KX Riders

General => In General... => Topic started by: Danger4u2 on August 19, 2007, 12:50:46 AM

Title: Aaron Slams Okla.
Post by: Danger4u2 on August 19, 2007, 12:50:46 AM
Tropical Storm Aaron hammers Oklahoma.  This storm has been sitting on Okla. all night.  It's moving to the west at 5 to 7 mph.  I-40 closed west of the metro.  I don't think the creek behind our shop will flood but I'm not taking any chances.  I moved the bikes up to the house that sits 8 feet higher than the shop.  I've never heard of I-40 closing because of rain.  6 of us were going to ride today.  No chance of that because it's under water.  Some idiot just now, in a personal Greyhound type bus tried to drive across 6 mile creek on I-40 and was swept off the roadway.  Fire dept. risking their butts saving the idiots.  The waters gone down and they are getting out alright.  Here comes another band of rain, I just lost satellite feed to the T.V.   This storm still has a weak eye all the way up here.  Eye will be over my area soon.  Sun might pop out for a short time.  Electricity just went off  but came back on.  Saved by batt. back up, time to shut comp. down.  Catch you guys after the storm passes.
Title: Re: Aaron Slams Okla.
Post by: BDI on August 19, 2007, 02:44:07 PM
hay danger I feel for you mother nature Is one of the few things that scares me hope everything turns out well for you.
Title: Re: Aaron Slams Okla.
Post by: MadKaw on August 19, 2007, 05:58:54 PM
hope everything is OK Danger, I'm oin a strike team about to be going south for Dean, a bunch of our Paramedics and EMT's are headed down. I'll wish the best for you, and you for me...ehh?

Title: Re: Aaron Slams Okla.
Post by: openclass on August 20, 2007, 12:29:57 AM
Hey if you can send some rain this way. NE Arkansas hasn't seen rain in a month, Tempitures of over 100 degrees for two weeks and Humidity of 90%.

I raced an Ark. Series Harescramble yesterday in central Arkansa in 3 to 4 in of dust. If someone got by you you would have to back off for quater of mile unless it was in the open, where the 10 to 15 mile/hour wind would blow it away.