KX Riders

Maintenance & Technical => KX250 / KX125 => Topic started by: motopunk on May 20, 2013, 06:49:51 PM

Title: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 20, 2013, 06:49:51 PM
sold my 97 kx250 on sunday morning to get money for new projekt and found the 87 in the evening on ebay. just picked it up yesterday.
it needs new tyres a pipe and rear fender, engine is fresh rebuild with real good compression. it cames with a ´90 usd-fork and the original 87 fork + a 2.engine in parts..

i was looking for 89 or 90 model for race in the evo-mx-cup . but i love the ´87 look . was also first year for the new uni trak linkage.

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on May 21, 2013, 02:35:57 AM
Looks great!
Give us a ride report  :-D
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 21, 2013, 08:41:13 AM
before first ride comes a lot of work...  :wink:

thats what i done today. just looked on the damaged ´87 pipe and decided to cut off and modify the lower sektion of an old 96 250 pipe and weld it to the upper part of the 87-pipe. half of the work is done and finish it tomorrow. as i took the pipe off the bike i saw that the pre-owner had istalled it without the o-rings and the seal.. :roll:

but i still need a better pipe... some pics...

(http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/dsc00325.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/dsc00327.jpg)  (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/dsc00328.jpg)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 21, 2013, 09:17:07 AM
eh...that pipe's in great shape!...just get a can of black spray paint and paint right over the dirt/oil/rust...so it looks like brand new,then post it on e-bay for a $100  :lol:
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: 1989kawasaki on May 21, 2013, 10:12:52 AM
the 87 kx250 pipe is extremely difficult to find
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 21, 2013, 02:33:35 PM
eh...that pipe's in great shape!...just get a can of black spray paint and paint right over the dirt/oil/rust...so it looks like brand new,then post it on e-bay for a $100  :lol:

 :lol: :lol: :lol:... and i bet, if i would do that , i would realy find someone whos gonna buy it...  8-)

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 21, 2013, 03:00:43 PM
some more pics of the modified lower part of my old 96-pipe...  i plan to finish it in the evening today.. :-)

(http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/dsc00329.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/dsc00331.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/dsc00332.jpg)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Dragondude on May 22, 2013, 12:10:48 AM
I don't know what it is with you and old bikes.  :-P Nice find, can't wait to see how it turns out
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: 1989kawasaki on May 22, 2013, 12:47:26 AM
Are you going to restore it? Paint the frame , new plastics and replace rusty hardware ?
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 22, 2013, 09:08:35 AM
Are you going to restore it? Paint the frame , new plastics and replace rusty hardware ?

yes... i will race with it in the evo-cup .. :-D the bike is in better shape, as i thought as i picked it up. piston cylinder and crankbearings were run only 5 hours after rebuild from the preowner.
pipe-rebuild is done and the engine sounds realy strong  :-D,

(http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/dsc00333.jpg) (http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0434_zpsd3cf01c5.jpg) (http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0436_zps5b43b0f7.jpg) (http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0435_zps9f46e0a2.jpg)
 ... next big thing is restoring the footpeg-holders on the frame..
new seatcover, airfilter, forkseals and linkage bearings i´ve just ordered today. at least new paint and graphics ... ;O)

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 22, 2013, 09:32:07 AM
nice work with the pipe...I'll be watching this one,as the early through mid 80's bikes were in my early days of riding 250's.
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 22, 2013, 09:49:39 AM
this guy might be able to help you out on some NOS....I think I sent you a post of this guy once before.


Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 22, 2013, 03:46:55 PM
thanks foxxy .. :-)

take a look, what i have in my spares  :-D...  replica-graphix made by tecnosel , that i just bought last year...   8-)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 22, 2013, 09:10:19 PM
... at the moment are no 87 fenders available, so i thought about a rear fender mod with an 94-fender i have laying around or with the plastic what i got from the preowner and combine it with the part of the 88-2004 kx500-fender that was mounted on the rear of my´83-parts-bike.

on the first pic is wat the preowner has mounted: an modyfied old frontfender !!  :roll: on the last pic is my 1. thought of rear fender that i could make from the white part in 2.pic and the k5-fender-part... :-)

