KX Riders
General => In General... => Topic started by: BDI on November 10, 2007, 05:35:28 AM
I'm thinking of putting a K&N with a outerwear on it in my sand bike. Now i'm not a big fan of the K&N filter and I don't think it's going to give me any ponies. I hate cleaning air filters or even changing them do to the fact that I run a big risk of getting sand in the engine. All of my buddies have them on their sand couches (atv) and their filters are always clean because the sand just falls off of the outerwears. What do you guys think has any one ran one on their dirt bike, good idea or bad.
I run a K&N with outerware on my 700 V force and it is really nice. I haven't noticed any increase or decrease any any combination. Lots of guys run them down here on the bikes as well!
:-D :-D :-D
How about a filterskin? I've been using them for years and they work great. It's the same principle you're thinking of, but you can use what you already have. :mrgreen:
I love my K&N. but i do replace the outerware frequently. i notice a lot better throttle responce. i have not seen any additional ware or dirt get past the filter (compaired Foam)
I tried using filter skins but my 250 filter does not have much of a cage to hold it's shape so the filter skin just spits right off. Its like trying to wear a hair net if you did not have a skull.
i like uni filter ..i have seen some grit past filters on kand nset up i would rather clean and oil my uni filter and keep my new max power plate job and rings looking good imo stewart
I have been using no toil preoiled filters and they seem to work good.
I haven't tried a K&N on the KX but I have one everything elso I own. K&N gets some negatives from some people but I have been very happy with their performance. I figure if a Baja buggy with a $20K engine runs them in then Dex then they must be ok. Kind of off topic but we used to use moms old panyhose as filteskins way before there were filterksins. Work slicked for those 3 moto dusty races (way back when). Cam.
i like uni filter ..i have seen some grit past filters on kand nset up i would rather clean and oil my uni filter and keep my new max power plate job and rings looking good imo stewart
I agree 100% with you Stewart........and the 20K buggy....I bet that guy has a couple extra thou laying around to rebuild that engine after it's hammered.....just my opinion though. :-D
My dad used to build and race off road cars and he said that they used K&N filters only because the could wrap them with oiled foam filters and when they would come into the pits they would just pull the foams off and slap on new foams. They would never dream of using just a bare K&N. As far as I know That is the way it is still done today you will never see an offroad race car with a bare K&N unless the foam fell off some how. I think I allready knew the answer to my own question.
i know in independent lab tests the gauze filters (such as the k&n) allowed more "dirt" to pass. i do not know how the test was conducted, but i can tell you that when i had my motor apart last i was very suprised on how little ware i found. this piston was only ran with a k&n WITH the outerware covers.
My k5, banshee and truck have a k&n. my yz125, DRZ, SL350, GS/ZX600 and GS750 have a foam filter, i have been going both ways. I am happier with the K&N then foam on the k5