KX Riders
Commercially available service offered by members of KXRiders. => OEM-CYCLE => Topic started by: sandblaster on September 12, 2014, 11:31:08 AM
I finally got a quote to make the adapter rings for the 2 piece clutch covers without the holes in them.
So, you would have to drill and tap your own holes.
Not a big deal but still a pain.
They would be water jetted from 1/4" 6061 Aluminum plate.
They will make me one for me to do a test fit on.
Once I verify it they will make the other 9.
I'd like to hear from Roost first before I commit to getting them made.
So stay tuned...
Roost just got back to me and we should have some soon.
So I will wait before doing anything else.
He should know something in a few weeks.
You gotta admit, these look sexy :mrgreen:
Anyway I'm in for one Sandblaster . Have a Hinson 450 cover waiting to be used.
Now available for sale!
I only have a few that aren't spoken for so get em quick!
I'll have another batch soon.
This current batch are 3/16" thick and have the holes tapped.
The new batch will be 1/4" thick but will not have the holes tapped.
If you are in Canada, please order them from Roost.
I have some 1/4" adapters that just arrived.
If you see them on eBay, DO NOT buy them there...
Send me a PM and save BIG! :-o
This may be an obvious question but how do you go about installing these adapters haha?
This may be an obvious question but how do you go about installing these adapters haha?
This may be an obvious question but how do you go about installing these adapters haha?
Use the lick and stick method 8-)
This will give you a rough idea...
http://www.oem-cycle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=334 (http://www.oem-cycle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=334)
how are you welding that close to the seal area without distortion? letting it cool a lot?
how are you welding that close to the seal area without distortion? letting it cool a lot?
Very end of page 9
http://www.oem-cycle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=334&start=80 (http://www.oem-cycle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=334&start=80)
Thanks goes to Roost...
(http://www.loupiote.com/photos_m/14654050347-arc-welding-repair-motorbike-rack-india.jpg?loupiote_embed=bbcode) (http://www.loupiote.com/photos/14654050347.shtml)
Here is the proper way to safely weld it. Yeah Baby!
(http://www.loupiote.com/photos_m/14654050347-arc-welding-repair-motorbike-rack-india.jpg?loupiote_embed=bbcode) (http://www.loupiote.com/photos/14654050347.shtml)
both those pics are funny...the only thing they're missing is an open source of gasoline...and a cigarette dangling from their mouths for the icing on the cake. :lol:
Were you guy installing sight glass windows on any covers?
Not me....
Just curious why you dont personally do that?
My bike doesn't leak and I change the oil so often that the site glass isn't really necessary.
It would be cool but Then I would need a ream of the correct size :-D
I made a housing for the glass, Set a right hand main case on the mill, an old clutch case with a glass intact to locate from and installed the housing I made into a cnc'd billet cover. Havent run it yet, plenty of screwing around. :wink:
That's cause your special :-P
they kept telling me the same thing when i was in school lol
Is that a OEM-CYCLE 2 piece clutch cover on Destry Abbott's bike? :-o :-o :-o
Bike needs more "M"
I offered to do his top end..... But nooooooo.... he knows some high flutin Jim Dandy dude :lol:
Oh well.... turns out I got real busy all of the sudden :wink:
I see that Destry cut the stinger off of his Turbine Core II just like a certain somebody that we all know and love to pieces. :-D
I see that Destry cut the stinger off of his Turbine Core II just like a certain somebody that we all know and love to pieces. :-D
(http://i208.photobucket.com/albums/bb275/Motorrad2/Mobile%20Uploads/61QZyM9vzDL._SY355_.jpg) (http://s208.photobucket.com/user/Motorrad2/media/Mobile%20Uploads/61QZyM9vzDL._SY355_.jpg.html)
I like the color of the frame.
and the Fasst Flexx bars too.
What foot pegs are those
He says they are new style IMS pegs.
Did team green make him a set of rads? Or he running stock?
Did team green make him a set of rads? Or he running stock?
Oscar knows :-)
I wonder if that rekluse is available and set up perfect for the Kx500 with the 2 piece mod. .....
I wonder if that rekluse is available and set up perfect for the Kx500 with the 2 piece mod. .....
Just says Rekluse on the cover. They don't make an autoclutch for the K5. Revloc does or did. I had one but wasn't very fond of it.
I want some of his chain slider guard bolts... Where do I get some??!
I want some of his chain slider guard bolts... Where do I get some??!
He said he got them from trick machine shop.
I like how much cleaner the inner clutch cover is then his cylinder 8-)
Ooh I need the pipe mount nut to
My bike doesn't leak and I change the oil so often that the site glass isn't really necessary.
It would be cool but Then I would need a ream of the correct size :-D
the glass is not really necessary .. an oil level screw will do the same work and is easier to fit to the cover.. :wink:
to refill the tranny open the level screw, fill the tranny, till oil shows up through the hole . drain it till only little less oil comes there, put the level screw back in, ready... 8-)
i know this from old german bikes .. and boyesen offers aftermarket clutch covers, that have the level screw instead of the glass...