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on May 23, 2013, 01:52:03 AM
That turned into a real find.
Nice job on the pipe.
I wish I could weld and fabricate better...
Oh well, I'm working on it poco a poco  :-D
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 23, 2013, 08:29:07 AM
...thanks... and much more thanks to my dad, the best welder that i could have for all my projects...  :-D

today i just decided to bleed and refill the brakes. some other guys are starting with the airfilter.. :wink:

i replaced the frontmastercylinder against an 91 mastercylinder out of my spares.
 and i dont know, from which bike the other mastercylinder could be that was mounted on the bike... it has brakelight-switch and you can a mirror mount on... very dificult to find a lever for it... anyone knows from which bike it could be??


Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 24, 2013, 09:07:01 AM
today i installed new bearings to the linkage, swingarm , wheels and also new tyres. all parts out of my spare parts .
still waiting for the ordered rear brake-pads and fork seals and seatcover...  :-)

i still need the lower shock bearing .. kawasaki-oem-parts-list said 64,- € without seals. does anyone know, where i can find it cheaper in aftermarket??

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 24, 2013, 09:23:06 AM
you can try these guys...


and these guys....

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 24, 2013, 10:12:24 AM
thanks foxxy ... i take a look at this links .

i have an real good 88 shock in my spares,
 compared to the 87-shock it is 10mm too long and my short legs will never touch the ground, if i install it to the 87...  :| thats the last major-problem on this bike. it is now technical 90% ready for first ride...   :-) thanks to the preowner for the motor-rebuild...it saved me a lot of time and money...  :-D

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 24, 2013, 10:22:14 AM
you can try these guys...


and these guys....


found it at allballs... lower bearing kit for the 87 only 21,14 dollars .compared to the oem-price its an amazing diference... :-)

 i try to find an allballs-dealer in germany, because the fat oversea-shipping-costs...  :|
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 24, 2013, 10:51:35 AM
try looking on e-bay too...there's alot of All-Balls stuff on there....you might be able to find something with more reasonable shipping costs.
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 24, 2013, 11:03:33 AM
i´m looking everywhere for it... i try always to safe as much money as possible, motocross-riders have never enough of it...  :-D

at the moment i´m planning to race this bike on june 2, 2013 , its very exciting , if i´m able to do it...  :-D

 found this... its a prox- kit.. just ordered it  :-D
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 24, 2013, 10:07:10 PM
there you go...perfect.

it might be worth buying a few of them,just to have them on hand.
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 25, 2013, 07:21:23 AM
thats now the fastest rebuild, i´ve ever done...if the parts , that i ordered dont come to late in the mail, the race on 2. of june comes true. if not i ride the ´83 , but i want the better power and linkage of the 87 for racing in the evo-cup . i´ve also thought about installing my 86-k5 engine to the 87 for deep-sand-track where is also racing later this year.  :-) it would only need an original k5 exhaust and the k5-engine-brackets . the engine swap is very easy to do...  8-)

today wanted the gods of motocross, that some kx-450 footpegs fell into my hand...  :-D
i and my dad cutted of the old worn 87-pegs and welded on the kx450 pegs it still need a little modify tomorrow, but it looks great.. i also modded an black ´94-98 rear fender ( yes its the same, that was on my ´93 k5 sf-projekt before i got the right ´93-fender for it  :-D )
today also arrived the new blue seatcover , brake lever and the fork seals... still a lot of work and always much fun on wrenching... :-D

(http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0449.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0451.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0452.jpg[/img [img]http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0463.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0464.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0462.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0460.jpg)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 26, 2013, 07:12:02 AM
little testride today... the new footpegs work great...engine is realy powerful, but i´m going to change the 47-tooth-sprocket on the rear to 48 . thats better rideable for mx :-D

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 26, 2013, 11:17:25 AM
looks good!....what seat are you running on there?...I don't remember the stock seat going all the way to the fuel cap on the 87's.
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 26, 2013, 04:23:26 PM
thanks...  :-D  ..

the seat is a stock seat with an special custom seat-foam to reach the fuel cap. seems to be very rare.. and i can´t say which company it offered in the old glory days of motocross...
 its a little bit damaged, but i will cut it a little bit to safe as much of it... :-)
i love to have things like this, that no other can have.. :-D  

the seat is laying beside me so i made just this pics.

