KX Riders
Maintenance & Technical => KX500 Aluminum Frame Conversion (AFC) => Topic started by: Charlie500 on March 07, 2016, 01:40:06 PM
Looks like there located up in Washington State, curious if anybody owns any of there stuff on here? bikes look pretty nice at a reasonable price!
We bought a bike there a couple years ago. They treated us well and are easy to deal with. They move stuff pretty fast so the inventory is always changing.
they sure look nice...I bet that RM300 would be a blast in the woods...e-start to boot!
That is a really nice looking bike. I never knew KTMs looked so good red.
We bought a bike there a couple years ago. They treated us well and are easy to deal with. They move stuff pretty fast so the inventory is always changing.
what'd you get from them?...if you don't mind sharing.
Street bike. 2012 ZX14R. One of the smoothest easiest bikes I have been on but just a beast when you twist it's tail... Double counter balancers and multiple traction and engine electronic settable controls. Wife named it "Miss Manners" because "Sometimes she behaves..." I had it painted on it for her birthday. 8-)
Redline seems fairly picky about the stuff they take in. Or at least from what I have seen in there. I stop in every now and then 'just to see' and have taken friends in as well.
ahhhh...you've posted that pic before on here in another thread...I don't remember if you ever mentioned where you got it from though.
that is a beautiful ZX.
Probably this one we did for Halloween.
just to mention, it was when we first got it and someone had put a billet license plate holder on it that stuck out on the left (gone now) and VooDoo pipes that were basically straight pipes (gone as well) right under your feet. It was ear shattering. :-o
I do recognize the skeletal pic. 8-)