KX Riders
General => In General... => Topic started by: Paul on June 14, 2006, 09:21:31 AM
It looks like we have 9 members (on the map anyways ;) ) there are fairly close to ISDRA (Glamis). I'd like to start planning a ride in the Oct / Nov timeframe. Anyone up for that?
P.S. I just (like 10 minutes ago) unloaded my basket case 2004 KX500, previous owner messed himself up on it and d**n near gave it away. I'll post a couple pics later.
Sounds cool. Long drive for me. Question,Do I have to get a green sticker for my bikes? When you see bikes from Calif. that are for sale they always say green sticker ready. In Okla. sound has never been an issue any where I have ever ridden. The K5 I think is loud (Fmf Gnarly/Power Core 2) but the Honda 400EX (White Brothers R4 header and silencer) is louder than.... lets just say it's LOUD. It's so loud they quit making it. Had I known it was as loud as it is I would not have bought it, that was 3 years ago. It definitely gave it more power. If they do the sound test I know the Honda will not pass. I have ridden dirt and street bikes for years, back in 03' I got the quad. My friend Mike that took me to the dunes (Little Sahara OK.) the first time, let me ride his 400EX. I had a blast. That next Tue. I went to the honda shop and bought one. I have always wanted to go to Glamis. Mike has been many times, he would go on the Thanks Giving weekend and spend about 10 days. I'll see if I can talk him into it.
paul, how about a nice pvl to complment your kx? :-)
Sounds cool. Long drive for me. Question,Do I have to get a green sticker for my bikes? When you see bikes from Calif. that are for sale they always say green sticker ready.
Nope, you're not a California resident. All you'll need is the ISDRA pass and you can purchase that when you get to the Dunes.
Gabe, if I didn't have one from my other bike I'd definitely buy this one from you.
Yea I knew you couldn't stay away from the mighty KX for long, Paul! he he he! :-) :-) :-)
As long as it's on an off weekend I'd like to go. Too many nut jobs out there on the big weekends.
Get that bike going Paul!
Understood on that one, I'm not a big fan of the freakshows like Halloween / Thanksgiving etc... I like to ride during the day, grill and drink beer during the evenings, not fight off dumbasses :D
Too many nut jobs out there on the big weekends.
Understood on that one, I'm not a big fan of the freakshows like Halloween / Thanksgiving etc... I like to ride during the day, grill and drink beer during the evenings, not fight off dumbasses :D
That basically sums up our program right there.
Id be down to drive If I had my own truck my that time but atm I dont If for some reason I end up selling my car and getting into a reliable truck by that time Im definently in Glamis is my dream riding spot.
It looks like we have 9 members (on the map anyways ;) ) there are fairly close to ISDRA (Glamis). I'd like to start planning a ride in the Oct / Nov timeframe. Anyone up for that?
P.S. I just (like 10 minutes ago) unloaded my basket case 2004 KX500, previous owner messed himself up on it and d**n near gave it away. I'll post a couple pics later.
What price did he sell it to you for?? Why is it a basket case bike?? Pictures??
I am in if it is not the weekend my nephew is getting married! How about a date? :-D :-D
(Glamis). I'd like to start planning a ride in the Oct / Nov timeframe
Definately in. I am sure we can scrounge up some riders from around here. If we plan it correctly, there should be plenty of Toy Haulers for everyone to sleep in or at least have a bathroom/shower. That way people can throw their bike/food/necessities in the truck and jam down without worries. How many days you thinking?
Just think, a KXRiders Riding Video... very cool. Sly
(Glamis). I'd like to start planning a ride in the Oct / Nov timeframe
Definately in. I am sure we can scrounge up some riders from around here. If we plan it correctly, there should be plenty of Toy Haulers for everyone to sleep in or at least have a bathroom/shower. That way people can throw their bike/food/necessities in the truck and jam down without worries. How many days you thinking?
Just think, a KXRiders Riding Video... very cool. Sly
The bike has sat for 2 years on his back porch, so I'll have to go through everything - hence "basket case". It's dirty, and scratched to Hell and back, broken radiator shroud, leaking fork seals, bent bars, broken lower triple tree and a destroyed front brake lever / reservoir and hydraulic line. The bike got away from him on some tight Arizona singletrack and hurt him pretty bad. The bike lay in the bottom of a "gorge" for a couple weeks until his friends could get back out there and get it out for him then he never touched it again. Just took his surgery and healed up.
What price did he sell it to you for?? Why is it a basket case bike?? Pictures??
He wanted it gone and knew I'd fix / ride it and didn't want anything for it, so I slipped his wife $2000 for the bike. I'm not taking anything without paying.
Sound like you will have a nice bike after some lovin.
Sounds like you have a real project bike there! Paul :-D