(http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0468.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0471.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0472.jpg)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 26, 2013, 11:55:12 PM
I like it...gives it a more modern/trick look.
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 27, 2013, 03:56:53 PM
bad news... couldn´t safe the added custom-seat part. its to damaged and i decided to make the seat in stock . but i will keep it and it goes to my little special parts-museum... i have also to find out which company had offered it, for some infos...
next bad news: the reaper got my tacker yesterday evening by half the work...  :| needed a new one... 8-)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 28, 2013, 07:08:28 AM
seat is finished and some new parts were in the mail...  :-) only the lower shock bearing is still missing...

just decided to install a mix of 87 and 89-graphics and i have still a set of blue gasgas-fenders that i used on the 97 in the past... think it becomes an great individual look ...  :-D

(http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0477.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0479.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0487.jpg)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 30, 2013, 08:59:26 AM
time for fork-service  :-D found only 150ml oil in both forklegs  :| much to less..the preowner must be an idiot...

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on May 30, 2013, 09:32:28 AM
Can't wait to hear your ride report  :lol:
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 30, 2013, 09:57:56 AM
Can't wait to hear your ride report  :lol:

there is still some work, but a little ride without rear brake over the field says ... it runs like hell... :-D

 i´m still missing the ordered lower rear shock bearing in the mail. and then it goes straight to twinshock and evo-cup-race on sunday with the ´83 as backup-bike.  8-)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on May 31, 2013, 05:30:25 PM
just made a new rear brake. i pulled out the old front-caliper from my ´83 and its the same like 87 on the rear... i had in my spares an 88 nissin- master-cylinder and a 2000 brakehose ...  in the future i wiill try to bolt on a newer rear-caliper for better brake-performance.. :-D

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on June 01, 2013, 03:32:03 PM
the shock-bearing came in the last minute with the mailman...  ready for race tomorrow...  :-D

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on June 01, 2013, 04:07:18 PM
Better win... 8-)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on June 02, 2013, 09:00:34 AM
Better win... 8-)

back from the race: 1. word to the engine: "hammertime" its amazing powerful for an 26 years old rocket :-D  2. word to the bike: my new love. 8-)

we startet in deep mud in the morning and after big rain, that made the mud to unrideable bottomless mud-soup, the race was canceled.
bike is on the upside real good cleaned up from the rain.  :mrgreen:  


Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on June 03, 2013, 07:49:03 AM
and the look of our local track today 1 day later...  and after cleaning the bike i decided to paint the "camouflage-frame" will be a good winterproject..

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on June 03, 2013, 07:51:06 AM
looks like choclate soft serve ice cream.....mmmmm.
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on June 03, 2013, 07:51:19 AM
That is a sloppy track...
Better wear a life jacket  :lol:
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on June 03, 2013, 08:06:25 PM
looks like choclate soft serve ice cream.....mmmmm.

feel free take a spoon and taste it! could be perfekt with vanille-sauße...  :lol: :lol: :lol: ...
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on July 02, 2013, 04:11:28 PM
When is your next race?
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on July 02, 2013, 05:27:30 PM
next 2 races are in august on 10. and 25. ... :-)  and i hope without bottomless mud-soup..  :-D
 this pic shows my first real ride on the bike! :-D in practice in the morning of june 2. before the big 2-hour-rain came.
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: MXonaKawi on July 03, 2013, 12:25:34 PM
Nice find! I love that front fender!
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on July 03, 2013, 06:18:58 PM
Nice find! I love that front fender!

thanks...  :-) front and rear fenders are original from gasgas ec300 ´99-2002 . on the gasgas were used the same subframe, numberplates and fenders like on the kx125/250 ´94-´98 but in diferent colour. i love the match of blue and green on my bike and with a little bit modifying on the rear fender it was done after 30 minutes  :-D. in aftermarket are only green fenders available for the ´87 kx-models .

