KX Riders
General => In General... => Topic started by: Danger4u2 on August 19, 2007, 12:50:46 AM
Tropical Storm Aaron hammers Oklahoma. This storm has been sitting on Okla. all night. It's moving to the west at 5 to 7 mph. I-40 closed west of the metro. I don't think the creek behind our shop will flood but I'm not taking any chances. I moved the bikes up to the house that sits 8 feet higher than the shop. I've never heard of I-40 closing because of rain. 6 of us were going to ride today. No chance of that because it's under water. Some idiot just now, in a personal Greyhound type bus tried to drive across 6 mile creek on I-40 and was swept off the roadway. Fire dept. risking their butts saving the idiots. The waters gone down and they are getting out alright. Here comes another band of rain, I just lost satellite feed to the T.V. This storm still has a weak eye all the way up here. Eye will be over my area soon. Sun might pop out for a short time. Electricity just went off but came back on. Saved by batt. back up, time to shut comp. down. Catch you guys after the storm passes.
hay danger I feel for you mother nature Is one of the few things that scares me hope everything turns out well for you.
hope everything is OK Danger, I'm oin a strike team about to be going south for Dean, a bunch of our Paramedics and EMT's are headed down. I'll wish the best for you, and you for me...ehh?
Hey if you can send some rain this way. NE Arkansas hasn't seen rain in a month, Tempitures of over 100 degrees for two weeks and Humidity of 90%.
I raced an Ark. Series Harescramble yesterday in central Arkansa in 3 to 4 in of dust. If someone got by you you would have to back off for quater of mile unless it was in the open, where the 10 to 15 mile/hour wind would blow it away.