KX Riders

General => In General... => Topic started by: Foxx4Beaver on May 20, 2013, 11:46:29 AM

Title: Tornados
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 20, 2013, 11:46:29 AM
Nothing nice about the massive tornado that ripped up Oklahoma City a few hours ago.Anyone heard from Danger,(or anyone else that lives there) to see if he made out ok?
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Motorrad on May 20, 2013, 01:42:45 PM
I noticed him online earlier today.  Not sure if it was before the whirl wind or not..   If we don't hear from him by tomorrow b I'll give him a call to make sure all is good
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Danger4u2 on May 20, 2013, 03:14:04 PM
Yesterdays killer tornado started 4 miles North of my house.  Today's devastation was 17 miles South.  It's bad, real bad.  Children killed at one grade school, no deaths but many injuries at the 2nd elementary school that was hit.  A riding buddy's house destroyed.  His car upside down in what's left of his house.  He was at work, his sister was visiting his wife at his house.  They jumped in the SUV and hauled ass.  His kids go to a different school nowhere near the tornado track.  Power went out here at 3pm, came back on at 8pm.  Ran the gen. for TV, lights, fridge......
They just found the body of an adult, picked up by the tornado somewhere and dropped on the side of a rural road. 100's of homes just gone.  So bad ass it ripped the grass off of the ground.  It crossed a lake and sucked a foot of water from it.
I think it tracked right through CrossTimbers off road riding area.  A medium tornado went through the riding area May 8, 2003.  It was 6 month before all the trees were cut out of the way.  They said today's went just North of the water treatment plant.  That's were the riding area is.
The news is reporting this from when it started and  I can hear it.....51 confirmed dead,   233 injuries at area hospitals, both of these are expected to rise.
The weather man was pleading with people to go below ground or get in your car and run.  The heavily populated area had a 40 minute warning that it was coming their way.  I don't understand why they didn't throw those kids on the buses and run for it.  Sit in each others lap if they didn't have enough buses.  Moore OK. is a suburb of OKC.  3 tornados have tracked through their town in recent years.  May 3rd, 1999 (very bad), May 8th 2003 and the big one today.
Thanks for thinking of us in here Oklahoma.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: sandblaster on May 20, 2013, 03:35:57 PM
Glad your ok.
That stuff is really scary.
Keep us updated if you can.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Danger4u2 on May 20, 2013, 04:01:53 PM
They're calling it an F-5 tornado, 300 + mph.  At times 1 to 1 1/4 mile wide.  The debris "ball" kicked up in the air was 2 1/4 mile wide.  I- 35 open again.  My heart goes out to the parents that lost their children.  They were showing a clip from earlier, an interview of a 20 something year old guy.  He said they picked up a car that was on top of a teacher and she had 3 kids under her.  He lost it after that and broke down.  Just announced 30 square miles of damage. 20 kids still missing.  More storms starting up South of us.  That's bad for the rescue/recovery efforts.
I've got to turn off the TV and go to bed, this is just to depressing.
Thumbs up, a 9 year old was just reunited with her parents.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: riproost on May 20, 2013, 04:11:06 PM
Unbelievable. Wishing Danger and all affected the best. Just don't know what to say.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: USMC 500 on May 20, 2013, 04:29:39 PM
My families thoughts and prayers have gone out to you Danger and to all those who are bravely suffering through this natural disaster.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Friar-Tuck on May 20, 2013, 05:52:10 PM
 Thankful that you and yours are O.K.
 Putting in a good word for you all tonight Danger.    Please let us know if there is anything we can send your way
 that may be of some assistance.   I don't know if services will be open for a few days, (UPS USPS etc)
   However I am willing to try.   You'd be surprised what this bunch may be able to get to you!
 Peace, Healing and Recovery
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: motopunk on May 20, 2013, 08:06:52 PM
Yesterdays killer tornado started 4 miles North of my house.  Today's devastation was 17 miles South.  It's bad, real bad.  Children killed at one grade school, no deaths but many injuries at the 2nd elementary school that was hit.  A riding buddy's house destroyed.  His car upside down in what's left of his house.  He was at work, his sister was visiting his wife at his house.  They jumped in the SUV and hauled ass.  His kids go to a different school nowhere near the tornado track.  Power went out here at 3pm, came back on at 8pm.  Ran the gen. for TV, lights, fridge......
They just found the body of an adult, picked up by the tornado somewhere and dropped on the side of a rural road. 100's of homes just gone.  So bad ass it ripped the grass off of the ground.  It crossed a lake and sucked a foot of water from it.
I think it tracked right through CrossTimbers off road riding area.  A medium tornado went through the riding area May 8, 2003.  It was 6 month before all the trees were cut out of the way.  They said today's went just North of the water treatment plant.  That's were the riding area is.
The news is reporting this from when it started and  I can hear it.....51 confirmed dead,   233 injuries at area hospitals, both of these are expected to rise.
The weather man was pleading with people to go below ground or get in your car and run.  The heavily populated area had a 40 minute warning that it was coming their way.  I don't understand why they didn't throw those kids on the buses and run for it.  Sit in each others lap if they didn't have enough buses.  Moore OK. is a suburb of OKC.  3 tornados have tracked through their town in recent years.  May 3rd, 1999 (very bad), May 8th 2003 and the big one today.
Thanks for thinking of us in here Oklahoma.

