KX Riders
General => In General... => Topic started by: ericac on February 16, 2008, 01:14:33 PM
hey i was just wondering how many people name their bikes, and what are the names. seems interesting, like the username thread. right? -ericac :mrgreen:
if you dont call my bikes sir,,, you might end getting the short end of the stick
the project from hell!!!
I usuall refer to it as the "ol 500 " or the "mighty 500" and sometimes I jokingly call it the "widowmaker" but I just cannot show it disrespect by calling it bob or bessie.
Stewart is right, "Sir" is respectful.
My 93 gsxr1100 was Suzi my 2002 gsxr1000 is suzan and my sand bike kx250/500 is Sandy and I refer to my 05 crf450x as my two wheeled trophy truck.
"The Beast" OR "The Green Bitch" When she won't start and it is 100 + in the desert! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :-D :-D
Chewie, because it chewed on me real bad in 2004.
My kx500 is buttercup. Kind of a 'boy named sue' thing.
if you dont call my bikes sir,,, you might end getting the short end of the stick
Yep. I don't have any nicknames, yet. I have a 500 and a 250 and thats what I call them. I would have to have lucky names or respectful ones. I usually wipe out a half a dozen times in the first minutes of trail riding. I consider it to be part of my warm-up. I have built alot of respect for them both and consider them to be the funnest thing to to do on the planet. I would consider nicknaming them "class champion" or "state champ". "National number one" has a ring to it also. They are all kinda nicknames that I will have to grow into. :lol: (Especially that last one)
quadzilla . but if you ask it all it says is DANG , DANG, DANG, DA DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG DANG LETS GO HAUL AZZ . I HAVE TO HAVE A 500 . AT 6'2" AND 300 LBS with a 500 i only have to make one trip when i haul azz. :-D :roll:
A friend nicknamed my K5 "DeathTaxi". While in my care, it hasen't killed anyone but the name just kinda stuck.
Does cussing count? My sons refer to her as the "Snot-Rocket".
I call her "The Beast" as well. I also like "ArmStretcher" and/or "Rock and Gravel Throwing Machine".
However.... as I was reading this thread another name came to my mind!
How about "BlitzKreig" !? That sounds kinda cool no?
Be careful... if you don't put your boots on first... she bites!!!
G-Dog, I can only imagine your supply, selection and subsequent order of words immediately following this incident. I gonna assume it wasn't a one-kick start? The bike can smell when you're wearing a pair of Vans. Let me know if "chicks dig scars" still works. I have some of my own. Well done....lol.
how bout ( shin shredder, noodle arms, rock launcher, japanese missle crisis, stiches, nagasaki, dr jekel and mr. k ) and the list goes on and on.
I use its name as my screen name.....MADKAW!!!!!!!
I use its name as my screen name.....MADKAW!!!!!!!
Yahh.. me too.. Well not MadKaw but my KX5 is named Furious........
Mine is called "Wasabi" because it's HOT! :mrgreen:
My 00 kx500 is the "billygoat"!!!
She loves tight single track in the mountains, and will climb anything you set your mind to!
Very stuborn if you dont pay attention you might get it in the ass!
sometimes mine goes from MadKaw to Raging Bull, it get extra angry from time to time.
G-Dog, I can only imagine your supply, selection and subsequent order of words immediately following this incident. I gonna assume it wasn't a one-kick start? The bike can smell when you're wearing a pair of Vans. Let me know if "chicks dig scars" still works. I have some of my own. Well done....lol.
I wasn't wearing Vans... was actually wearing these Dockers Leather work shoes that have kinda-like a boot-like sole to them. I specifically chose those shoes as I was leaving to go check-out the bike... thinking that I'd no doubt need a pair with decent toughness in the arch. Which they are... the kick-start lever was just loose ans sloppy. This "sloppiness" (and the fact that it had just finished pouring raining hours before) allowed my foot to slip-off the bottom of the kick-stroke, thereby allowing the level to shank me oh-so deep and oh-so hard.
Suprisingly... I didn't unleash an onslaught of explatives... I was embarassed about the situation and wanted to "man-up" to salvage my dignity in the face of this total stranger I was about to buy "The Beast" from.
The scar it has left behind took FOR-FREAKIN-EVER to heal because that area (right alongside the edge of the shin bone!) has very low blood flow. It didn't even bleed that much... until after I got home and gave it a good cleaning. The initial wound just exposed a bit of sub-cutaneous fat on the part of the edge near the bone.
By the way... did I mention how much I freakin' LOVE this bike?
'Cuase she's the...
Sand-whoop blasta...
Berm-ripping disasta...
and ain't a d**n thing gonna getcha up a hill fasta,
then the...
mighty vibes of the big mean green
known to break bones if you don' treat'er like a Queen.
'cuase she can...
blast from zero, to the speed of Hyper-Space
whicha eyes wide-open, big grin on ya face.
handin' out 'da beat-downs
to ev'ry fo-fiddy (450) in 'da place!
At the top, of the predatory chain...
ain't no surpise dog... it's a KX500 mang!
my bikes name is actually the (rocket) i live with family and i've got the whole bike in the cellar in 1 million pieces. well i'll be down there for hours and they call down to me and ask me what i am building so one day i jokingly said a rocket. so the name stuck but i do feel somewhat like the mad scientist when he was peicing together frankenstien. but it aint gonna be so funny when i get her all together and i hillclimb the basement stairs, berm rail the living room and table top the front porch on my way to my first heat cycle.
i call mine, kx 500 or k5. :-D maddoggy
they,re like bombs with handlebars
so i call,m my kx500 bombs
i call my bike the sickness cause when i cant ride it i get sick and when my buddies see me rippin around on the big kx5 they always say that things sick
Mine's simple and sweet... The Green Turd!
THE K-FACTOR! or "MY ASIAN B%#CH" but its more like i'm the b#%ch when i'm riding her! :-D nothing wrong with that though!