KX Riders

Maintenance & Technical => KX500 Original => Topic started by: 2001KX5 on May 22, 2006, 08:46:46 AM

Title: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: 2001KX5 on May 22, 2006, 08:46:46 AM
Well I should of known this day would come I guess.  Now my lever never busted in the area of the pivot joint but rather where it makes contact to the hardend steel pivot component.  I guess it has gotten sloppier over time making them slightly off from their normal contact place which was enough for the hardend steel part to eat through the alum. kicker.

I'm going to get the alum built up on the busted one and make some kind of hardend steel insert to go in there just so I have a spare one.

Anyway the busted kicker being off its normal 90% point is the reason why it also ate through my boots! Oh well, at least I'll have a new one in a few days.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: hughes on May 23, 2006, 01:22:59 AM
When you order the new one order one for an 04 model it has been made better than the older ones. Mine 04 kick starter has been on my 87 for amost 2 years now with no prblems. I broke two of the older units.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: alan on May 23, 2006, 01:53:23 AM
When you order the new one order one for an 04 model it has been made better than the older ones. Mine 04 kick starter has been on my 87 for amost 2 years now with no prblems. I broke two of the older units.
So when was the last change in the lever, What year? I need to know so I can order 1 for my 94 an ? 1 for my 01!

Alan :|
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: Arigato on May 23, 2006, 03:10:16 AM
Just order one for an '04 to be sure.  There is definately a difference.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: gowen on May 23, 2006, 03:18:07 AM
Even the '04 is a piece. He is talking about the actual "thick" aluminum not breaking but wearing. I have used 3 since racing my KX. I still have all three. Not broken, but worn to the point of over rotating so you can't kick the d**n thing. I just weld it back up and use it one more time. (all the weld will hold is a few kicks)
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: hughes on May 23, 2006, 07:15:50 AM
Mine started to over rotate but I found out why. Look at the stop on the kicker itself. There is a steel pin that is pressed in it. This pin was designed to make contact with the stop on the steel knuckle when the kicker is pulled out(ready to start engine mode). The stop on the knuckle just make contact with only half of the steel pin and then it starts to beat into the alumn kicker. I had some work done to may 04 kicker. I had the stop on the knuckle extended so it make more contact with the kicker when it's pulled out. It's hard to explain. My e-mail is not set up at home due to me just moving but a picture would sum up what am trying to say. Also keep that allen bolt tight(the detent screw). mine works loose every ride. Just a little tip for the kicker. I cut a section out of an old tire tube from a kids bike and slide it down over the pivot point of the kicker and safety wire it at the top. It helps keep mud and dust out of the area. I had to remove and clean that after every ride but now it been on their for two rides and zero dirt or mud in that pivot point.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: gowen on May 24, 2006, 01:30:16 AM
Hey, if you can get any pictures sometime that would be awesome. I get tired of buying new $120+ kick starters.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: hughes on May 24, 2006, 02:00:49 AM
Gowen I will try to get some pictures. I am using my work computer right now. I hope my home computer will back up and running this week then I can download a picture.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: 2001KX5 on May 24, 2006, 12:29:53 PM
I'm buying the 01 kicker assembly - which is the revised one - for $100 canadian.

Huges I know what your saying. I'm go to work on the old one and weld it back up. Then try to find some sore of metal insert that will hold up.  I could prob bring it to a machine shop and its some thing they could do for $50. But I need a fresh one and perhaps now I'll have a backup.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: kiwikx500 on May 30, 2006, 10:42:41 PM
isnt the kickstart lever designed to be softer than the shaft on purpose so it wears out first ?
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: dweezil on May 31, 2006, 10:53:38 AM
Through kawasaki when you try to order the older style lever the part number changes to the new number. I guess they knew the older ones were weak.

I don't remember the levers being that much I'll have to see what I could get them for at work.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: hughes on June 08, 2006, 06:49:58 AM
Thanks to another member he explained it better than I did and this is his picture he took. You need to extend the stop on the steel knuckle to make full contact with that steel pin that is pressed into the alumn. kicker. This mod has been made to the polished kicker. Mine has been mod. for almost two years and work great. Never had any issue with the 04 kicker.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: 2001KX5 on June 18, 2007, 04:16:55 AM
Well the new lever I put on last year is toast. Same thing, over rotates past the metal pin.

This evening I'm going to weld up the steel knuckle and see if it will make a difference.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: hughes on June 18, 2007, 04:42:34 AM
Well the new lever I put on last year is toast. Same thing, over rotates past the metal pin.

This evening I'm going to weld up the steel knuckle and see if it will make a difference.

That's the problem with these kick starters is that don't make full contact with the metal pin. Check out the above photo. Mine has the same mod and it is three years old with no issues. Does not over rotate.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: FuriouSly on June 18, 2007, 05:36:05 AM
Hey all...  If you send me just the bottom steel part of your kickstarter I will weld and polish it up for you.  This if for any KX5 member who does not have access or the tools to get it done themselves.  Of course you can PM me for more info like address and minimal cost.  I am the creator of the above photo.

See it in detail here  http://www.kxriders.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=86


Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: hughes on June 18, 2007, 05:50:14 AM
can't beat that with a stick. Thanks dude for the offer to everyone.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: BigGreenMachine on June 18, 2007, 09:05:45 AM
Have to give mine that treatment as well. So as long as that extra surface is added the kicker shouldn't break? In theory I mean..
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: steve1965 on June 18, 2007, 02:33:22 PM
If you have to order a new one go to this web site the bike shop has great prices for Kawi parts.
http://www.worldofcycles.com/fiche_select.asp I bought a new one for my 98 K5 for about $77 brand new and upgraded. Good company to deal with when I talked with them on the phone they said they did not raise there prices for parts when other dealers did.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: stewart on June 28, 2007, 02:38:51 PM
man thats a great idea  thanks for sharing it .. i think this is the best web site  so many of you guys post great ideas  thanks all for sharing stewart
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: gowen on June 29, 2007, 01:02:58 AM
Hey all...  If you send me just the bottom steel part of your kickstarter I will weld and polish it up for you.  This if for any KX5 member who does not have access or the tools to get it done themselves.  Of course you can PM me for more info like address and minimal cost.  I am the creator of the above photo.

See it in detail here  http://www.kxriders.com/coppermine/thumbnails.php?album=86


You are one hell of a guy to offer that Sly.. It really was a heck of an idea and worked great for me back in my riding days.
Title: Re: *@#$%&* kick start lever bustage!
Post by: bruzer88 on June 29, 2007, 10:38:21 AM
Another cheap site for oem parts is ronayers.com,

Parts found with Part Number: 13064-1201
Price    $77.52

That is USD.
