KX Riders
General => In General... => Topic started by: Johnniespeed on December 18, 2008, 08:41:28 AM
BDI have a Happy Birthday tomorrow, I'll be out of town, so I had to do this a day early.
Enjoy the day with friends,family and a fast dirt bike.
Thanks so much this caught me off guard. My birthday wish is this, I wish some one in Las Vegas had a foam pit so that I could go learn the back flip on my bmx bike. I'm 35 now and have ridden bicycles all my life, when I was a teener I was known for hucking 360's over big gaps on my bike. Even now at 35 I can still ride a bike fairly well for being 6'2" and 225 lbs. I can still do 360's on flat land quite a few other tricks on a bmx bike but I kinda have a hole in my heart do to the fact that I never had the courage to go for the back flip. I want the back flip for my birthday. :-(
happy birthday.....bdi
Thanks so much this caught me off guard. My birthday wish is this, I wish some one in Las Vegas had a foam pit so that I could go learn the back flip on my bmx bike. I'm 35 now and have ridden bicycles all my life, when I was a teener I was known for hucking 360's over big gaps on my bike. Even now at 35 I can still ride a bike fairly well for being 6'2" and 225 lbs. I can still do 360's on flat land quite a few other tricks on a bmx bike but I kinda have a hole in my heart do to the fact that I never had the courage to go for the back flip. I want the back flip for my birthday. :-(
happy b day
BDI we should plan a trip to real ride in lake parris CA. back in the day we would go up there just for the foam pit. the park is bad ace too. i never could spin i tried the back flip over 100 times and had the same outcome every time. as soon as i could only see sky i would bail, i couldn't even commit into foam.
i hope you will be out in the garage tonight so i can drop off you b-day gift sorry its not the back flip but i think you will dig it.
Happy Birthday BDI!
I too enjoy my BMX... been into dirtjumping for quite a while but got kind of a late start on it. Im not hucking 360's or backflips, but I do like jumping my 24" Haro. When alot of people tend to "grow out" of certain things, its nice to find out your not the only 30something that has hung on to the fun things you enjoyed when in your younger years. My ex-inlaws used to make me feel like I needed to grow up because I was married and had a son and still liked to go to the skatepark and rip it up. Something they felt was for the kids. Good luck with the backflip... hope you get the chance to work on it.
A short vid of me testing the small dirt jump I built for my son and niece in the backyard...
http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=47710692 (http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=47710692)
happy birthday BDI, hope everyone treats you like the king for a day!
Happy birthday BDI.
Thanks to everyone I had a good B-Day.