KX Riders

Maintenance & Technical => KX500 Aluminum Frame Conversion (AFC) => Topic started by: bunk on August 07, 2008, 10:26:01 AM

Title: 500AF Pics
Post by: bunk on August 07, 2008, 10:26:01 AM
Post up any pics you may have of 500af's...

Here are a couple pics ive collected over the past couple months.  Some of the bikes are from guys on here, and they are bad a$$!!!





















Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: The Flyin Hawaiian on August 07, 2008, 01:01:01 PM
Cool bikes! The last 2 are of a 250. Ill take the KLX styled one!
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: sintax on August 07, 2008, 05:51:31 PM
Here is the one that got me hooked. In honor of one of our own ;)

Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: uncle albert on August 07, 2008, 09:49:47 PM
Just had my KX500AF delivered. Here come a few pics:

Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: uncle albert on August 07, 2008, 09:51:40 PM
Just had my KX500AF delivered. Here come a few pics:

Hmm, sorry to be a bit dim, but how do I post photos on here? I only seem to have managed to attach a jpeg, how do I post the actual photo in the thread?

Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: gowen on August 08, 2008, 01:36:35 AM
uncle albert, that is the d**n sweetest bike I've seen. Wow!!! When I get time, I will build one. I have not fired up a dirtbike or pretty much anything in well over a year. Poor offroad bikes are abused, sitting and absolutely rotting. One day when work settles dow, I'll have my hobby back, until then, I'll just dream on.
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: bunk on August 08, 2008, 02:02:07 AM
^^^ that one with the deep red frame looks wicked!
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: iamsofaking on August 08, 2008, 03:24:44 AM
What do I have to sign/who do I have to do to get one of those?
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: uncle albert on August 08, 2008, 03:49:26 AM
uncle albert, that is the d**n sweetest bike I've seen. Wow!!! When I get time, I will build one. I have not fired up a dirtbike or pretty much anything in well over a year. Poor offroad bikes are abused, sitting and absolutely rotting. One day when work settles dow, I'll have my hobby back, until then, I'll just dream on.

Thanks! I've actually changed my mind...I can't take that bike out and get it all dirty. It's a work of art. I'm going to park it in the living room on a rotating pedestal, so that I can admire it from every angle. If the wife complains, she can move out into the garage :-D

Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: bunk on August 08, 2008, 04:02:50 AM
uncle albert, that is the d**n sweetest bike I've seen. Wow!!! When I get time, I will build one. I have not fired up a dirtbike or pretty much anything in well over a year. Poor offroad bikes are abused, sitting and absolutely rotting. One day when work settles dow, I'll have my hobby back, until then, I'll just dream on.

Thanks! I've actually changed my mind...I can't take that bike out and get it all dirty. It's a work of art. I'm going to park it in the living room on a rotating pedestal, so that I can admire it from every angle. If the wife complains, she can move out into the garage :-D

I like the way you think... id be doin the same thing.  My bike is a 01' and i pamper it as if it were brand new.  I cant imagine how i would act with a bike like yours.
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: openclass on August 08, 2008, 05:28:17 AM
I've got that #49 bike as my wallpaper for about the past year. If I had the 10 grand or more. I would order the service Honda kx af for myself. Just think with 500 motor, no maintance (not like the 450 4 stroke), and the handeling of the 250. :-D
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: openclass on August 08, 2008, 09:44:55 AM
I have a question. Is that long silencer for the 450, and if it is, is it quieter then the standard one for the 500?
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: uncle albert on August 09, 2008, 02:12:00 AM
I have a question. Is that long silencer for the 450, and if it is, is it quieter then the standard one for the 500?
No, nothing to do with the 450, it was purpose built by FMF for the Service Honda KX500AF (although it may fit the CR500AF ???)
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: WRXBRUMBY on August 13, 2008, 10:12:31 PM
Here is a stupid question if I may so sorry?

Are the aluminum frames pictured the KX450F frames? Because I would like to duel sport my K5 and over here in N.S.W Australia we need to have a frame with a compliance stamp for our roads. So this would be the KLX450 frame I?m assuming(only road reg frame for 450 in AUS). Is this frame the same as the KX450F as well?
Here is the KLX450 for AUS

Here is the KX450F
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: uncle albert on August 13, 2008, 11:57:21 PM
Here is a stupid question if I may so sorry?

