KX Riders

General => In General... => Topic started by: umberto on April 09, 2018, 01:36:51 AM

Title: Don’t click on links from first time or weird posters
Post by: umberto on April 09, 2018, 01:36:51 AM
If you see a post in a strange language, or see someone posting a link as their first post, don’t click on it. I try to keep them cleaned up, but a couple are pretty persistent. Just report to moderator if you see something fishy. Thank you!
Title: Re: Don’t click on links from first time or weird posters
Post by: umberto on May 11, 2018, 12:15:48 AM
I banned a new user today for posting a link to his Etsy site that sells mermaid tails. What kind of person thinks that KX fans and mermaid tails go together?  Spam links I can kind of understand, but freaking Etsy?  I’m just at a loss for words.
Title: Re: Don’t click on links from first time or weird posters
Post by: Brute on May 12, 2018, 04:32:27 AM
Those would look AWESOME hung on the back of a KX coming off of a jump, wiggling around and all, as long as you were wearing your Aquaman costume! Yeah baby!  :lol:
Title: Re: Don’t click on links from first time or weird posters
Post by: umberto on May 12, 2018, 05:27:37 AM
Either Merman or Barnacle Boy from Sponge Bob would work really well in this situation as well.   :-D
Title: Re: Don’t click on links from first time or weird posters
Post by: umberto on May 27, 2018, 03:39:58 AM
I think the worst of the SPAM attack has passed.  For a couple of weeks there we were seeing 2-3 bogus accounts set up every day.  Once again though, please don't click on any strange or first time posters links.  I don't want anyone getting a virus or malware from one of these toolbags.  And if you see any nudity, I apologize if it offends anyone.  If it doesn't offend you, enjoy it while you can.   :-D
Title: Re: Don’t click on links from first time or weird posters
Post by: umberto on June 15, 2018, 09:04:32 AM
I think the worst of the SPAM attack has passed.  For a couple of weeks there we were seeing 2-3 bogus accounts set up every day.  Once again though, please don't click on any strange or first time posters links.  I don't want anyone getting a virus or malware from one of these toolbags.  And if you see any nudity, I apologize if it offends anyone.  If it doesn't offend you, enjoy it while you can.   :-D
Looks like I spoke too soon.  I've deleted or banned about seven new accounts in the last hour.  As always, please report anything you see that looks fishy.
Title: Re: Don’t click on links from first time or weird posters
Post by: umberto on January 23, 2019, 12:56:16 AM
There was another SPAM posting on the site today with a link to follow. The guy posted a couple of times to try to look legitimate. Fortunately it was about football/soccer, and really stood out. If you see someone post a link in the first few posts, and their posts aren’t even remotely about dirt bikes, please report them to a moderator immediately.  And whatever you do, don’t click on their links. It’s most likely a virus or malware.
Title: Re: Don’t click on links from first time or weird posters
Post by: streetsleeper on January 23, 2019, 05:04:44 AM
Got it. I just thought the geezer had posted on the wrong site - don't remember any links. But if it happens again I'll report it. Btw, where do I report it?
I had my computer hacked 6 months ago. Lost everything. I had all my previous computers on the one computer. Thought I'd lost 3 years work on my book as well. Luckily, although I lost one helluva lot I found I had a copy in cyberspace. Otherwise I think I would've given up on it. It wasn't a total of three years' work, but stuff I had written over a period of 3 years. I'll be extra cautious in future. Thanks.
Title: Re: Don’t click on links from first time or weird posters
Post by: umberto on January 23, 2019, 06:52:55 AM
There is a report to moderator link in every comment made on a post (just look down and to the right of this comment and you will see it).  Click on that comment you want to report, and make sure and put why you are reporting it before you send it.  You'll have to hustle though.  Foxx4Beaver is pretty fast to report the spammers (thank you sir).
Title: Re: Don’t click on links from first time or weird posters
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on January 23, 2019, 08:52:58 AM
It's just out of sheer luck that I catch em so often...since I'm hardly ever on here.