KX Riders

Maintenance & Technical => KX500 Original => Topic started by: reinsport on March 16, 2003, 05:22:02 AM

Title: 640cc KX
Post by: reinsport on March 16, 2003, 05:22:02 AM
I want to hear more about a possible 640 cc big bore kit for my KX. I know of several 520 and 540 cc kits, but I want more! Enough is not enough, and too much is just right....

I have seen pictures of the new 2004 ATK 700 cc 2-stroke (based on the 600 cc plus Maico motor) so I know a 640 cc KX is within the realm of possibility. Please post any info...
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: Paul on March 16, 2003, 06:14:20 AM
The guy that does that is up around Madison, Wisconsin and the shop is B&B Racing. I'm trying to find all of his information and I'll post it here.
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: demographic on May 16, 2003, 08:44:22 PM
Any news about this yet?

I pretty sure that the sidecar MX boys use the same kit though
Title: Big Bore kit on ebay
Post by: kawman on May 21, 2003, 10:23:37 AM
Check out this ebay auction for the big bore kit.  This is the guy...b&b racing.

2416350160   89-03 kx 500 550 cc big bore kit kx500
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: Paul on May 21, 2003, 11:05:53 AM
Thats it! I've been trying to remember that for the longest time. Thanks
Title: Contact for B&B Racing
Post by: kawman on May 21, 2003, 03:46:54 PM
This is the contact info.  :idea:

John Boschma
            B&B Racing
            tecate and 2 stroke specialist

            14847 Misty Meadow ln.
            So.Beloit IL. 61080 U.S.A.
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: crazyryan on January 16, 2005, 03:45:09 PM
I've got a 595cc combo. Still assembling tho. Ya it's stroked.
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: doordie on January 16, 2005, 09:42:23 PM

what pipe do you use to that big bore?
I think you need big volume pipes! :wink:
And I know you run Lectron 44 mm,what about that carb?
I thinking to buy one from a snowmobile and try if it?s
better than my ovalbored pwk 39,5mm. :twisted:
What settings for that carb is a good start?(needle...?) :wink:
Have you dynotested your bike?

Title: 640cc KX
Post by: crazyryan on January 17, 2005, 08:30:58 AM
In 2003 I put a 540cc kit on the bike which included mild porting, shaved head and a new intake set-up. I used a rad valve, lectron, and K&N.  I later added a intake spacer.  I ran a Pro-Circuit Plat. I also cut 6'' off the Pro-Circuit silencer to cut down on restriction.  That worked get! I started with a 5-1 needle. I blew the top end in an hour, I was in a hurry and didn't have time to tune before my first hillclimb.  Then I rebuilt the top and switched to a 6-1 needle.  With a few days to tune I got it right.  Then I was able to race 10 more races problem free.  The carb was expensive, but way worth it.  At the end of that season I did end up running it out of gas. That wasn't pretty.  I came across a crank shop ad in a mag. that claimed to beable to stroke cranks.  I hadn't ever heard of stroked 2's. I called and the guy said he could balance and stroke mine.  That was the beginning of a huge equation to figure out how to finish the motor once we had it done. My builder accepted the project under one circumstance.  I buy a Digritron E.G.T., so we tune this monster one built.  The motor is done, but hasn't been fired yet do to exhaust.  I've talked to three pipe builders and they all want the bike to build it.  They'll all in California, a couple thousand miles away.  We're going to run oxygenated fuel.  We're hoping for 100h.p. If your considering a Lectron for your sled, you may consider a Digritron if your going to be in different climates and temps.  That's where the Lectron pays off.  Being able to turn that wonder top screw to change fuel rate instead of changing those d**n jets.  I'll never change another jet again..
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: doordie on January 17, 2005, 11:03:04 AM
Thx for the info.
The carb(lectron) is from a snowmobile ,I will try it for my iceracer kx500++(86/87mm).
I run PC-desert plat too ,with heavy tuned cylinder/head and that ovalbored PWK39,5mm.
What pipebuilders do you have in mind?Jemco maybe?
If you wanna see a nice pipe,look at MUN in members list and check his website. :wink:
I run 103 oktan oxygenated fuel too. :twisted:
If your`e aiming 100hp at crank it needs commitment!Maybe nitro. :roll:
Mine it?s about 70hp at backwheel now!(80hp++ at crank) 8)

