KX Riders

General => In General... => Topic started by: musturbo on December 14, 2005, 01:13:58 PM

Title: congrats to destry abbott!
Post by: musturbo on December 14, 2005, 01:13:58 PM
just read in the new ama book he traded wins for 4 races with david pearson and is 2nd in the ama/fmf hare and hound series on his kx 500!
Title: oops
Post by: musturbo on December 14, 2005, 01:15:25 PM
i mean russell pearson.
Title: RE: oops
Post by: Timbowe on December 15, 2005, 11:13:06 AM
Ideal machine for that job! Long live the dirty ol five!
Title: RE: oops
Post by: Destry on December 30, 2005, 01:48:03 PM
Thanks, but I came up a little short on the title and had to give up my #1 plate  :(  Next year should be better!

Best Wishes,
Title: RE: oops
Post by: Timbowe on December 30, 2005, 04:15:26 PM
Good luck! Go green!
Title: RE: oops
Post by: Destry on January 01, 2006, 12:26:30 PM
Thanks! I'll try my best :)
Title: RE: oops
Post by: John on January 02, 2006, 04:20:13 AM
Oi, Destry.

I saw that you have started up your own forum on your web site, Pitbull is up for competition! I must say that there are some very nice pictures (the backgrounds) on your web site.

Good luck with your racing and have a properous 2006!

Title: RE: oops
Post by: Destry on January 02, 2006, 03:09:52 PM
Thanks, but I don't think I can compete against Pitbull. I'm having my web guy add a lot of new pictures to the site too. They're not on the mighty KX500, but they're on the 450.

Best Wishes,
Title: congrats to destry abbott!
Post by: alan on January 03, 2006, 01:56:54 AM
Congrats Destry! I assume you ride both KX500 and the 450's! Can you give us your impressions of the differences?

Alan :D
Title: congrats to destry abbott!
Post by: Johnniespeed on January 03, 2006, 02:12:27 AM
Keep up the good work Destry !  I am envious of your accomplishments and proud of your success.