KX Riders

Maintenance & Technical => KX250 / KX125 => Topic started by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 04:45:24 AM

Title: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 04:45:24 AM

having a bit of issues with my new bike nobody even kwak dealers here in holland can tel me what year my bike is.
the al say 94 or 95 but i want to know exactly because i'm going to ride the pre 95 class next year and you only can compeet with bikes made till 1994.

the bike is sold new in 2000 (from the crate) the guy who bought it ride it 2 years and when he wanted to change the piston he lost the cilinder  :? :?.

i bought the bike 3 weeks ago with the nolage it was a 94 model the guy even bought a 94 cilinder with the bike for with the sale.
when i got home and started to google on 94 bikes i noticed that the bike was a 95 model ( seat decals and in the wheels stated 7-94)

went to a kwak dealer and geve him the frame number he said its a 94 so i was happy again but also confused.

i tryed to get information of the bikes (94/95) but theres not much on the net.

so maybee one of you guys can help me with this issue.

the frame number is kx125k 003642
the engine number is  kx125 007362
the carb number is G167 A1H6

thanks in advance JaVe.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: sandblaster on March 26, 2014, 05:38:44 AM
Unfortunately those are non USA numbers for the VIN and the Frame.
On the carb, here is a pic of the 94
http://www.oem-cycle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=267 (http://www.oem-cycle.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=267)

Here is a pic of the 95
http://i644.photobucket.com/albums/uu165/oemcycle/KX125%20KAWASAKI%201995%20KX%20125%2095/CARBURETOR.jpg (http://i644.photobucket.com/albums/uu165/oemcycle/KX125%20KAWASAKI%201995%20KX%20125%2095/CARBURETOR.jpg)

Neither match your carb number.
On your cylinder should be a 4 digit code.
Can you tell me what it is?
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: sandblaster on March 26, 2014, 05:47:45 AM
OK, I just figured out Kawasaki's carb codes for the USA :-)
Your carb number is in between a 95-96 in the USA.
95 is 095
96 is 203
It does not correspond to any kx250 carb either  :?
But, the cylinder code should help.
1720 = 1994
1752 = 1995
1794 = 1996
1840 = 1997
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: sandblaster on March 26, 2014, 05:50:03 AM
A quick google search netted this result:

http://www.kxriders.com/forums/index.php?topic=6092.0 (http://www.kxriders.com/forums/index.php?topic=6092.0)

Looks like a 95 but I would still check your cylinder number.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: DoldGuy on March 26, 2014, 07:03:09 AM

Here in the USA the 1994 KX125 came with a 15mm wristpin & the FLATTOP Piston, the 1995 KX125 also had the 15mm wristpin, but came with a DOMED Piston. If you have the original piston, this might lead to what year the bike is. The Graphics of the 94 model was purple with a pink color mixed in & the Seat was purple with a lighter purple splash at the rear.

Hope this might help!

Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 07:08:47 AM
Thanks sandblaster,

so you think it is a 95 kx 125.

the problem with the cilinder is because the guy lost the cilinder in the past the bought another cilinder with the number 1720 thinking he had a 94 bike so i have got a 1994 cilinder ( i hope it fits).
i have checked the carb diameter because the 94 was 36 mm and the 95 35mm and my carb states 35,89mm so it is a 36 mm so it is a 94 carb do you see the confusion i'm in right now.

Doldguy  thanks for the info but the bike is on the outside 95 model purple seat and the year 7-94 in the wheels.
i don't have the original piston and cilinder because the first owner lost it  :?

Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on March 26, 2014, 07:12:38 AM
hope this helps you out a little...

the 94

the 95

and here's the whole 125 list...as you will see, only the 94 and 96 had purple seats from the factory.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 07:17:39 AM
Thanks Foxxf4beaver.

it looks like the 95 model but the seat is purple and on the picture the seat looks blue, ore is that because it is a usa bike.

Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: DoldGuy on March 26, 2014, 07:19:18 AM
The 95 Seat was Purple....
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on March 26, 2014, 07:19:42 AM
the seats are interchangeable on those models....so someone else could have thrown on a different seat.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on March 26, 2014, 07:22:44 AM
The 95 Seat was Purple....

when I bought my 95 KX250 brand new, it had a blue seat.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 07:24:11 AM
i'm beginning to think i have got a 95 model.

is it possible to swap cilinders let say to put a 94 cilinder on a 95 engine.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: DoldGuy on March 26, 2014, 07:25:20 AM
the seats are interchangeable on those models....so someone else could have thrown on a different seat.