i just saw it live in the german news ... they spoke of over the 51 dead people  :-( .. thats real real bad.  cars and buildings can be replaced, but taken from life, there is no way back.

nice to hear, that you, your family and friends are all ok... i feel with you  and all the other people in your area.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Danger4u2 on May 21, 2013, 02:22:56 AM
Thank you for the kind words and thoughts.

The good:
101 people found alive after I went to bed last night.  Most injured, trapped in the rubble.  Many safe and sound but trapped in their storm shelter.
A cold front moved through and pushed the rain off of and away from the rescue area this morning.
My friend, even though he suffered a total loss of  everything but his truck, his wife's SUV and what they were wearing can be thankful. 
His kids were in school in a different area and his wife and sister escaped to safety.  I bet he's holding them real tight right now.
A 1.5 mile traffic jam 11PM last night at channel 9 TV station of people donating canned food, gloves, flashlight batteries, diapers, bottled water.............................
A couple of scumbag losers were arrested for looting.

The bad:
90 plus dead. 20 children from the elementary school.  68 injured children in area hospitals.

I just heard on TV they may have double counted some of the dead, death count may be wrong.
I asked  my boss if I could take off work to help Justin salvage his home.  She said not a problem.  I have the best boss.
I think with the 7 of us that ride together, my generator and a few sawsalls we can make quick work getting to his pictures, guns, motorcycle.......
Right now more storms are forming and moving into the area, not severe but heavy rain is expected.  This is not a good for the rescue efforts.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 21, 2013, 06:57:01 AM
Glad to see you're ok Danger....when I was watching it on the news,I immediately thought of you,knowing that's where you live....and being the only one I (don't)know in OK.

The images and videos are just devastating.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Danger4u2 on May 21, 2013, 08:55:17 AM
3 of us drove down to help Justin but we could not cross 134th street.  We saw one of the staging areas for debris removal, 30 10 wheel dump trucks and as many huge front end loaders that pivot in the middle. Justin's plan was to go check the house then come out to get us.  He did not know they are letting homeowners in once for a very short time and get out.  He couldn't get the gun safe out. Thunder storm dumped heavy rain for about 40 minutes while we waited for Justin to call.  Saw a few cars coming out on flat bed tow trucks.  They looked like they had rolled down a mountain.
They haven't given us the exact death toll or said much about the kids that were killed.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Danger4u2 on June 01, 2013, 01:32:47 AM
I think the news outlets in the race to scoop the other news outlets give out false statements.  They said of the Moore OK. tornado that 91 people were dead 20 of them children.  It turned out 24 people died and a few were children from the grade school.  One infant and her mother died at a 7-11 that was demolished.  When you say 20 kids are dead your freaking out at the least 40 parents.  The local new stations are a little hesitant to give out numbers on last nights storms.  Good, report facts and not guess work.

I didn't jack around last night.  They said the tornado was tracking our way.  A few years back I bought a Honda CR-V that has sever hail damage as a second vehicle.   I have a friend that was very close to were the tornado was on the ground and heading his way.  I told him we could put his nice car in the shop and take my Honda to get out of the way.  When he got here the rain was so heavy you could only see about a block.  With my dog in the back we went North about 15 miles.  At one point the tornado was a mile wide.  This one was weird the way it tracked.  Most times they track N.E. or East.  This one went East then a little South then it cut back sharp to the N.E. and pulled back up into the clouds.  It reformed and headed S.E. toward the airport and fizzled out.  5 people were killed from this tornado.  71 people injured, most yanked off Interstate 40 in their cars and 18 wheelers.
Last May was one of the driest on record.  This May is the wettest on record.  It rained hard at my house from 5:30 to midnight.  About 7 to 8 inches in my area.  The creek behind the shop at midnight, was up about 7 feet.  Other than the flood we had 10 years ago I've never seen it this deep.
My friends and family are safe with no damage or injuries.  It's sad I can't say that for everyone.