here is an older pic of 2009 were i used the fenders first on my 97 kx  :-)

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on July 07, 2013, 10:26:27 PM
... s**t happens... the 3. gear  of the ´87 is now for the scrabman ... same problem like on the ´83 kx250 2 years ago ...

need a good used tranny for the 87 ...  ... gears and forks are matching from ´83-´89  only the shafts were changed in 85 and 88 ...

or my alternative thought is to take my ´96 kx360-engine that i still have ...   much work again ...  :|
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on July 28, 2013, 04:13:38 AM
first sit in of the ´96 360 engine in the ´87 frame . there are still some parts to build to get the bike running , but it´s easier as i thought before...  :-D  

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on July 28, 2013, 01:53:20 PM
But I need pics  :-o
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on July 29, 2013, 07:03:57 AM
(http://) i have pics, but dont know, why i cant post them...   :x

today i made some bushings for the motor-bolts and the swing arm-bolt, cause the older engines use smaller diameter bolts ... 
and if the longer head-studs are in the mail, its time for making the rear-bolt on-headstay...  i haven´t found a 03-04 kx250-cylinder head, for this conversion...  :|
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on July 29, 2013, 08:02:38 AM
(http://) i have pics, but dont know, why i cant post them...   :x

A posting was made last week that KXRiders is not going to allow any more direct posting of pics.
You will need to use a picture host such as www.photobucket.com (http://www.photobucket.com) or others.

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: thesteins007@sbcglobal.ne on July 29, 2013, 10:04:20 AM
Ya that sucks!  I noticed all my photo's for my thread were taken down!  Without photo's this site is not very user friendly.  I am the guy who did the 1987 kx 125 restore, if you have any questions about that 250 please ask, I ran into a lot of stuff regarding the 250 during my project. 
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on July 29, 2013, 06:27:31 PM
Ya that sucks!  I noticed all my photo's for my thread were taken down!  Without photo's this site is not very user friendly.  I am the guy who did the 1987 kx 125 restore, if you have any questions about that 250 please ask, I ran into a lot of stuff regarding the 250 during my project. 

that sucks realy... what is a build-thread without pics and why this complicated thing ?? i have no interest to post my pics on 1000 places on the web, only to get it here...
there is a easier way, for the whole side ,here has to be a pic-safe-programm that dont let copy the posted pics by anyone with the right mouse button...  my whole threads are now scrab, without the pics...   :x :x :x 

now back to the bike... the big cause for the engin-change is the blown 3.gear in the ´87 engine and to less time . i had also the option to put my kx500 engine in, but the 360 is much more rideable on the small racetracks here... 
i post the pics now on my website...  8-)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on July 30, 2013, 04:06:59 AM
If you post the pics on your website, it is easy as eating Black Berry pie to put them here.

1. Go to your website and find the pic you want to post here.
2. "Right Click" one time on your pic. You will see a sub menu come up.
3. If you are using a Firefox browser Select "Copy Image Location"
If you are using Internet Explorer Select "Copy Shortcut"
4. Come back here and click on the "Insert Image" button and then past your link that you copied.

Now, go eat your pie  8-)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on July 30, 2013, 07:30:15 AM

the first view...  thanks mike, half of the pie is for you...  :wink:
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on July 30, 2013, 08:10:31 AM

a view in the 78mm bore of my spare-cylinder... yes i´m the only one with two of them...  :-D
and now to the pipe 97 in 87 frame is no go...

just took the saw and put the parts like i think it could work.. looks perfekt..  :-D

the longer head-studs were also in the mail today. just made a paper-model of the planned head-stay:


welding all the parts on friday and first ride could be on saturday for right jetting...  ;O)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on July 31, 2013, 05:23:19 PM
and voila... 2 and a half hour later part one of the headstay is ready... the longer headstuds also fit perfekt...  :-)


Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on July 31, 2013, 05:34:43 PM











































Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on July 31, 2013, 08:10:10 PM
mr. sandblaster , bring me my pics (bom bom bom) they are the cutest that we all ever seen...  just singing  :wink:

my work needs a pro- comment from you...   :-D 

i tried to use a keihin pe 38 roundslide carb of my ´83 kx250-partsbike,because i have 1000 keihin jets and needles but nothing for the mikunis, and theyre hard to find at the moment...
 now just ordered a cheap good used 39mm keihin pwk-carb that will work better ..  :-D
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on August 01, 2013, 02:39:08 AM
my work needs a pro- comment from you...   :-D 

My opinion is...... Are you ready.....  :-D
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on August 01, 2013, 07:08:25 AM
my work needs a pro- comment from you...   :-D 

My opinion is...... Are you ready.....  :-D

 :-)...  i think on weekend is the bike running for the first time...  still so much to do...   :|
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on August 01, 2013, 07:39:55 AM
I think you, build it, modify it, and race it.
What more needs to be said?
The man of steel is awesome!
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on August 01, 2013, 07:57:26 AM
tomorow in the evening i and my father will do all the weldings on the exhaust and headstay...  and then comes the jetting...  in every frame i used this engine was also diferent jetting. and this time is also a diferent carb in the game... starting with the last working set up... and we´ll see what happens...  :wink:

i need a 97-reedcage and the last setup will work properly without major-changes... ;O)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on August 03, 2013, 06:50:51 PM
...the headstay...
(http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0524.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0528.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0532.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0544.jpg)

... man at work...

....the modified 360 exhaust...
(http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0538.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0540.jpg)

and...in the evening after a little jetting with the old keihin- pe carb and ignition-timing to the longer stroke of the 360 :

...she runs like hell ... :-D ... now i can use her on evo-race at 10.august ...  :-)

in the next time the bike becomes an update with an used 38mm keihin pwk-airstriker-carb, boyesen dual stage reeds, and a 97-reedcage for a better linear power delivery, like i rode this engine in the past... still waiting for this parts in the mail.


also thanks to sandblaster for a very good parts price...  :-) ...
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 15, 2014, 08:37:02 PM
new year and time for update...  
first i fixed the transmission of my 87-motor . it wasn´t not as half dramatical as i thought. a snapring was out of direction. gears still looking like new. so i replaced all snaprings and washers..
(http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0096.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0097.jpg)

.. but what i also found in the engine, made me shiney eyes. one of the very rare lighter weight works-cranks is in there. under the seat i found the name of a guy who sold some new kawasaki-vintage parts to me 2years ago. i contacted him and he stated, that my bike must be an ex-team tuf-racing bike, that he imported and raced in 87 and 88 .
now i know, why the engine runs so easy handling, but strong and powerful. :-D

played a little bit with 2003 fenders, because the german importeur for ufo and mayer plastics is out of busines . so its hard to get a new rear 87 fender without paying 5x of the normal price.

sandblasted and painted the camouflage-frame in kawi-green
(http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0148a.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0162.jpg)

and... now i can realize my long planned fork-change-project..
out are going the 89 41mm usd-forklegs

and now in going forklegs of a 50mm wp-extreme conventional fork from a husaberg 501.. inner diameter of the upper clamp is the same like the wp-clamps, so i needed only 2 buschings , that my father made for me.
(http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0158.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0159.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0171.jpg)

still without frontbrake, but looks awesome. the fork is the best conventional fork, that was ever made and sold to the public. performs like a knife in warm butter   :-D

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on March 16, 2014, 03:40:04 AM
Looking very good!
Broken snap rings on the trans shafts are more common then you think.
I have bought many bikes with that same problem.
That's a good reason to replace them during a rebuild.
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 16, 2014, 07:06:49 AM
thanks... and i cant wait to make first testride,to feel how much diferent the fork will perform on the mx-track, but without frontbrake it will be kamikaze... :wink:... as i bought this fork, i could tip with only one finger on the upper clamp and it moved a little bit... no other of the stock or modified forks, that i ever rode, was performing in this way...