Are the aluminum frames pictured the KX450F frames? Because I would like to duel sport my K5 and over here in N.S.W Australia we need to have a frame with a compliance stamp for our roads. So this would be the KLX450 frame I?m assuming(only road reg frame for 450 in AUS). Is this frame the same as the KX450F as well?
Here is the KLX450 for AUS

Here is the KX450F

First of all, not a stupid question  :-D

The Service Honda conversion is based on the 450, and the KLX450 has the same frame as the KX450.
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: WRXBRUMBY on August 15, 2008, 02:54:22 AM
you mean the service honda has based it on the kx450f? and in doing so the klx450 will be doable?
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: Charlie500 on August 21, 2008, 12:28:06 PM
My 1990 will be sweet when it's done but man these af bikes look wicked!
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: AJ on August 22, 2008, 03:51:37 PM
Hi all..
nice thread. .:)
quite a few of the bikes photo'ed in this thread are mine (or i built them)

Uncle albert, nice bike ;)
hope you enjoy riding it as much as i enjoyed building it  :)
by the way your silencer is an FMF  Q (a bit longer and quiter than the standard silencer)
made specifically for the Service powersports /Service Kawasaki ..  KX500AF
(it wont fit the CR500AF's i make)

 The black bling frame KX500AF -
 with the KLX450 headlight tailight in the first post is indeed made on the KLX450 chassis.
So just like we offer a CR500AF (mx oriented) , and CR500AFX,, (off road with lights)
We will be offering the lighted off road version of the KX500AF soon!!

a closer look at the frame coating.. on that bike-(now in england)

and some random glamis shots of the 07 KX500AF..
(that in the first post you see that bike a bit  fuzzy in "bike pics"
sitting near my bench and garage/shop door)



Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: AJ on August 22, 2008, 04:08:01 PM
nice talking with you yesterday!

nice site!
 and I'd like to apologize to those members who PMed me ( a few have) that i missed the PMs long ago... :(

there are just so many sites out on the web now,,
 many with good info..its hard to keep up..
if you do have a question for me. .. my email is always the best way:

Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: WRXBRUMBY on August 24, 2008, 05:08:19 PM
That?s awesome to hear about the klx450 frame. I have a feeling the Klx?s wont hold their value too well stacked up against the rest of the 450s. Here?s  hoping that there will be a cheap rolling chassis coming up on the market. Then I will be able to give those CR500E (road registered CR500 in Aus) a bit of what for. Hehehe imagine the KX500 beast in traffic at the lights, oh I can see it all now.

please excuse me while I fantasize  :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: holeshot buddy on August 27, 2008, 11:08:36 PM
hi heres a piccy of my kx450/500AF 8-)
i think its the only one in australia
it was built by a friend of mine :-D
unreal job goes as good as it looks
will post better pictures later
oh the other 500 in pic is mine too its a 1983 8-)
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: mysnykkx500 on September 09, 2008, 10:58:15 AM
How much weight do you save doing the af conversion ?? Is  Weight the purpose for the conversion??
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: AJ on September 09, 2008, 02:05:54 PM
Its mostly done to get a great 500 2 stroke engine,
 into a current chassis and suspension.

The weight saving are not that much.

but the bike feels 10 or 20 pounds lighter ,
as the newer chassis are designed to carry the weight much much lower.

The current crop of bikes ,
are almost 15 or 20 years of chassis development ahead of the original 500's.

and if you lower a bikes CG even an inch,.,its a huge handling and overall *feel* improvement.
and thats the real benefit of the 500AFs

AJ Waggoner
Service Kawasaki (Honda/Yamaha/Suzuki)

Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: stewart on September 09, 2008, 02:08:12 PM
nice bike
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: Uzi9mm on September 21, 2008, 04:42:58 AM
 :cry:  Those are some beautiful bikes.  I would love to have one.  Hopefully they will be available when I can finally afford 1.
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: Neilios on September 23, 2008, 11:01:22 PM
It's nice to see the old next to the new.

I am doing a similar think with the CR500 and CRF, a they are move plentiful at the moment.

I will probably do a KLX next to go with my 1991 KX500.

Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: Mick on October 06, 2008, 08:28:06 AM
...Is  Weight the purpose for the conversion??

