KX Riders

General => Introductions => Topic started by: teamgreen500 on September 10, 2003, 07:37:02 AM

Title: The true North of California
Post by: teamgreen500 on September 10, 2003, 07:37:02 AM
Hello my Moto-addicted friends,

I'm Manny and I live in Redding, California, Up by Mt. and Lake Shasta.

I ride the Green Monster and I get a kick outta mounting up fresh rubber and going ridding with all my bud's and their new "Ubber-Ultra-Designer" moto-scoots. My first order of business: Throwing as much roost as they can take. I love seeing those new bikes covered in the Green Roost.

My scoot:
'02 K5
Pro-Circuit "Works-Kits" front and rear, Thanks Bones!, MX-firm set-up.
Pro-Circuit "Links"
Pro-Circuit Head & Cylinder/John Braasch split/assmbly.
Team Green Chassis Prep.-Frame rewelded, KDX engine "Hoops", etc. painted "GREEN", Thank you! Silver/Grey is for Suzukis!
Team Green Radiator and Sub-frame(Just a re-welded KDX w/ovrflow  bottle converted for gas)
Team Green Carb. mods-Slide and a needle, I think(?).
Pro-Circuit-"MX500" or FMF "Fatty" or Modified stock (SR500) depends on where we're going.
Stock silencers modified with "tabs" and "Sparky" when needed.
IMS-3.4 w/Quick fill, Shifter (Get one, It'll last forever!), Pegs.
Talon-Excell-S/S spokes - Wheels for Off-Road...for all those rocks I hit!
KX250 "Smoothies" - Wheels for the track- So I look almost as cool as the Red idiots at the Motos-Thanks Ty!
IRC VE32 front tire for most "Trail Riding" occasions, Dunlop 7XX for desert races (Whatever they say to use-I realllly miss those H/D 490s though!)
IRC or Kenda rear tire for most "Trail Riding" occasions, Same Dunlop story for racing...except,"I sure like finding 695 deserts instead of the latest 7XX!"
Bridgestone or Dunlop H/D tubes-Don't waste your $ on regular tubes!  
Renthal low R/M bend w/ BRP Clamps (Allows steering damper to be used)
M/S levers w/ rubber grips for safe sex.
Galfer Brakes-They make the discs, pads & lines for a lot of the after market and Sondro is one of the nicest people in the business.
N-Style Yellow and Black Graphics and "Gripper".
A few Ti and Al. nuts and bolts just too piss off those "Designer Magazine Moto Idiots" that think think they're too cool for school.
Carbon-fiber 'Head stays'/Motor mounts. Because my K5 is worth-it!
Carbon-fiber 'Whip Mount'...See above.
Scott/Stock/Renthal Grips. Which ever I pull outta the box first.
RK-O-ring w/ stock gearing for Moto/Trail and 15-42 for Desert.
Fox Riding gear. Period. It's an Ol' School thing from "Back-n'Da-Hood"!
Spy or Scott Gogg's.
Always, fresh underware, because of what your mom told you a long time ago...
EC or Unocal 110 mixed 50:50 w/Unocal/76 Premium. Never pings and motors last FOREVER!
Maxima SuperM @ 40:1

Stickers? Only from the folks that have helped me out...Fox, "Team Green", DH memorial, Pro-Circuit. Stickers are for Marketing/Promoting...so you'll also see the occasional U.S. Flag, NRA, AMA or Glock Sport Shooters decals. And, of-course, Calvin pissing on a Honda...just like Bubba did ALL SEASON LONG...Ryan, too, for that matter. Does Honda even make a 125?

Anyways, as you can see by things like my tire choices: I like things that work and I don't pay for labels...I pay for things that work. The Kenda "Carlsbad" is a great "California" tire. Same for the IRC VE-32. If you want good performance AND good wear...I highly recmd them.

I wouldn't "Waste" money on an after-market silencer; however, if/when you "Taco" your stocker-you can probably get an after-market one cheaper...BUT...Beware! A lot of the after-market ones are smaller, louder, have cheaper packing and are often designed for Moto-racing.

My money is on a stocker with a small "gusset" welded on at the intake/end-cap to stiffen/strengthen incase of a "mis-hap". Also, bolting a "Sparky" onto a stocker is quieter and better performing than most other set-ups.

Well, most of my riding is up here in the mountains (from singletrack to fire roads...they can be as fast as the desert at times) and I ride with my SoCal boys at Gorman and the tracks. I'll be heading back to the desert because "I feel the neeeeed-the need for speed!" and I think I need some more BITD trophies to show-off (It's that old Moto Ego of mine...I had some good BITD experiences in '97, '98, '99...those races are fun, fast, safe and Casey is a riot! And...I get to race OVER 40! YES...I'm kickin' some A$$!).

When I get my digi-cam back I'll post some pic's. I'll also post the welds on the radiators and stuff incase anyone can use that info. Also, when I get my motor back from John-I'll post the "Cause and affect".

Well, that's all for now...and BTW, you may want to know in advance...I talk like this too, you know...too much :lol:

Title: The true North of California
Post by: Paul on September 10, 2003, 07:42:32 AM
Welcome Manny, I'll send you those GLamis dates as soon as I figure them out :wink:
Title: The true North of California
Post by: mikesmith on September 10, 2003, 08:07:12 AM
Hi Manny,maybe its a small world.I live in Lake California and ride at the Dam or the Gultch at least once a week.I dont have a veary good schedual since I work nights on week-ends,so I have to ride by my-self 98% of the time. So if you want to meet let me know.I had a 4th gear get off at the Dam last week,split my knee cup and almost tore my pant leg off,so my knee's missing some skin and swollen.But I should be back in a week or so.Id like to check out your bike,I dont see many KX500's in the Redding area.Any ways welcome!
Title: The true North of California
Post by: ShanMan on September 10, 2003, 10:30:54 AM
Man, it sounds like a future Glamis trip is going to be a blast! I can't wait to get some serious schooling from a bunch of fast guys on KX5's! Welcome to the fray Manny...you're among your peeps here...make yourself at home!
Title: The true North of California
Post by: rhinogrrrl on September 11, 2003, 10:38:21 AM
Wow....a novel-ette...or something...You must've listed ALMOST every detail on your mo-mo!  :mrgreen:

Welcome to the site!  8)