with the tranny i thought first, that it is much more damaged, like it was on my 83 kx250 ...  snap rings getting old over the years and loose their tightnes... and on a used bike, you never know, what all was happened over the years...  as i picked up the 87, there was nothing except the fresh piston, that not needed attention.. and slowly step by step it turns into a blue/green diamond...  :-D

last year i could so much things not do, because of the breathing problems and headache around the clock. sometimes i could eat painpills like bonbons and nothing happened. and now 3 months after surgery it goes slowly back to normality... and holy s**t..with this handycap and hard painpills i made my last 3 races last year and was at least second place all over in the championchip...only ten points back to get the champion... ;O)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: bens87braap on March 16, 2014, 12:41:55 PM
Awesome love it great job
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: bens87braap on March 16, 2014, 04:45:12 PM
What gearing ratio is good for all round ridding on the 87 mine is 13t  47  and out on the trails im allways looking for a next gear.  Should I change front or rear or both?
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 16, 2014, 06:13:02 PM
What gearing ratio is good for all round ridding on the 87 mine is 13t  47  and out on the trails im allways looking for a next gear.  Should I change front or rear or both?

the oem gearing was always 14 -47 from 1983-1989 ...you should try this first.

 it works good for all kind of riding conditions.. for mx i change the rear sprocket sometimes into 48 or 49 . that allows in deep sand or mud to use the next higher gear a little bit earlyer  :-) 

changing the countershaft sprocket to +1 or -1 effects roundabout the same change of 4 or 5 teeth on the rear sprocket.
you can calculate it a little bit :
divide rear sprocket and counter sprocket and you get your ratio. the bigger the number you get = slower bike, smaller number = faster bike

example : 47 : 14 = 3,357   
              47 : 13 = 3,615 

              3,357 is smaller than 3,615 (your actual gearing) , so it will be faster by the same rpm´s the engine makes ..
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: bens87braap on March 16, 2014, 08:47:27 PM
sweet i will jump up to a 14 front and leave the 47 on rear i will let ya no how i go after shocks arive then I can ride again soo upset without a real dirt bike  :-(
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: bens87braap on March 16, 2014, 08:50:36 PM
I read this topic and love it I wasnt game to fabricate my own pipe so i waited 5 years until I for one I think i was Luck to get my pro circuit pipe from California off Ebay for 80 AUS cost me more than that to get it posted down under 
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 16, 2014, 09:18:50 PM
I read this topic and love it I wasnt game to fabricate my own pipe so i waited 5 years until I for one I think i was Luck to get my pro circuit pipe from California off Ebay for 80 AUS cost me more than that to get it posted down under  

with the gearing always go the easiest way...  :wink:

this pipe-modify-rebuild was my only option . the pipe on the bike was simple scrap. no good used were offered on the market and i had this old 96-pipe still laying around. that was worth the try and the bike runs great with it  :-D
on the 87 kx 250 could used aftermarket pipes of the 88/89 that still offered new by pro circuit and fmf... but i found them also only in us...
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: bens87braap on March 17, 2014, 01:26:50 PM
i looked at the 89 exhaust option is it just the springs and location of the springs all that is different?  the pics i see have 2 springs where the 87 has 3? 
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Goat on March 17, 2014, 02:30:26 PM
 Looking good. I do miss the camo paint job though  :roll:
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 17, 2014, 05:51:29 PM
i looked at the 89 exhaust option is it just the springs and location of the springs all that is different?  the pics i see have 2 springs where the 87 has 3? 

thats not important enough to  use only 2 instead of the 3 springs. it will still work... the 3rd spring can also hooked  up in the same hole upside of the pipe on the flange... 

on my kx500 conversion i use a honda cr500 exhaust . the cr500 pipe is mounted with 4 springs to the cr500 cylinder ... but on the kx500 cylinder are only holes for 3 springs..  :wink:
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 17, 2014, 06:02:18 PM
Looking good. I do miss the camo paint job though  :roll:

goatzilla is in da house...  8-)

