KX Riders
General => In General... => Topic started by: Timbowe on February 25, 2006, 07:25:37 PM
Mungatai isdone and dusted for another year. Quite hot and dry this year with heaps of dust (my eyeballs are red as beetroot while I sit here and tap this out) 30 degrees c. Rode 150 kms or about 96 miles at an average speed of 38.9 kmph, in a total time of 3:39:15. top speed of 141 kmph, according to my GPS. 5 people had to be frieghted to hospital in the meat wagons. 1 poor chap with a compound fracture of the lower leg! (thats when the bone protrudes out through the skin) Yeoww! Too many nobs with big cheque books who think they are top guns and get out there and grease off in the first 2 miles. Bad for our sport when the meat wagons have to be utillised. :| We all had a brilloe day. Gizzard snaped a chain, Daz broke a clutch lever, Harry reckons he's bent a gear selector, and the dirty ol five sprung a leak in one of the radiators. One of the plastic guards rubbing against it looks to have worn through! :-o
Should be not too much of a prob to fix. Got some pics but eye balls are not up to much more of this bright screen glaring back at me. Sooo maybe tommorrow. :-D
d**n, that really sounds like fun! :-o :-o :-( :cry: :cry:
Hey, look forword to seeing those pictures! It's just not fair to see people out riding in weather past 50F+ degrees. I can't wait till we get some warm weather. It was 59F yesterday and 40F today. No fun.
Ahh yes no doubt about it.. it was fun! Here's a couple of shots. Its hard to stop and take pics when you're having sooo much fun. Its just hard!! .... to stop. HARD !!
Do I need admin to help with file uploads? Getting errored.
No check the sizes. I think they have to be under 256k and 4 at most at a time.
Righty ho then I shall try that. Here goes!
It will not let me load any more than one file at a time.. I try again Alan there was an Orange Kawasaki V-Force (in the pic)
OK OK Im getting there.. Total file upload max's out at 192 kb. So 1 at a time. Read the fine print Tim. :-P
Sorry to drag on and on here. only 2 to go. :mrgreen:
All this is flattening the ol mouse batteries. Make this the last.
Timbowe, the last pic is a guy fueling up an old blue Yamer Yammer! Is that an old 80's YZ465 or what?
Thanks for the Great pic's
Alan :-D
I'll change that 192k to something a little more posting friendly.
Sweetazz Paul. Yeah Alan that yamaha is an 81 (I think) IT 465. You guys would have had ITs? Class leading enduro machines. Came in all sizes from about 78/79s IT 175, which was increased to 200 in 81/82. The 200s ran through till 86/87 and the latter ones had front disk. There was a 250 also (which the owner of the 465 has as well in the same condition). Fairly sure they produced a 490 model as well. Good reliable strong bike. I had a 86 200 for years. Cained the Bjesus out of it! Never let me down. :-D