You can also check the cylinder HEAD.....if the squish band is flat it should be a 94, if the squish band has an angle to it then its a 95 or later model. The 94 model kicked the 95 models A$$, the 94 Model came with the Original size 36 PWK Carburetor & the 95 Model was the first year of the new small 35 PWK which (if memory serves) had 4 overflow vents & the 94 only had 2 vents.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: DoldGuy on March 26, 2014, 07:29:56 AM
The 95 Seat was Purple....

when I bought my 95 KX250 brand new, it had a blue seat.

Mine was Purple.... :-D
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on March 26, 2014, 07:31:22 AM
are you still talkin about the seat? :-P :lol:
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 07:31:40 AM
the guy lost the head to so theres a completely differend topend and that matches cilinder and head plus piston al 94 model.

about the carb is there anothe way to make shure what year it is exept for the size 35 and 36 mm.

Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: DoldGuy on March 26, 2014, 07:32:58 AM
Vent tubes....
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 07:34:08 AM
but guys is it possible to put a 94 topendset ( cilinder plus head ) on a 95 engine.

if thats so i'm not worried and i can build up the bike for next year.

Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 07:34:46 AM
wil check the tubes right now.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 07:37:40 AM

it has 4 overflow hoses so it is a 95 model thanks Doldguy.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on March 26, 2014, 07:39:35 AM
94 cylinder part# is 11005-1720...head part# 11001-1399

95 cylinder part# is11005-1752...head part# 11ooi-1415

this does not mean they won't work...but there could be differences somewhere that require modifications elsewhere.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 07:44:16 AM
i understand the cilinder is compleet with valves but i wil try to vind a 95 compleet cilinder here in holland (not many where sold here)

thank you guys for al the help great forum here.

Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: DoldGuy on March 26, 2014, 07:46:20 AM
i'm beginning to think i have got a 95 model.

is it possible to swap cilinders let say to put a 94 cilinder on a 95 engine.


As mentioned earlier, you will need the 94 piston, cylinder (with Power Valve components), head.....the 94 cylinder has alot more topend than the 95 model.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 07:51:40 AM
the cilinder is compleet so i wil put it on and wil see what wil happen.

the piston is flat on top.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: DoldGuy on March 26, 2014, 07:55:35 AM
How about the cylinder head? What does the squish band look like? Flat or angled, as it will need the proper head or it will be a Dog.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 08:03:24 AM
the cilinderhead is not flat it is domed.
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: Dutch-K5 Fan on March 26, 2014, 08:44:52 AM
If your wheel are Original with this bike it's a 95 model, because the wheel are made in 94.

The rules of pre 90 or pre 95 says that you may use parts that were available to the public for a normal price in that time period!
I know some riders in the pre 90 that have FULL Factory BIKES or using 92/93 bike this year.
Have seen a 94 a full factory Suzuki RH250 ready for the 2015 PRe95 season. Don't believe that's a bike available for the public back in 94(or now).

So podercoat the frame, change rims, get a 38mm carb, tune the cylinder/ engine, HGSje or something else and race it.

Where you from JaVe?


Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: sandblaster on March 26, 2014, 09:37:13 AM
No where else would you find all that information.
This is the best MX forum in the world  8-)
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on March 26, 2014, 09:41:01 AM
This is the best MX forum in the world  8-)

Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 09:41:41 AM
Sandblaster your right about that :-) :-)

dutch k5 fan  i'm from a little place 10 km from amsterdam alredy found some special parts for the bike a jan de groot exhaust plus some extra parts.


Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: Dutch-K5 Fan on March 26, 2014, 10:30:14 AM
Than your nearby. I'm from rijsenhout, about 15 km of A'dam.
Did you asked Chris about the build year?

Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 26, 2014, 05:09:56 PM
i'm from nieuw vennep so thats 1 km from my home

i did ask chris but he did't know either but i know it now the frame is 94 and the rest is 95.

Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: Dutch-K5 Fan on March 26, 2014, 06:06:09 PM
Thats scarry close  :lol:

If he doesn't know or thinks it's a 94 your good.
Is the bike ready in June for the GP Nieuw-Vennep?

Dutchie aka Peter
Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 27, 2014, 12:12:01 AM
thats close by.

the bike won't be ready in june but i wil be riding a h...a 250 t stroke insted.

Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: Dutch-K5 Fan on March 27, 2014, 08:07:28 AM
What year? Have had a Cr250 from 2000.
I ride the Oranjeklasse MX1 Open with a KX500AF.

What's your plan of doing with the KX125?

Title: Re: what year is my kx 125
Post by: JaVe on March 27, 2014, 10:31:30 AM
the honda is a 99 model.

my plan is to go and ride the pre 95 next year.