hmmm..if it were quality color without rust, i would save it, but the dark green color you could on some points remove with the fingers like a sticker in one part..there were also yellow between, that was splitting. roundabout a very bad paintjob by one of the preowners...
  last year was no time to do it, because the bike must be prepared with fast fingers for race and it made no sense to paint the frame and 2 days later destroy the new paint in a deep mud race...  paint needs some days to dry and harden out in the right way...   :wink: 
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: bens87braap on March 17, 2014, 08:49:03 PM
wow i wish i found u 5 years ago lol i would have purchased the 89 FMF pipe for my 87 still might now that i no it will fit just didnt want to buy a new pipe to cut it up and make fit then i found the second hand Pro Circuit pipe for the right price :) :)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 18, 2014, 07:58:46 AM
wow i wish i found u 5 years ago lol i would have purchased the 89 FMF pipe for my 87 still might now that i no it will fit just didnt want to buy a new pipe to cut it up and make fit then i found the second hand Pro Circuit pipe for the right price :) :)

you made a good deal with the pc-pipe...   :wink: 

oh 5 years ago i had only as half of the knowledge, that i have today... i had only knowledge, of the middle 90´s to today bikes... all started as i bought my 83 kx250 and the big adventure to find parts for it for restoring...
 over the times i had much to learn and now i know quite every part that was mounted on the kx 2stroke 250 and 500 between 1983 and 2008 ... and you would stunning, that a little handful parts  in the last kx250 in 2008 were unchanged since 1978...
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Goat on March 18, 2014, 03:21:57 PM
Kawi didn't change things unless they could make it worth while. Look at the 500 -88 they found a frame and ergos that carried the bike until 04, 89-04 engines stayed the same except for a few minor parts that can be adapted to fit all those years, They used the "K.I.S.S." and "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mottos lol
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 18, 2014, 08:13:16 PM
Kawi didn't change things unless they could make it worth while. Look at the 500 -88 they found a frame and ergos that carried the bike until 04, 89-04 engines stayed the same except for a few minor parts that can be adapted to fit all those years, They used the "K.I.S.S." and "if it ain't broke don't fix it" mottos lol

the reason for never change the kx500 frame was the fact, that the 500´s class loosed the glory of the old days .. the 250´s would be stronger , easier to ride and much more sold...  when i see the last factory-bike of 91 with the perimeter-frame, that looks for me, that they had could produce it easily, but no interest and so they sold this bike unchanged to 2004 as the sales would so less that they decided to discontinue it and replace it with the kxf450 ..  2003 last europe sales: 8 kx500 . 3 of them here in germany. it should be 4, but i had not enough money at this time and could not do it..  :-o
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: bens87braap on March 18, 2014, 08:54:19 PM
I could see myself trying to hang on to a 500 (not) Im having enough trouble keeping the front down on my 250 lol
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on March 18, 2014, 10:34:04 PM
I could see myself trying to hang on to a 500 (not) Im having enough trouble keeping the front down on my 250 lol

eh...it's all about rolling that right wrist...the more you roll it back towards yourself, the wider that grin on your face becomes, simultaneously :mrgreen:
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 19, 2014, 09:22:24 AM
I could see myself trying to hang on to a 500 (not) Im having enough trouble keeping the front down on my 250 lol

eh...it's all about rolling that right wrist...the more you roll it back towards yourself, the wider that grin on your face becomes, simultaneously :mrgreen:

full agreed foxx...  :-D + the stunning faces of all guys that will be frightened for live if they only hear, that it is a 500..  :lol:...
  as i started my k5-project so much people said: nobody needs this widowmaker!.. too much power!.. unrideable!..but nobody of them ever rode any 500..some of them also never tried 2stroke-250´s ..
i answered them: i know what i do! its only the way how you turn the right hand  :evil:...  you should have no fear, but always a little respect..for me it is lot of fun. only that counts...  :-D
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on March 19, 2014, 09:24:31 AM
I could see myself trying to hang on to a 500 (not) Im having enough trouble keeping the front down on my 250 lol

eh...it's all about rolling that right wrist...the more you roll it back towards yourself, the wider that grin on your face becomes, simultaneously :mrgreen:

full agreed foxx...  :-D + the stunning faces of all guys that will be frightened for live if they only hear, that it is a 500..  :lol:...
  as i started my k5-project so much people said: nobody needs this widowmaker!.. too much power!.. unrideable!..but nobody of them ever rode any 500..some of them also never tried 2stroke-250´s ..
i answered them: i know what i do! its only the way how you turn the right hand  :evil:...  you should have no fear, but always a little respect..for me it is lot of fun. only that counts...  :-D

