KX Riders
General => Riding Stories => Topic started by: umberto on January 16, 2015, 04:37:36 AM
Since I was a kid my dad and I have been riding on this large mountain pasture near my home. My son has also grown up riding on it. The land is selling this month, and I got to go on one last ride in December. There is a peak on the property called Wolf Knob that is around 1600 feet above sea level (the surrounding area is 400, so it's about 1200 feet of prominence).
I had only gotten to go to the top of it one other time, so I wanted to stand at the top one last time to say goodbye. I took my 2003 KX/KDX Hybrid and my son took his 05 KX 125 and we went down to ride it around Christmas time. The day was cool and overcast but it was the warmest day we had seen in a long time. We rode about twenty miles that day, and I managed to ride to the top of Wolf Knob and look off of it one more time. It was a special time for all of us. We even managed to drag along some gas station sandwiches, chips and drinks. Here are some pictures from almost to the peak (stopped for lunch)
Here is me at the very top (it's kind of obscured by trees):
My Voyager readout:
My Voyager map laid over Google Earth (the best feature of the Voyager IMHO):
It might be my favorite ride of all time. Gonna miss that old pasture.
Man that's cool. The voyager is very neat. I find it very sad when a public riding area or a private one being used oublically goes up for sale. It's a real shame.
That is a shame.
I can't count the amount of riding spots or thousands of miles of trails that have been shut down in the last 40 years.
I think about all the fun I had and it makes me sad for my kids.
At least you got in one last ride and have some pics.
Most of the riding areas lost in our area are only active in my mind.
The owners had sold the mineral rights and land wasn't all that useful for cattle. A guy offered them a ton for it, so I don't blame them at all. I think the new guy is going to ride on it too. He's built a ton of roads. Too bad I don't know him. :-D
I would get to intrducin myself!!
Ride report on the kdx conversion :-D,awesome its getting used. I cant imagine having my riding area closed out. I'm very lucky here I can hop on my bike & ride from my front door to any border of the "state", I'm in the center. Lots of ohv access. Best bet is like reklessj said make friends, research the best beer , whiskey, food to ingratiate yourself. Nothing wrong with buttering toast if the trail is worth it :mrgreen:
Unfortunately the riding area is 200 miles from me in SE Oklahoma. I still have plenty of really great places to ride in the area, I just won't get to go on this particular place. If I lived closer I would definitely begin the bribing process. :-D