KX Riders
General => In General... => Topic started by: jfabmotorsports.com on February 23, 2010, 01:14:11 AM
Saturday my thumb was were it should not have been and part of it still is. :-( It didn't hurt much all that day but it sure slows the work down not to mention half of my sex life is on hold for a few weeks. :-D
If there is anyone wanting some K5 work done please be patiant. I am the only one that works on the parts that you all send me so there will be a short delay.
Sorry to hear (& see) of your mishap. Hope things get better soon!
oh that hurts just looking at it ...sorry jerry
I suppose that is why I did not hear back from you! Get well.
I know how bad that hurts. Got my thumb into a nitro R/C airplane fiberglass propeller running at 18,000rpm a few years ago. Hopefully it heals well for you, Jerry.
Sorry to hear that. Looks like it would hurt like hell. Hope it heals up good.
I'm very sorry to see this happen Jerr,
Your on the "List" to have a good word put in for a rapid recovery.
The equipment alot of guys work with is very unforgiving, and as resiliant as we are, we are quite fragile.
The thread on knee repair kind of made me think about that, and now this..
I'll second that "that hurts just looking at it".
Get well soon.
sorry man that sucks soo bad
atleast you will not have to clip that pesky nail anymore.
ouch! I cut the tip of my thumb off in culinary school like that( it got sewn back on & by "like thAt" I mean 5% as gnarly as that photo, it hurt up to my elbow for a week. No exageration!
heal fast, your on my " list" too
Bummer! Now you will only be able to hitchhike one way.....and only count to 9...and.......Heal fast. cam.
a little too close to the mill or the lathe? son of a gun that looks like it hurts. get well, Maddoggy
:-o :-o :-o :-o get well soon!!!
MAN I don't feel so well after seeing your thumb, I hope you heal soon.....
a little too close to the mill or the lathe? son of a gun that looks like it hurts. get well, Maddoggy
It was in a Press Brake. I was forming some "C" channel out of 1/4 bar stock. I had done 6 or so and the last one slipped on me and the press closed the C completely. It sheared the tip clean. Not even a peace to pull off, just me here and my thumb tip over there. :-o
Look at the bright side 8-) now your qualified to teach wood shop at the high school. :-D
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO danggggg that looked like it will leave a mark . you will have to slow down when your eating texmex how was the fork ! we know that is how you really did it . :lol: :lol:
i hope you heal soon . remember danger is natures way of selecting the stupid . sorry the tip is all that survived! :-D :-o
hope you heal real quick mate looks really painfull :-o
dang, that looks nasty
sorry to see it Jerry.
Heal well as can be..... and keep it clean.
You don't want to deal with infection.... that can be worse than the injury.
as if having half your digit missing aint bad enuff, its screwing with your sex life? that aint good.hope it heals soon and im doing twice as much horizontal jogging to make up for what your missing out on. big thumbs up!(sic) :-D
d**n that nasty Jerry. I just see it for the first time now. Have been verry busy lathle.
Man that must hurt alot. The more I look the more my stummick turns :-(.
Good luck and I hope it heels soon.
Oooh ouch.
Get better soon buddy
perhapse I won't order my steak rare tonight
sorry to see that. them flesh wounds aint no joke. take care and keep it from geeting infected:( Ruben C.
My thumb is almost ready to ride. I think I have returned all the emails that I missed but if there is anyone that I missed please accept my apologies. Here is a pic of my new thumb drive. :lol:
Looks a bit funny Jerry :lol:
Good to see you back MAN :mrgreen:
YOWWWouch! I hate that for you. I thought mine was bad, but at least its still all there.
d**n, hope you have a got your sex life back ta norm with that toe attached to your hand. :-P
Just kiddin, speedy recovery to ya.
That first picture made me ill to the ol gut.