KX Riders
General => Introductions => Topic started by: kxaddicted on March 26, 2007, 12:46:34 PM
hey all! :-D iIve had the KX since last summer. i am considering a 500, but for now i like the 250 power band quite a bit. I have a 98 KX 250 w/: fmf fatty, stock silencer, pro taper handlebars and grips(diamond), uni air filter, and reed valves. I've got the fastest bike of my buddies, the only competition is a 400ex(easy race). just joined and have now got around to doing this. I live in Indiana. Anyone know any good riding locations there? All i know of is Haspin Acres and the sandy Badlands. lookin forward to many more posts!We're on the verge of a digital camera, so I'll upload a pic of the bike ASAP... 8-)
Welcome to the site. Always remember to wear your protective gear when riding. :-D
hey all! :-D iIve had the KX since last summer. i am considering a 500, but for now i like the 250 power band quite a bit. I have a 98 KX 250 w/: fmf fatty, stock silencer, pro taper handlebars and grips(diamond), uni air filter, and reed valves. I've got the fastest bike of my buddies, the only competition is a 400ex(easy race). just joined and have now got around to doing this. I live in Indiana. Anyone know any good riding locations there? All i know of is Haspin Acres and the sandy Badlands. lookin forward to many more posts!We're on the verge of a digital camera, so I'll upload a pic of the bike ASAP... 8-)
Awesome! Glad to see somebody out riding so young. Don't let age talk you down from a 500.. My cousin at age 9 had a YZ250 and had a 500 by age 12 and had also already ridden a sportbike (YZF-R1) by then and did it often. Enjoy and be safe. Welcome to the site!
holy crap man ur cousin is an animal! im thinking of street legaling the kx 250, its expensive tho and itll take a a good solid year but it can be done. im behind ur cousin ive been surpassed lol. my real goal is a 1000 super sport bike ive sat on them and love them now but also want a supermoto. my dads gettin a 99 zrx 1100 so thatll be my first big bike practice riding. And yes, i ALWAYS wear a helmet and chest protector. it feels weird w/o them.do u think i should sell the 250 and get a 500 to street legal? i dont plan on highway riding, just around town.my dad says the 250 will work fine. any comments on that?
UPDATE!well, the ZRX didnt work out(so far) because the dealer hasnt got the RR shock back from south carolina they said it should be there friday but were goin out of town to ride at KY.we live in IN. at thecycleshed there's a brand new 03 KTM 450SX for 4500$ were going to offer 3500 and see what happens.im anticipating oh 4000+tax.theres 2 other bikes 2: an 02 yz250 for $3000+tax and 60 doc or title, and a 89 250r for 2600 nice but HARD to start freshly rebuilt too(my grandpa owns it and we wanna buy it off him). oh and whenever the bike (my 98 KX250)falls on its side after its hot and i get it back up(it was SUPER muddy down there in KY last time) and tred to start it it will not. I push it back uphill and muddy to the shed and put anew spark plug in it and fires up. i ride w/ an extra plug and wrench now!but its super hard to get out and remove and tighten the plug horribly inconvenient.i found out its an easily flooded bike...
anyone else have this problem?
Next time that happens, try shutting off the gas (petcock) hold the throttle wide open and kick it. It should clear it out and start within a few kicks.
does that really work?
and my dad is gettin the brand new 05 KTM 450sx, sweet deal too 4200 plus tax. We're goin to Haspin Acres the first good weathered day off!
Its always worked for me.
so that dries it out...it works on the ktm.wish i had the kx cant get it until next week tho.i miss my kx...
Patience Grasshopper! Sounds like you and your Dad have a good time together.
Lots of folks can't say that. I think the main concern on a five hunnert is throttle control. Take care and enjoy your time together with Pop.
Before you know it you'll be chasing a blonde insted of the old mans KTM :wink:!
Tuck \o/
amen brother :lol: just dont ever give up riding for a blonde :evil: you can chase the ktm and the blonde
yes me and dad are cool like that.plus the riding trip we're gonna do this weekend(and go get my kx,i miss it so) includes my big brother, who had a banshee but now rides the 250r.
and who say's im not? :-D lol how did u guys know blondes are my favorite? :-o
im workin on it :-D
Sweet, man Teen Green!!!!!! On the riding areas in Indiana, my favorite is definately the "sandy" Badlands. There is a nem place called Mule Ridge, also out west. Take 36 west to 63 go 1 mile North and the park is on the left. You can see it from the highway. Same as Badland Rules and prices. Also like 700 acres of nice trails, but very new.
About the flooding, if you are fouling plugs at start-up, you might turn the gas off for about 10 seconds before done riding. It can be fixed by adjusting the float bowl shut-off in the carb. If it is flooding, while out riding, that is easy to fix.
Any time you are riding with the clutch in for any length of time, like on downhill riding, crack the throttle. Hit it a few times, to make sure it is cleaned out good. Also, if it keeps dieing on you in tight conditions, you can gear down, which is easier to ride that Kaw!!!!!
no it only fouls when it goes on its side. when i pick it back up it refuses to start and i have to push it back. i tried the gas off throttle wide open kick it process and it definitely worked but it almost started cause i kicked it too hard. oh and there is like no play whatsoever on the throttle. we've set the 2 adjustments all the way 2 loose and no results. im not convinced that's the right throttle cable, so i may just get a new one. oh yeah, xl-1 power wash, anyone use that? i do, and its excellent if u use it right. my kx rivaled the ktm(brand new) in cleanliness and overall looks afterwards!
anyone know of a kickstand for a 98 kx 250? ive got about $100 to spend on one.
Looks like you can get any kind of stand you want, new, for less than 90. Looked in my Motosport Outlet Mag and nice center stands that lift your bike off the ground are around $80, and a prop stand that you lean the bike against is only $20.
Sounds like your bike is flooding, not fouling, if it happens when you crash it. You definately need to hold the throttle wide open when kicking. You being 14 makes me think, you may not weigh enough, to make it an easy kick. If you feel like you're putting your foot up by your ear, that also makes balancing a problem. Try putting the left grip against a tree or something, so you can stand up, and so you can get as much as possible into the kick. And its always less trouble, in neutral. Also, slowly push the kicker around until you feel the compression of motor stop your foot. then wind it up for a hard kick. Hope that helps, Bud.
yes it does. and i never meant fouling, i knew it was actually flooding. but im a big guy for a 14 yr old, so i can start it w/ little problem on level ground(though an elevation can cause problems) im like 5' 9'' or 10''. my big mistake was i kicked it like regular and it almost started but i reacted quickly and jabbed the kill switch. even if it does flood, a new sparkplug makes it all better, theyre just a pain in the u know what to change. but im lookin for an actual bolt/clamp on kickstand that really attaches to the swing arm. at our local dealer the closest we came was a 96 kx, so i gotta wait till monday to try again. the ktm uses a $20 lean triangle thing(u know waht im tryin to say) so ill pick try to pick up one of those temporarily
speedometers- has any used or even have a trail tech speedo or one like it? would a speedo be useful or should i get one w/ many functions on it? any comments r greatly appreciated.
oh and Hillclimb#42, i like that name, teen green, although from a look at a different veiwpoint um maybe i wont use it ( know what im talkin about?green?)
im gettin a $20 triangular side stand... there wasnt a kick stand for my bike...