KX Riders
Maintenance & Technical => KX500 Original => Topic started by: JustinSB on June 05, 2010, 05:36:43 AM
I was running a battery powered HID on my bike for night races. I've had problems with the battery and I'm looking to power it off the bike. Has anyone ran a lighting coil on the 500 and have any recommendations?
I'm running a 35w HID that draws 3.5 amps. I was looking at running the Electrosport coil. http://www.electrosport.com/products/product-detail-521.php?source=googlebase
Any suggestions?
That coil will not put out enough power to run your Hid. Also you will need a battery to run your hid or the light will go out when the rpms are low. There was a guy on here that was threatening to building a good coil for the kx500 but we have not heard any more about it. I wish someone would build a NICE COIL for the K5 but so far no luck.
Still in progress.....engineers
That coil will not put out enough power to run your Hid. Also you will need a battery to run your hid or the light will go out when the rpms are low. There was a guy on here that was threatening to building a good coil for the kx500 but we have not heard any more about it. I wish someone would build a NICE COIL for the K5 but so far no luck.
That would be cool to add a hid light to my bike when the coil becomes available.
Still in progress.....engineers
That coil will not put out enough power to run your Hid. Also you will need a battery to run your hid or the light will go out when the rpms are low. There was a guy on here that was threatening to building a good coil for the kx500 but we have not heard any more about it. I wish someone would build a NICE COIL for the K5 but so far no luck.
Cool . I sure wouldn't mind swapping my Hid between my Honda and my K5. It would be so cool ripping the dunes at nite with a reliable light with good output at every rpm. It makes me want to fiddle with the beast just thinking about it.
Dont take this the wrong way, I dont know what I'm really talking about here.
The coil is good for 35w right? The light is a 35w HID. So isn't 35w good for 35w?
And could I run the light off a battery which is constantly charging from the lighting coil?
I'm not trying to argue, just trying to make it work.
The coil wouldn't produce enough power to run a light and charge at the same time. Also the coil produces 35w at high rpm so when slowing down, idling, ect it will not produce enough power to keep the light going. I would think in order to run a light and charge a battery you would need like a 60w or bigger coil. To run properly even at idle.
Could you somehow regulate it to to some low amount and have it almost like trickle charging the battery to extend its life?
Could you somehow regulate it to to some low amount and have it almost like trickle charging the battery to extend its life?
Thats kind of what I was thinking. So you could run the light primarily off a battery, then trickle charge the battery to extend the battery life.
The rule of thumb is what ever your light draws your coils peak out put has to be twice that just to run the light. And yes you also need to charge the battery. HID lights are either on or off,either you have enough power to run it or you don't. So what will happen is if the coil puts out a peak of 35w that will be at a very high RPM so anything under that high RPM the light will go off. Now if you are running a battery the light will not do that until the battery dies but because the coil does not put out enough power to run the light and charge the battery then the battery will start to discharge as soon as you turn the light on.
Does that lighting coil ouput A/C or D/C ? I have a Moose lighting coil and never checked it. But if it is A/C and you are charging a battery, you will need to add a rectifier to convert from A/C to D/C.
Does Eline still make that big alternator for the 500 ?
Would we be able to run led lighting off the 35 watt coil?, I don't know much about the led lights but I was told they use very little pwer.
All power coming from the stator is AC current. You need a rectifier to convert it to DC current to power HID, which is why you need a battery. Batteries are part of a DC current system. Eline does not make the 200w lighting system anymore due to build costs. I guess the make more money building carbon fiber stuff. Dc power is more consistent than AC because the light draws off the battery and the AC is basically pushing the current to the light based on the rpm.
Does that lighting coil ouput A/C or D/C ? I have a Moose lighting coil and never checked it. But if it is A/C and you are charging a battery, you will need to add a rectifier to convert from A/C to D/C.
Does Eline still make that big alternator for the 500 ?
All power coming from the stator is AC current. You need a rectifier to convert it to DC current to power HID, which is why you need a battery. Batteries are part of a DC current system. Eline does not make the 200w lighting system anymore due to build costs. I guess the make more money building carbon fiber stuff. Dc power is more consistent than AC because the light draws off the battery and the AC is basically pushing the current to the light based on the rpm.
Does that lighting coil ouput A/C or D/C ? I have a Moose lighting coil and never checked it. But if it is A/C and you are charging a battery, you will need to add a rectifier to convert from A/C to D/C.
Does Eline still make that big alternator for the 500 ?
I know my opinion of the e-line coil is a harsh one and not shared by all. I was wondering if you could give us a hint as to what you guys have decided to do as far as coil design goes. Is it going to be based off the E-LINE or are you guys going to do something new.
