KX Riders

General => In General... => Topic started by: kx666 on November 15, 2006, 03:19:38 PM

Title: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: kx666 on November 15, 2006, 03:19:38 PM
Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: Arigato on November 16, 2006, 04:17:52 AM
CR500 motors in those things.
Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: kx666 on November 16, 2006, 05:10:43 AM
they look like fun.
Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: Johnniespeed on November 16, 2006, 11:40:29 AM
 I have never seen anything like that. Do you stand while riding ? And why do they have such small tires ? The suspension looks to be very limited, where would you ride this? The front tire does not look dune compatible.
Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: MadKaw on November 16, 2006, 01:22:23 PM
WTF indeed...I guess he's packin the lunch to eat while he's layed out on the ground.
Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: kx666 on November 16, 2006, 05:34:43 PM
Sly has videos of these running on his website, and some awsome  video footage.

Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: Arigato on November 17, 2006, 04:39:06 AM
You stand on 'em like a scooter.  They got around the dunes pretty good.
Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: FuriouSly on November 17, 2006, 04:48:37 AM
What a funny post this is.  These guys on their stand up scooters were camped next to us at Coral Pink one weekend.  If I remember correctly the red one had a 400ex quad motor in it and the white one definately had a CR500 motor.

These were hand made 100% custom.  They were on a trip back from the Bonneville Salt Flats testing grounds where they did 103MPH (2005) on the white one two times in a row setting a land speed record for the type of vehicle.  NUTS !!!   :-o

I looked up the records and it looks to be 99MPH (2004).  Check this article  http://www.inventionshow.com/17_inv_community/200409/02_extreme_scooter.asp (http://www.inventionshow.com/17_inv_community/200409/02_extreme_scooter.asp)

Another for 2006  http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/Article_Page.aspx?ArticleID=3932&Page=1 (http://www.motorcycle-usa.com/Article_Page.aspx?ArticleID=3932&Page=1)

The tires are standard quad rubber and the suspension was pretty good looking for them.  The white one was fast and kicked up a serious roost.  I think my back would end up killing me after about 30 minutes of riding those things since I would be hunched over with no cushy KX5 seat to sit on.

Definately a conversation piece.... Sly
Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: GDubb on November 19, 2006, 03:11:35 PM
Which video are they in on Sly's page?  I've been watching vids for seems like hours and havent come across them yet.  Oh well... I love the dunes so I'm off to see more vids.  Great site Sly!  Makes me wanna move back to Oregon!
Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: GDubb on November 19, 2006, 03:25:10 PM
Found it....  Coral Pink Utah  Sept 8-11 video.
Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: Danger4u2 on November 20, 2006, 01:35:24 AM
Here:   http://www.sly4family.com/vidzcoralpink090805.htm
Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: FuriouSly on November 20, 2006, 03:40:10 AM
So, this is a great little topic so I figured it was my civic duty to put together the video footage I have of the scooter(s).  This is all I had and didn't get a chance to film them out on the dunes.  When you see him head up between the fencing,  we call that the cut up to the dunes and it is usually 1-2 foot woops all the way up.

Here is the video without all the other stuff on the video from my website:  http://www.kxriders.com/coppermine/displayimage.php?album=85&pos=0

Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: Danger4u2 on November 20, 2006, 03:49:19 AM
Sly, what kind of video editing software are you using?
Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: MadKaw on November 20, 2006, 04:17:36 PM
Title: Re: All I have to say is: WTF???
Post by: FuriouSly on November 20, 2006, 04:25:07 PM
I use Pinnacle Systems Studio 9 with the Movie Box DV firewire.  I haven't needed to upgrade to Studio 10 since I like what I use now.  I have added some features to it through the website downloads.  You can add what you want, in sections, for a fee of course.  Love it.