It's never left a sandbar on the bridge.

(http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p102/DrtBik/Storm%20pictures/DSCN10520634_zpsd94efc8f.jpg) (http://s126.photobucket.com/user/DrtBik/media/Storm%20pictures/DSCN10520634_zpsd94efc8f.jpg.html)

(http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p102/DrtBik/Storm%20pictures/DSCN10530635_zpsfe916b73.jpg) (http://s126.photobucket.com/user/DrtBik/media/Storm%20pictures/DSCN10530635_zpsfe916b73.jpg.html)

The day after the big tornado that hit Moore Ok.  No travel South of this street.

(http://i126.photobucket.com/albums/p102/DrtBik/Storm%20pictures/DSCN10410623_zps6d97e3b1.jpg) (http://s126.photobucket.com/user/DrtBik/media/Storm%20pictures/DSCN10410623_zps6d97e3b1.jpg.html)

Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on June 01, 2013, 03:44:50 AM
yeah I was watching the news last nite,and they were sayin that Oklahoma City was going to get nailed again....you guys have been gettin some "nail biters"....glad to see you pulled out OK again!
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: DoldGuy on June 01, 2013, 03:49:17 AM
Thanks for posting to keep us updated, and so glad to hear you & family are okay!

Thoughts & Prayers to all there in these times of any and all losses.

Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Danger4u2 on June 03, 2013, 11:14:46 AM
This really sucks, they just found the body of a little girl in the Deep Fork river a mile from my house.
It's sad, the family took shelter in a storm drain.  The TV stations were saying "Go below ground".
I guess it's the only place they could find.  The worst part, the tornado did not come close to them.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: sandblaster on June 03, 2013, 12:09:44 PM
That is so sad  :cry:
That was a monster Tornado.
As bad as is was, it could have been much worse.
Does anybody have a disaster preparedness plan, food, water, ect?
I've had one for a few years.
With all I see going on I think it's a good idea...
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: motopunk on June 03, 2013, 06:17:24 PM
realy sad... any dead body is one too much...  :-(

at the moment we have here in germany hard rain and in the southeast many citys under water, but compared with the monster-tornados is it not as half as bad...
 now its time to watch out and wait when the flood comes with the rivers to us in the north on the way to the northsea.   in passau in bavaria is the river donau on 13meter over normal. thats the highest level since 500 years!!
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on April 28, 2014, 10:54:50 AM
Here we go again....all over the news tonight, Mississippi, Alabama, Iowa, other states...supposedly 18 dead and expected to rise.
Hope everyone in these areas stays safe and out of harms way!

Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 07, 2015, 09:23:30 AM
I see on the news Oklahoma and Nebraska took another hit...hope everyone's doing ok...I see Umberto's still with us since he's online as I'm typing...how about you Danger, you alright?
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: umberto on May 07, 2015, 09:32:41 AM
Thank you for checking on us Okies!  I live in NW OKC, and we hardly got any rain much less any bad weather.  My cousin lives in Bridge Creek (SW OKC), and narrowly missed a tornado.  Of course he couldn't dodge the 9 inches of rain they got in 2 hours.   :-o  He said his pond went from 8-10 feet down to overflowing in the blink of an eye.  Pray for us on Saturday, that's when it is supposed to be really bad.  As if 12 torpedoes in one night wasn't "bad".  
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 07, 2015, 01:02:35 PM
Thank you for checking on us Okies!  

just don't want to hear that one of us got hurt, or lost a loved one...seeing the footage of some of the aftermath is pretty scary.
I couldn't imagine the emotion of losing everything in a blink of an eye like that, and with hardly any time to take cover.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: 81cr450 on May 07, 2015, 01:29:55 PM
Does anybody have a disaster preparedness plan, food, water, ect?
I've had one for a few years.
With all I see going on I think it's a good idea...
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: umberto on May 07, 2015, 02:11:21 PM
Thank you for checking on us Okies!  

just don't want to hear that one of us got hurt, or lost a loved one...seeing the footage of some of the aftermath is pretty scary.
I couldn't imagine the emotion of losing everything in a blink of an eye like that, and with hardly any time to take cover.

