KX Riders
Maintenance & Technical => KX500 Original => Topic started by: MadKaw on February 16, 2007, 03:36:04 PM
:-D :-D :-D :-D The proud owner of a brand new to me 93 kx500 :evil:
its got a fmf gnarly and the rest is all stock. it needs a few little odds and ends like grips, throttle cable/clutch cable, a new back tire and probably some jetting(gas dripping from overflow tubes at idle). but started and ran strong and it was cold here today. now its time to let the DAMAGE begin. gonna go thru all the bearings and stuff.
looks like this one.
now the questions begin. :mrgreen:
want to put anything I canfrom my 2001kx250 on the bike as far as suspension, swingarm, forks, CDI unit.
So, will any of it work?
thanx in advance for all the help I'm gonna ask for :roll:
oh, and got it for 1200$
I hate you!
No, seriously, congratulations--good lookin' bike!
I'm just mad that mine is nowhere close to running...
man that looks nice! cant wait to find mine... :mrgreen:
I have one in a box, that is a 94 totally disasembled and I hope to rebuild it this year!
Nice score MadKaw.... looks like some fun ahead for you in the maintenance and personalization of your new bike :-)
Hey Alan, you've been talking about that one for a while... what colors you going to do?? Blue/Green... Black... White/Green.... Huh?? Why not make it a Sand Only bike and Bling it out!! I will go for the maiden ride with you and make it a road trip, maybe even bring along some other 5Hundie riders :evil:
I think I would like to powdercoat the wheels and frame blue to match the shocks and do a lot of polishing on the swing arm and frame. I have a large tank for it and go with Gnarly pipe,reeds,spacer and flywheel weights, maybe i will light it as well. Anyway that's my plans so far!
so do ya'll know if any of my '01 250 parts will go on this bike?
want to put the rear shock, cdi, swingarm, anything to update it?
so would any of it go on, or should I start rebuilding its stock shock, and just start refreshing the bearings and fork oil and stuff?
I don't believe any of your 01 KX250 parts will work. The KX500 is a pre-93? KX250 never updated. Best bet to send those shocks off OR place the KX500 motor in your KX250 frame.. ;-)
yeah its a 93 and I just didn't know if any of it would work. but putting the motor in the 250 frame is an interesting idea. I've the great writups on the kx500af, but I haven't seen one on just the regular kx250 frame. any cutting of the frame required?
yeah its a 93 and I just didn't know if any of it would work. but putting the motor in the 250 frame is an interesting idea. I've the great writups on the kx500af, but I haven't seen one on just the regular kx250 frame. any cutting of the frame required?
I just recently sent Alan an a scanned in article about someone that put a KX500 engine into a steel framed 2000 KX 250.
I can e-mail the PDF file of the article if you want.
Just send me your e-mail addy and I will do it.
Regards Scott.
yeah its a 93 and I just didn't know if any of it would work. but putting the motor in the 250 frame is an interesting idea. I've the great writups on the kx500af, but I haven't seen one on just the regular kx250 frame. any cutting of the frame required?
I just recently sent Alan an a scanned in article about someone that put a KX500 engine into a steel framed 2000 KX 250. Sorry, I have been out of town and very busy! I did find that we will have to post the pages to the Gallery!
I can e-mail the PDF file of the article if you want.
Just send me your e-mail addy and I will do it.
Regards Scott.
You could maybe use the shock (valving would be off), the forks could be used with a late model 500 steering stem and the fabrication of a shim in the top clamp. I have been told the ignition could be used, although I have not personally seen this. If you want a more updated k5 you could do as suggested in the previous posts, put the K5 motor in the 250 chassis. It is a sweet bike, much narrower and better suspended. I have 3 500's 2 in 99-02 250 chassis and 1 in an 04 250f chassis. the pictures are upon completion, I have since added new plastic and graphics.
my email is in my listing in MEMBERS at the top. please send the PDF if you can.
man that bike is SWEET. is that steel tube you used for the lower frame? the motor wont fit in the stock frame carriage will it?
got me thinkin about doin that...dont have any welding stuff though :cry:
Sorry, I have been out of town and very busy! I did find that we will have to post the pages to the Gallery!
Wahay, easy tiger :wink:
I didn't read my e-mails till after I posted that.
Is this a bad time to say that the article doesn't blow up quite big enough for my eyes :-D
my email is in my listing in MEMBERS at the top. please send the PDF if you can.
man that bike is SWEET. is that steel tube you used for the lower frame? the motor wont fit in the stock frame carriage will it?
got me thinkin about doin that...dont have any welding stuff though :cry:
The motor fits into the stock 250 frame without having to cut any of the structure. The rear motor mount, the one at the swingarm needs to be drilled ou to 17mm, the bottom motor mount will fit, the front needs to be modified and the head stay needs to be moved from the rear to the front of the motor. The whole job can be done in a weekend.
You made your pipe?? Or did you have one bent to fit?? How's the kx250 chassis with that 500 engine?? You ride track or woods?? If you get a chance please post some photo's in the gallery showing the mods need to make the 500 fit in the kx250 chassis.
thats cool man, I didn't know it was that small of a job. if you could post or email me that PDF or some pics of those mounts that would be awsome.
thanx! Brandon
I have one in a box, that is a 94 totally disasembled and I hope to rebuild it this year!
I also got a '94 in a box on Ebay for $400, I think it was quite a steal :-D I Only needed the motor so I could put it in my '05 250F frame. After selling a bunch of K5 parts for about $300 and my 250F engine, carb, pipe, and electrics for $1200 I had a bunch of money left over for a bunch of goodies :wink:
PLEASE!!!!! somebody get me the articles, pics, instructions anything on this convert. really want to build a mongoloid. :evil:
PLEASE!!!!! somebody get me the articles, pics, instructions anything on this convert. really want to build a mongoloid. :evil:
I can't send you the PDF till I know your e-mail address, I can't see your e-mail address in your profile cos it's listed as hidden, send me a personal message with your e-mail address in it and I can send you the details.
regards Scott.