Title: 640cc KX
Post by: SandToyz on January 18, 2005, 09:02:45 AM
How much stroke you can go with the KX?
i do mine, 2mm stroke and 88 piston with custom CPI pipe out of frame
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: crazyryan on January 20, 2005, 12:34:50 PM
I'm stroked 6mm. I'm also using a longer rod and a 91mm bore.  I have a 1/2'' spacer plate between the base and cylinder. This is a new motor to me, yet to fired. Last year it was a 540. I'm glad to hear of another stroker. The guy who did my crank said there was 3 or 4 more of these out there, supposedly a couple in the sand and one in Canada ice racing.
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: crazyryan on January 20, 2005, 12:53:40 PM
SandToyz, Is there anyway you'd send a pic of your bike on the exhaust side? I've never heard of CPI. I'm probably going to get a out of frame pipe, I'll just put it low, like the bottom pipe at the same height as the footpeg. If I lay it over on that side, I'll just have to fix it or replace it.  I'd really like to have the absolute best pipe for this motor as possible. Please show the pipe to me. Later
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: SandToyz on January 23, 2005, 05:32:12 AM
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: GDubb on January 23, 2005, 09:17:30 AM
WOW :shock:
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: mikesmith on January 23, 2005, 07:12:50 PM
Is that for real,where do you put the foot peg?How do you make those bikes shine like that?
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: SandToyz on January 23, 2005, 10:33:21 PM
Is that for real?

Where do you put the foot peg?
I'm using the stock one on same location, I'm using a small piece of an aluminum to be a bracket between the pipe and the foot peg.

How do you make those bikes shine like that?
When I received the pipe I didn?t have time to chrome it so I polish it with some oil to leave it as original metal color.
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: gowen on January 24, 2005, 10:40:42 AM
Does a pipe like that help the power? What is it compared to those cr500s? How does it feel overall? I have been looking for ways to better my KX on the drag strip and in the sand. Thanks
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: SandToyz on January 24, 2005, 05:22:13 PM
CPI make this pipe specially for my motor spec. I didn't compare it with another shelf type pipes.
The bike running faster than the two CR500s we have.
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: mikesmith on January 24, 2005, 07:34:41 PM
Sorry,I ment the bikes.Maybe its just the light,but all the bikes on your trailer really have a shine to them.What are you useing on your plastic after washing them?So does
 the bike have more power every where ,top end or low end?
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: SandToyz on January 25, 2005, 02:01:49 AM
hehehe sorry.
I didn't use anything just wash them and that's it and the flash give a shine pics.
i feel the power from the 3rd gear and up till the 5th.
we are racing  up hill (hill shooter) for like 250 meter = 750 feet and the distance between the two bikes are more than 5 bikes length.
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: orderofsion on January 26, 2005, 05:51:47 AM
surely the costs involved are huge , oneoff pistons ,stroked cranks oneoff exhausts . wouldnt it be cheaper and easier to sell your kx engine and fit a MTH or Zabel 700 . these can be picked up for ?1000 ($1900) and produce 85hp as standard also all the r&d is already done so no problems with carbs,jetting,exhausts etc mind you theres a guy in Oz working on a turbo f/injection cr500 !
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: gowen on January 26, 2005, 02:24:05 PM
It's all about having a bike push it's limits. Also, the larger the bore, the slower the bike revs.
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: KXcam22 on January 28, 2005, 03:38:29 AM
  Do many guys run alcohol (in the bike of course ha ha)?  A friend of mine modified his rotax 640 for alcohol and it was neat to see the difference in power.  Had to drill a few passages in the carb and change the jetting.  With the huge mainjet the mileage was really bad.  It was tough to go on a ride without everyone in the group carying some fuel for him.  I recall seeing a mag article a few years back on doing this for a CR500 for a pikes peak type hillclimb. Cam.
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: SandToyz on January 28, 2005, 04:07:51 AM
yes me and all the racers are running al cohol for our race bike and as you mentioned it is hard to use al cohol for dunning bike.
Yes you will gain some extra hp switching to methanol and this is from my experiance with our CR500 it was on Racing fuel then we switch to alky and we try it with the other bike and give it like three bikes up the hill, then we switch all our bike to al cohol.
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: nasty22 on February 02, 2005, 07:37:37 AM
I am new to this site and it is so awsome to know there are others in the universe who worship the K5 gods.I built a quad with an '86 KX500 engine but the vibes were too much.I am learning on this site that if your crank is worn then you get excess vibes. My cylinder had been redone with a borable liner that I later found out was a mistake.I need a crank and had considered a big bore and stroker crank with balancing.I wonder if it would hold up to MX in a quad.Not run hot and such.I need big power to punish those CRF powered quads.
Title: 640cc KX
Post by: orderofsion on February 06, 2005, 09:08:06 AM
Hi there nasty22. I have heard that quads have a harder time with vibration compared to bikes because the engine vibes make the bike dance about the 4 wheels . There is a company in the states that makes a bolt on balancer shaft for excatly that problem to fit at least some mega 2/strokes . I will try to find their web address from my old paper records and post it a.s.a.p.
Title: Re: 640cc KX
Post by: kaw rider on September 26, 2007, 12:19:44 PM
how are these motor holding up to the stroker cranks.