A-men to that!! :-D
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 19, 2014, 10:17:41 AM
I could see myself trying to hang on to a 500 (not) Im having enough trouble keeping the front down on my 250 lol

eh...it's all about rolling that right wrist...the more you roll it back towards yourself, the wider that grin on your face becomes, simultaneously :mrgreen:

full agreed foxx...  :-D + the stunning faces of all guys that will be frightened for live if they only hear, that it is a 500..  :lol:...
  as i started my k5-project so much people said: nobody needs this widowmaker!.. too much power!.. unrideable!..but nobody of them ever rode any 500..some of them also never tried 2stroke-250´s ..
i answered them: i know what i do! its only the way how you turn the right hand  :evil:...  you should have no fear, but always a little respect..for me it is lot of fun. only that counts...  :-D

A-men to that!! :-D
 :-D :-D :-D...

 at the moment i try to find a second cheap kx500 motor for my 87 frame or a 85-1990 partsbike for restoring. i dont want to take the motor out of the 93-frame and swap it between the 2 bikes.  we´ll see what happens in the next time...  :-)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 20, 2014, 07:23:22 AM
little bit progress today...
took my first handmade adapter from the 83 for copy some details and started the new one for the 87 ...
good to see is the diference between all the adapters. in the last pic is the brembo-brake-adapter that was mounted before to this fork.
 the one and only problem is that the ktm´s and husaberg´s use a 260mm disc. i had could go the easy way and buy the husaberg-front wheel and disc , but i wanted to use the 87 kx-frontwheel and there are no 260 discs available. only 240 and 250... for the later 89-today frontwheels are 250, 260, 270 and for the supermoto-guys also 320mm brakediscs on the market.
(http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0224_zps937c71d5.jpg) (http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0216_zps810c44cd.jpg) (http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0218_zps1c50f38d.jpg)

actually how it ends up today...
tomorow, when i find enough time, i have to locate the mountings exactly, bore and cut the 8mm threads and build a brake system .
(http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0220_zps6f832040.jpg) (http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0223_zps325b3928.jpg) (http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0225_zps418c09af.jpg)

and the poor mans mashine-shop... :-D
(http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0226_zpsa92b2d9c.jpg) (http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0227_zps164767fc.jpg) 

Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on March 20, 2014, 07:28:50 AM
and the poor mans mashine-shop... :-D

take it from me...being poor sucks :wink:

nice progress by the way!
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: sandblaster on March 20, 2014, 12:24:53 PM
Hey, we have the same machine shop  :-D
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 20, 2014, 05:53:22 PM
and the poor mans mashine-shop... :-D

take it from me...being poor sucks :wink:

nice progress by the way!

 :-D... better to have less money and be a nice man, as having billions and nobody likes you...  :wink:

and thanks..

Hey, we have the same machine shop  :-D

 :-D and with the right talent, we can do wonders with it ...  8-)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on March 21, 2014, 08:11:26 AM
oooops i did it again...  :-)

in this pic from left to right: the ktm/husaberg-brembo-adapter , the actual handmade nissin-adapter for the 87- wp conversion, my other handmade adapter from the 83 kx250 and at least the standard-adapter of the 89- 93 kx-bikes

in the next pics: the caliper on the fork as were it always there in place. i installed a brake hose of a yamaha yz 450, that was in the mail today. it still needs a little bit paint, the master-cylinder and refilling with brake fluid, but the main work is done.. could ride with it tomorow, if i want ...  :-D
(http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0233_zpsd17cf899.jpg) (http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0231_zps54620b1a.jpg) (http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad234/michik23677/Foto0232_zpsa7a02fd8.jpg)
Title: Re: just bought a ´87 kx250
Post by: motopunk on April 05, 2014, 07:33:22 AM
straight to the finish.. 
a little bit later with green paint , new fork boots and new wheel bearings:

(http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0239.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0250.jpg) (http://img.webme.com/pic/d/der-motopunk/foto0251a.jpg)

now i´m realy excited, how much better this fork would work  8-)