The handling advantages are so great with a modern chassis it easily trumps any and all motor work.  Little a matter of opinion as much as tested and trued fact by AF rides every weekend.  Unless drag racing is the argument, a well balanced nimble chassis is going to leave a 70hp motor well behind in it's dust.  I'm the owner of a KX500 and CR500AF and I'll say my worked over KX has got a faster motor but the CR is a much faster bike.
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: Neilios on October 09, 2008, 12:39:28 AM
I have a 1995 CR500 which is currently transforming into an Af using a 2004 CRF rolling frame but the KX500 pitcured above is more powerful and with modern suspension and ohlins it handles and stops well. I like the 2 stokes more than my 450's!!!!
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: cr37 on October 13, 2008, 03:46:42 PM
I got my KXF450 roller to build my KX500AF! :-D
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: jfabmotorsports.com on November 16, 2008, 06:18:41 AM
I'm a better fabricator than a Web master!!!! Now that I have figured out how to share some pic....I will. Please excuse all typos and spelling errors now and in the future. I slept that day in school.
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: demographic on November 16, 2008, 07:07:20 AM
I'm a better fabricator than a Web master!!!! Now that I have figured out how to share some pic....I will. Please excuse all typos and spelling errors now and in the future. I slept that day in school.

What exhaust are you using there?
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: jfabmotorsports.com on November 16, 2008, 07:19:56 AM
It started off life as a '94 FMF Fatty. I cut the welds and rotated it some, shortened the tail section so that it could be removed easily. To make it all fit op to the stock Cr500 silencer I built a mid pipe just as the 450 had. Sorry for the long winded explanation. Its a one off.
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: demographic on November 16, 2008, 08:22:34 AM
It started off life as a '94 FMF Fatty. I cut the welds and rotated it some, shortened the tail section so that it could be removed easily. To make it all fit op to the stock Cr500 silencer I built a mid pipe just as the 450 had. Sorry for the long winded explanation. Its a one off.

Thats cool, I saw it and knew it lookied like one that had been altered, thats all.
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: elemeno187 on June 29, 2010, 12:19:09 AM
Man all of the bikes are really nice, I like the one with the red steely frame, the pipe clears the kicker with ease NICE!  Service Honda should sell their K5 pipes like that one.
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: kxpegger on June 29, 2010, 02:42:12 PM
Posted these some time ago in another thread. Here ya go "elemeno187"

Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: jbersano on June 30, 2010, 05:12:16 AM
the first bike... is SF... not AF... but... great post!.  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: crazyolbastard on July 04, 2010, 11:55:50 AM
I have to add to the list of compliments.
I personally like the way that JFAB`s pipe looks .
I like the way it is high compared to the way of AJ`s, no offence to the man.
I`m sure that both perform like a dream but I just love that look.

I too missed that day in school and might have skipped a few more, so sorry for the speeling.
I think I get the job done thou. :wink:

Hats off to all the builders of the AF 500s.

Totally bitchen!
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: holeshot buddy on July 04, 2010, 10:19:20 PM
heres a recent picture of my kx500af
450 frame just fitted ohlins forks running out of things to put
on her going retro soon with the plastics keep you posted
cheers rusty
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: Dutch-K5 Fan on July 05, 2010, 03:41:30 AM
Looks like a Grand Prix Bike holeshot.

Very good.

Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: kxpegger on July 05, 2010, 04:54:17 AM
I have to add to the list of compliments.
I personally like the way that JFAB`s pipe looks .
I like the way it is high compared to the way of AJ`s, no offence to the man.
I`m sure that both perform like a dream but I just love that look.

I too missed that day in school and might have skipped a few more, so sorry for the speeling.
I think I get the job done thou. :wink:

Hats off to all the builders of the AF 500s.

Totally bitchen!

I agree with the pipe comment! JAFABs design looks like it allows you to take the mag cover off without having to pull the pipe off too!
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: kwakman on July 05, 2010, 05:18:21 AM
Lookin good, I think havin a nice alu frame would look the dogs with retro stickers/seatcover etc like holeshot's working on. If I'm not mistaken, I think the red framed 500peri framer is BDI's, and it looks the business.Mine's gonna be part modern part retro when it's done, looks sweet if you do it right.Some nice bikes there.Good work. :-D
Title: Re: 500AF Pics
Post by: holeshot buddy on July 05, 2010, 09:35:47 PM
thanks for that
yeah i am changing front number plate to old style and
doing side plates totally green with oval yellow
background and old style numbers
goes as good as it looks 8-)
race her in vets mx
won state title on her last year :-)
and its not a service kx
it was built over here in australia