We have the best weather people. They can tell you days in advance when the weather will be bad, hours before a tornado could be coming, and once it's on the ground a minute by minute and street by street projection so you have plenty of time to get to cover. We usually load all the precious stuff in our safe room and sit down to watch the weather. If they tell us to seek shelter, then in we go.  This severe of weather is usually not that frequent, thankfully. Most thunderstorms just dump a ton of rain and occasionally some hail.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 07, 2015, 02:17:51 PM
unfortunately the best weathermen are no match for mother nature...since many deaths still happen because of them.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: umberto on May 07, 2015, 02:34:35 PM
Good point. In that big 2013 tornado, one of the weathermen told people to flee the tornado.  Several people got stuck in traffic and died.  Most people that are hurt in a storm aren't hurt when hiding, they're usually hurt because they are driving or away from home. Only the biggest tornadoes, which are pretty rare, can level a house and really hurt people that are hiding in a closet or bathroom.  Safe rooms and tornado shelters are becoming much more common thankfully. Ours is steel reinforced concrete with a steel entry door. They make your survival chances a lot better. Unfortunately you can't get a dirt bike in there. :-D
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Danger4u2 on May 08, 2015, 01:18:38 AM
Keeping an eye on News 4 with Emily Sutton, I run from tornado's.
If they start my way, I load the dog and head N.N.W.
Most tornado's track N.E.
As of lately thru the Moore Oklahoma area, S. of OKC.
My girlfriend has kin in the Tuttle area but they were not affected.
So far they haven't caused a problem for me, just wish I could say that for others.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 08, 2015, 01:39:39 AM
good to see you're still with us Danger...
I'm with ya, I'd run too....years ago when I was a little kid I always said I wanted to see one, but now that I'm older and understand the devastation and pain it causes people/families, I'm good and all set with witnessing one.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: umberto on May 08, 2015, 02:26:57 AM
One actually hit my house when I was a kid.  Seeing one up close is highly overrated.   :-D
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Danger4u2 on May 16, 2015, 01:02:03 PM
Here we go again.  Long line of storms crossing the whole state.
Coming through here in 45 minutes.
Looks like the big one will go south of us.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: umberto on May 16, 2015, 01:07:09 PM
i think we need a change of weather. This is getting old.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Foxx4Beaver on May 16, 2015, 09:20:04 PM
Here we go again.  Long line of storms crossing the whole state.
Coming through here in 45 minutes.
Looks like the big one will go south of us.

I saw that on the news...
good luck...keep us posted!
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: dirk_411 on May 16, 2015, 10:44:38 PM
I cant understand why people live there...  im along ways north.  Reluctant to see a tornado,  so its easy for me to ask why people would live through that year after year
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: umberto on May 17, 2015, 12:45:05 AM
I cant understand why people live there...  im along ways north.  Reluctant to see a tornado,  so its easy for me to ask why people would live through that year after year

I get that question a lot.  Of course I could ask you how you live with the cold winters.  :-D The thing about tornadoes is that they aren't very wide, they don't hit very often, and the season is short. They also tend to stay out of the middle of the city.  I've lived in OKC 25 years and have only had a tornado near my house once. (Sound of me knocking on wood). The news media does their best to make tornadoes  sound like they are constantly happening. I guess you could ask someone why they live on the East coast when a hurricane can hit them.  Those things scare me more, because of how wide spread the damage is.  To your question of why anyone would live in Oklahoma. Oklahoma is a beautiful state with 10 of the possible 12 terrain types, ranging from mountains to a patch of dessert, to prairies, and even plateaus.  From September to June, the weather is beautiful and you can ride the other months if you get up early enough and bring water.   The people are kind and helpful, and OKC has really transformed into a fun place to live. If we could just turn off the weather swings, it would be pretty perfect.  :-D 
Title: Re: Tornadoes
Post by: umberto on April 25, 2016, 12:01:26 PM
Looks like we're in for another round of weather tomorrow afternoon and evening.  Keep us Okies in your prayers.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: Danger4u2 on April 25, 2016, 12:10:27 PM
Oklahoma, where we wear a motoX helmet indoors for a reason.
Title: Re: Tornados
Post by: umberto on April 25, 2016, 12:16:01 PM
I actually wore a bike helmet in 99, before we had a storm shelter and we were hiding in the closet.  Something like 15 tornadoes went very close to the east and west of us.  That night sucked.