KX Riders
General => In General... => Topic started by: hughes on May 14, 2007, 02:37:11 AM
You could not get away with that in Oklahoma City. Cops here would run you over if you don't stop for them.
In Texas they would just shoot you and say you were a suspect in a robbery! :lol: :lol: :lol:
I believe most of those bikes are stolen. It's a shame some of those dudes got skills but not enough sense to have protective gear and get on the race track. Looks to be scum bags at best.
not much better that gang thugs if you ask me. riding around like they own every road they are on. probably right hughes, "stolen". some dude probably is missing his bike or atv while these guys are out tearing up baltimore. ride a track legally or ride a legal trail somewhere. nothing better than country riding and getting some fresh air. well.... that + 2 stroke exhaust. MADDOGGY
Yeah Id like to see them try that in Texas cop would just ram u if you didnt stop for them. Then they would give you assault with a deadly weapon for hitting their car with your bike.
Leave it to the urban gang-bangers to put a bad taste in the mouth of local citizens. Probably are stolen bikes, which should be reason enough to get out the high powered rifles, but their spokesman might make me want an uzi for the clean-up job.
They are talking on there about setting up a riding park!! Which one of those idiots will pay to get in and abide by any kind of rules?
Thats not even the worse input I have though. If you started up my 500, and took off riding around town in Indiana, anywhere, your neighbors would call the law and he'd be in the driveway with a wrecker when you got home. Whats wrong with the people there? and here?
That is what happens when a city gives up trying to enforce the law out of fear of being branded racist or being sued because Johnny Ghetto trash crashed his stolen dirt bike while being chased by the local police.
What bothered me the most was when the boy probably 8 years old needed to have someone hold the bike while he climbed on... he was at least a 12 incjes from touching the ground... no helmet, no safety gear at all... here son go kill yourself... He needed someone to grab the bike so he could stop... yea that's safe... what am I thinking, I didn't see one safe act in the whole blasted video... The best thing that could happen to these thugs is road rash... and a lot of it.
Guess the Medics there are gonna be busy! :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :|
Im a road mechanic for a local forklift co. and alot of my work is in Philadelphia. Everytime I go there I see this kind of crap. Not in such large groups, maybe 1 or 2. Never any helmets. The cops cant catch them either. My old 97 WR 250 Yamaha ended up in Trenton in the hands of people like these. The dealer calls them the urban motocross league. It just kills me knowing that one of my favorite race bikes ended up like that! Such lawlessness just pisses me off to no end! :x