I called Rekluse and they said the bike has a regular manual clutch. They didn't really want to the Drz 400 one since they are afraid it won't hold up. Anyone have any info or advice before I spend more on a revloc? (If I can get one.)
EnduroPilot.com is a place you could contact for a Revloc. I bought my 04 KX250 Rekluse there, and the guy I spoke with (Tom) said they are buying up old Revloc stock wherever they can. I called 319-465-5001, or you can go to http://enduropilot.com/ (http://enduropilot.com/).
Its funny you said that Umberto bc i was on the phone with Tom just now before reading your reply.
Tom seems to know his stuff.
He said that Rekluse bought revloc out.
The recommended fix is to get 1 more friction plate in there.
To do that I'm going to see if I can get a one of my friends to grind a little off of each steel plate so I can run an extra friction plate with a kx450 rekluse.
So if we want auto clutches for our bikes theres more hoops and ladders to go through.
Tom is a good dude. I wonder if he would produce a kit if enough people were interested. I'm pretty sure that more than a few people on here want one, and if it just involves some adjusting to the steel plates, maybe Tom could produce a kit to use the KX 450F clutch. Might be worth asking about.
I just got a batch delivered to me... (Thanks Roost)
The cost is $69.00 US delivered any where in the USA.
If you are in Canada, please order them from Roost.
All other countries $69.00 US plus shipping.
If you see them on eBay, DO NOT buy there... just PM me here and I'll save you some dough..
so where can I get one of the entire side covers in 2 piece...cuz losing the coolant to change the clutch just sucks
If you are looking for a complete unit ready to bolt up the only person that may have one is RoostiusMaximus.
yes..ready to install assemble or at least the modded stock cover so i can but a boyeson or hinson..pro circuit cover
I may also be interested in one if someone can modify and weld one to my case/cover, or sell one already welded.
Talk to Larry Wiechman.. Master welder
http://www.kxriders.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2245 (http://www.kxriders.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2245)
no doubt I could weld it if I knew what to do. don't have the right stuff to mill it or really don't know what needs done since I don't have any exra stuff laying around to try
Talk to Larry Wiechman.. Master welder
http://www.kxriders.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2245 (http://www.kxriders.com/forums/index.php?action=profile;u=2245)
Hey guys, two things on this topic: Bottom line: go to EFMautoclutch.com and call Gary, if you want an auto clutch for your K5. I've been running one in competition for two years and it works great! I ride enduro and hare scrambles in very challenging terrain (MO, AR, OK). He's been making auto clutches for any motorcycle, for more than 25 years. You send him your clutch pack and he converts it using your basket and plates and a custom billet pressure plate he matches to your basket. I love the action of the clutch and highly recommend it to anyone for off-road racing. The EFM clutch pressure plate sticks out further than the stock clutch, so you have to increase the clearance for the clutch cover. That brings me to point two.
What I did, because I'm 1) cheap, and 2) like to play around with fabrication, was take a clutch cover from a 96 KX 250 and a cut-off wheel on my air grinder, and in about 45 minutes, modified it to fit my K5. I couldn't believe how quick and easy it was. I took the outer KX 250 clutch cover and laid it down over my K5 cover. I took a scratch awl and etched a line all the way around my K5 cover and cut it off. Then I took the inner part of the 250 cover and cut it off, making a line around it, just below the bottom of the holes where the outer cover screws bottom out. Then I took that "ring" and slide it down onto my K5 cover. It fit perfect! I had to make a couple of extra cuts to get it to fit around my K5 water pump, but it was really easy.
I took the K5 cover and the modified KX 250 "ring" to my local welding shop and it cost me $45.00 for him to Tig weld the "ring" onto the K5 cover with three equidistant one inch welds. The K5 cover is perfectly round, but the KX 250 cover isn't, which leaves some weird shaped gaps between the two, which would allow it to leak oil, once on the bike. To solve that problem, I filled in the gaps between the two covers with JB weld. When all that dried, I took a piece of glass and taped sand paper on it, laid it on my work bench, and sanded the leading edge of the mating surface of the new inner clutch cover, so my outer cover would sit flush all the way around. I mounted it up and it not only works great, it looks factory! All for about two hours in the garage and $45.00 for the welding. you can't beat it!
If you want to see it, I have a Youtube video of the bike, right after I completed my KX500AF conversion. My channel is under my name, Howard Malone. I have two videos, one 45 seconds, and one more detailed that's 6 minutes long.
I hope that helps someone, Howie
I had 6 yesterday.
Now I'm down to 3....
375.00 with free shipping in the USA (OUCH!!!)
I had 6 yesterday.
Now I'm down to 3....
375.00 with free shipping in the USA (OUCH!!!)
Are these modified to fit a auto cluch or just so one can install a clutch cover?
No, these are for a standard clutch only.
However, you can buy additional adapter rings and instead of welding them on, you simply drill the holes out to approx 7mm and run a longer bolt.
Which auto clutch are you wanting to run?
Sandblaster...PM sent