All power coming from the stator is AC current. You need a rectifier to convert it to DC current to power HID, which is why you need a battery. Batteries are part of a DC current system. Eline does not make the 200w lighting system anymore due to build costs. I guess the make more money building carbon fiber stuff. Dc power is more consistent than AC because the light draws off the battery and the AC is basically pushing the current to the light based on the rpm.
Does that lighting coil ouput A/C or D/C ? I have a Moose lighting coil and never checked it. But if it is A/C and you are charging a battery, you will need to add a rectifier to convert from A/C to D/C.
Does Eline still make that big alternator for the 500 ?
I know my opinion of the e-line coil is a harsh one and not shared by all. I was wondering if you could give us a hint as to what you guys have decided to do as far as coil design goes. Is it going to be based off the E-LINE or are you guys going to do something new.
:? :? :? Yes? I don't understand.
Wasnt Service Honda working on a new ignition and lighting coil for the KX500? Any word on that?
I can't wait to put a light on mine.....may the light God's make it happen.
Right now the best option is a quad Battery in your backpack and bulb on the number plate. Two wire plug connectors on the
wire to the backpack incase you take a spill...... :mrgreen:
I had an epiphany about the lighting coil the other day. As soon as my foot starts to feel good enough to get around with out falling on my head I may do a post about it. If what I'm thinking will work I could do a post about it so anyone can build there own. I'm not an electronics genius but my dad is. I'm going to have him come over and take a look at the parts and coils I have collected and find out what he thinks. I am trying to wait before I do this until I find out what others are doing because I don't want to step on any toes. I am getting tired of this being such a great need with no real cure. I know people say they are working on it :| I'm getting impatient and I think that building your own coil at home may not be that hard at all.
it cant be to hard. i would wind my own R/C motors as a kid.
The engineer at Electrosport is working on it but it seems they are moving facilities and and is harder to get a hold of than a lard soaked pig. We have discussed 3 different ideas and we are waiting to see what he comes up with.
I had an epiphany about the lighting coil the other day. As soon as my foot starts to feel good enough to get around with out falling on my head I may do a post about it. If what I'm thinking will work I could do a post about it so anyone can build there own. I'm not an electronics genius but my dad is. I'm going to have him come over and take a look at the parts and coils I have collected and find out what he thinks. I am trying to wait before I do this until I find out what others are doing because I don't want to step on any toes. I am getting tired of this being such a great need with no real cure. I know people say they are working on it :| I'm getting impatient and I think that building your own coil at home may not be that hard at all.
I have been looking at this idea for two days. The whole thing is very frustraiting. I have looked at tons of coils on line and have found quite a few that would fit behind the stock flywheel and put out 80 to 100 watts of power and they are moderately wound. There is no reason that someone who was in a good position to do so could not build a decent coil for the kx500. The E-line coil was the same coil from bike to bike just moded to fit. We need a coil that is made just for the kx500. after all the head scratching I have done I'm almost think a whole new ignition system would be the best way to go. The system that AJ from service honda had offered up would be the very best way to go in my opinion. We need to be thinking HID or LED as for a light source so theres no need for a big 200 + watt coil. If You want to run a halogen light on your offroad bike you are way out of the loop. There is no reason to develope a super high power coil for this, 100 to 150 watts max in my opinion.
That is what we are working on.
I have been looking at this idea for two days. The whole thing is very frustraiting. I have looked at tons of coils on line and have found quite a few that would fit behind the stock flywheel and put out 80 to 100 watts of power and they are moderately wound. There is no reason that someone who was in a good position to do so could not build a decent coil for the kx500. The E-line coil was the same coil from bike to bike just moded to fit. We need a coil that is made just for the kx500. after all the head scratching I have done I'm almost think a whole new ignition system would be the best way to go. The system that AJ from service honda had offered up would be the very best way to go in my opinion. We need to be thinking HID or LED as for a light source so theres no need for a big 200 + watt coil. If You want to run a halogen light on your offroad bike you are way out of the loop. There is no reason to develope a super high power coil for this in my opinion, 100 to 150 watts max in my opinion.
I'm ready guys. I want to street plate my Service Honda K5AF.
I just want to be able to night ride like I used to do with my XR back in the day.
I borrowed a light set up a few days ago for a night race. Its the single 8" hid with mounted lipo battery, clamps to the forks lasted for over 4 hrs then we switched to the other spare pack. its from baja designs I liked it because I dont have to keep it on. very bright and weighs hardly nothing.