do with the 400LBS of Cracked corn and 300LBs of sugar That just showed up?   Hmmmm   8-)

I'll be down to see ya pretty soon........ :-D :-D :-D
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on March 05, 2013, 04:59:36 PM
Hmm   now what do I do with the 400LBS of Cracked corn and 300LBs of sugar That just showed up?   Hmmmm   8-)

I'll be down to see ya pretty soon........ :-D :-D :-D

your not tied in with the ATF are you?  :|

Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: USMC 500 on March 05, 2013, 05:03:32 PM
Hmm   now what do I do with the 400LBS of Cracked corn and 300LBs of sugar That just showed up?   Hmmmm   8-)

I'll be down to see ya pretty soon........ :-D :-D :-D

your not tied in with the ATF are you?  :|


I sure am......I have lots of alcohol, tabacco, and firearms in my house right now!! :-D
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on March 05, 2013, 05:09:38 PM
Hmm   now what do I do with the 400LBS of Cracked corn and 300LBs of sugar That just showed up?   Hmmmm   8-)

I'll be down to see ya pretty soon........ :-D :-D :-D

your not tied in with the ATF are you?  :|


I sure am......I have lots of alcohol, tabacco, and firearms in my house right now!! :-D

no comment on the dried out Tobacco in your house..    :roll:
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: USMC 500 on March 05, 2013, 05:11:08 PM
Hmm   now what do I do with the 400LBS of Cracked corn and 300LBs of sugar That just showed up?   Hmmmm   8-)

I'll be down to see ya pretty soon........ :-D :-D :-D

your not tied in with the ATF are you?  :|


I sure am......I have lots of alcohol, tabacco, and firearms in my house right now!! :-D

no comment on the dried out Tobacco in your house..    :roll:

ouch dude.....very ouch......hahahaha.....I new you were gonna go there. :-D
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on March 09, 2013, 06:03:13 AM
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Brute on March 11, 2013, 07:58:38 PM
Motorrad, I wrote a private note, but I don't think you read your private messages often.... Here is the tap, has "Anno 1366, Stella Artois, Imported from Belgium" on it. If you want it, send your address.
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on March 12, 2013, 08:27:38 AM
Motorrad, I wrote a private note, but I don't think you read your private messages often.... Here is the tap, has "Anno 1366, Stella Artois, Imported from Belgium" on it. If you want it, send your address.

haha. No its more of a I have a habbit of checking my PM's LATE at night.  after I have been drinking.. and forget to respond.. or if I have responded.   :roll:

which I swear I did respond to you.    :roll:  :lol:

I have no use for it.    I REALLY apriciate the thought..

sell it so some local kid for $15
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Danger4u2 on March 13, 2013, 02:43:41 PM

are you alcoholic?  we can help. That's great.  Kind of like this  sign..

Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: sandblaster on March 13, 2013, 02:45:23 PM
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Brute on March 13, 2013, 06:59:30 PM
Actually I got to thinking I might use it on the KX5 SuMo whenever I get it done. A suicide shifter would look really cool along with the extended forks, sissy bar, and ape hangers on it!
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: E ticket rider on March 14, 2013, 03:18:35 AM
Jockey shifter is mandatory after the rake exceeds 45* :-o
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on March 30, 2013, 09:50:10 AM
Doing a spirit run of 10gallons of Low wines today..    (low wines = 50% by volume collections from many ferments, and "stripping runs" on the still.).

should end up with about 4 gal of the GOOD stuff..  (190proof rocket fuel)
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on March 30, 2013, 10:47:47 AM
still is currently running at 97% alc volume..   thats 194 PROOF!!

crapola.    this is a all time best for me.    guess Im learnign how to run it better.

video uploading now.   unless you all dont care that is.?



Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on March 30, 2013, 11:13:22 AM
here is a video.   I normaly run a broken stream on the takeoff.   but I turned it down to a drip for the video so I didnt have to change jars etc while playing with a camera..


Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: USMC 500 on March 30, 2013, 11:21:45 AM
here is a video.   I normaly run a broken stream on the takeoff.   but I turned it down to a drip for the video so I didnt have to change jars etc while playing with a camera..



NICE......and you're rockin Daft Punk!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9MszVE7aR4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9MszVE7aR4)
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on March 30, 2013, 11:29:00 AM
is that who that is..    was just what was on the radio station..
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: USMC 500 on March 30, 2013, 11:37:51 AM
is that who that is..    was just what was on the radio station..

Whatever freak......I think you have been mooching from the tap. :-D
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Brute on April 05, 2013, 07:31:27 PM
The uhhh, drips were not in beat with the music. Just sayin'... Looks great! Quite the setup!
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: SHLEPY on April 06, 2013, 04:28:34 AM
here is a video.   I normaly run a broken stream on the takeoff.   but I turned it down to a drip for the video so I didnt have to change jars etc while playing with a camera..



NICE......and you're rockin Daft Punk!!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9MszVE7aR4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9MszVE7aR4)

The video def goes with the song.
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on May 07, 2013, 05:10:21 PM
Just cracked open some Whiskey I have been ageing on  oak.

I cut the oak down myself (the entire tree).     then harvested JUST the center HEART wood..     

cut it up  LONG grain.    (not much end grain, as this causes lots of tannins),   toasted it myself.

every day, I let it heat up in the hot garage,  and at night, toss it in the refridgerator,   to simulate the hot and cold that normal whiskeys age with back east....

lets jsut say....

Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: SHLEPY on May 07, 2013, 05:18:21 PM
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on May 29, 2013, 05:05:54 AM
doing a spirit run of 15gal of low wines today.     :-o

getting ready for buddys wedding.

yea.. there shouldnt be anyone standing at the end of this party........
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on May 29, 2013, 03:58:24 PM
doing a spirit run of 15gal of low wines today.     :-o

getting ready for buddys wedding.

yea.. there shouldnt be anyone standing at the end of the party........

just switched her off...    how long was that?   

edit:  10.5 hours..    not too shabby    I ran her SLOOOOOOOW also.   vs what she will do (being a 4" bubble collumn)..    just to have PERFECTLY refined for my buddy...
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: Motorrad on May 29, 2013, 04:11:53 PM
Oh.. and most of the run I was cruising 98% by volume..    THATS 196 PROOF PEOPLE!

and.. of course...  I had to sample it all day...   gotta taste for cuts.  :roll:

Dont think I can walk straight.

tried somthing fun on this batch also.   since most will turn into "apple PIE"

I tossed some cinimon sticks,   and 2gal of apple juice in the still durring the run...      so some of the flavors would come over in the Spirit...  (kind of how they make some gin's and absinthe)
Title: Re: Home Brew
Post by: sandblaster on May 29, 2013, 04:28:39 PM
Mmmmm, Apple pie  :lol: