KX Riders
General => In General... => Topic started by: stewart on November 03, 2008, 09:58:37 AM
read this http://www.maxsled.com/absolutenm/templates/articles_layout.aspx?articleid=1059&zoneid=17 notice its on a yamha page but kx motor
Interresting. Boysen is a great inventor but it makes you wonder. I have heard of this concept before. It would have to be a fast acting valve. Basic 2 stroke operation relies on the intake charge enterring the engine and following the burnt exhaust out the exhaust port, where it is stopped by the returning negative wave from the expansion chamber. For the valve to do this it would have to have a short duration. Here's my idea: the intake rotary valve was a great system (other than making the motor wider). I wonder if you could put an intake rotary valve on one side and an exhaust rotaty valve on the other. Then you would get the best of both worlds on each side. One of my favorite things about the rotary valve is that you can easily cut it to try radical intake timing, then if you go too far, buy an new one for $10 and start again. Nice to see advances in 2-strokes. Cam.
I like the idea of a straight pipe. His valve gadgetry out the front could easily be internal when adapted by the manufacturer. A smaller power plant might be possible. But good ideas are hard to sell just ask Steve Christini. Checkout his 2 wheel drive motorcycle. I can't believe a manufacture hasn't jumped on this.
Go to: http://www.christini.com/
ID KX500
Interesting article in Motocross Action mag. Talks about how we have ended up with the more expensive higher maintenance 4 strokes of today.
ID KX500
that is the most truth i have seen in printed in years,,,,,,,,we should send it to other sites that have 4 stroke readers
I wish the truth could bring back the 2-stroke, but 4-stroke is like a cult now. With the new computer injection technology, 2-stroke is cleaner and quieter. Outboard boat motors have really improved.
I read once that motorcycles added up to 0.01% of californias total polution problem. All it takes is one good forest fire to make all of are nonpolluting efforts null and void, Can you say farce.
I don't now how many oil changes you guy's do on a 4 stroke?
I do it every 2 rides. Thats 1.5 ltr, I don't burn up that much pre-mix on a 2 stroke!!!!!!
And building a 4stroke is more work, so more polution!!
In Holland central heating is 40% of its air polution 50% industry 10% al vehicle's. and from that 10%
30% are al roadtruck's and car who ride on diesel. But DIESEL is the :evil: EVIL fuel that smells
and is bad for your health. f**k*@( coverment.
Boyesen's idea in theory sound good but his way on the pic's are a bit heavy for more rpm.
Using a rotory outlet like a inlet from kreidler and kart engine's would maybe a beter idea??
Like this SIX stroke engine head.
I have a susuki 100cc bike mid 70's? that has a rotor intake like that....
But this is the exhaust of a prototype engine.
I knew this, but was more in the back of my head.
It's abour honda's EXP-2, like boyesen re-invented.
The idea looks nice and has a Injection on it!!
http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/honda/honda-exp2-14293.html (http://www.motorcycle.com/manufacturer/honda/honda-exp2-14293.html)