KX Riders
General => In General... => Topic started by: Motorrad on March 18, 2012, 11:12:04 AM
Okay.. since I will be spending a month and a half in bear country, camping.. I have decided my Usual carry gun of a 1911 .45, and a 357 snubby wont cut it... (they will still go).. but I need somthing with some more PUNCH for camp at night..
Dont want to take any of my current guns (all 20+ of them) as they are either collectable, or just bird guns..
Thinking 12Ga...
I like the mossberg 500 (specifically the mariner, as it wont rust)
Must's... SMALL! 18.5 - 20" bbl.. multi round..
Yes, i used to own a S&W 500 magnum... but dont like religing on a handgun when you are loading your pants full due to a charging bear
YES YES.. I will have bear spray.. so dont go there.. Hippie
Stop playing with toys.
Get this 28mm bear blaster...
http://www.fieldandstream.com/pages/petzal-and-now-really-manly-handgun (http://www.fieldandstream.com/pages/petzal-and-now-really-manly-handgun)
thats a big old cannon! Dont know if you have them your side of the pond, but our military have used klx650's, engine replaced with a diesel and in some guises has a bar mounted machine gun...
Like biking's not dangerous enough :-o K.
Great, an off topic I can really sink my teeth into. First, leave all your guns home. Buy bear pepper spray. A Brown Bear has a nose 10x stronger than a blood hound, this will really mess them up. A bullet will just piss them off. If they are charging at you and want to assert themselves, stand your ground. They can count, they see strength in numbers. I have had a number of bear encounters when I lived in Kodiak and was in many parts of Alaska. Make noise if you are out and about in their woods. Clean up your food. If they want it, give it to them. Your bullet placement with a big gun in a panic if you need to use it will be about as effective as throwing rocks, and like I said before, it will just piss them off. They are the ultimate ATV. I have heard, "if you are chased by a bear run downhill." They can run upwards of 45 mph, uphill, downhill, through heavy brush, across rocks, across streams. Unless you can run for about 10 minutes just faster than them. They can keep heat in but, don't get it out as good. They get very hot from running for long distances. Don't count on this helping you. If you have a problem, it will be fairly close and the spray in the face will jack them up the quickest. If you shoot them with a gun they can still see you and continue to maul you :cry: Also, if you are going north and want to head into Canada you cannot take your gun.
Hope this helps
Great, an off topic I can really sink my teeth into. First, leave all your guns home. Buy bear pepper spray. A Brown Bear has a nose 10x stronger than a blood hound, this will really mess them up. A bullet will just piss them off. If they are charging at you and want to assert themselves, stand your ground. They can count, they see strength in numbers. I have had a number of bear encounters when I lived in Kodiak and was in many parts of Alaska. Make noise if you are out and about in their woods. Clean up your food. If they want it, give it to them. Your bullet placement with a big gun in a panic if you need to use it will be about as effective as throwing rocks, and like I said before, it will just piss them off. They are the ultimate ATV. I have heard, "if you are chased by a bear run downhill." They can run upwards of 45 mph, uphill, downhill, through heavy brush, across rocks, across streams. Unless you can run for about 10 minutes just faster than them. They can keep heat in but, don't get it out as good. They get very hot from running for long distances. Don't count on this helping you. If you have a problem, it will be fairly close and the spray in the face will jack them up the quickest. If you shoot them with a gun they can still see you and continue to maul you :cry: Also, if you are going north and want to head into Canada you cannot take your gun.
Hope this helps
Been a Seirras backpacker for years... I know about bear safty... (cleaning etc)..
The reason I say about the shotgun.... and, have had to explain this many a times..
How good does bear spray work while you are in your tent... :-P
Get a taser if you plan on them coming in your tent lol
Get a taser if you plan on them coming in your tent lol
or some
Bears Like strawberrys right?
Tent camping in bear country is crazy anyway, I carried a .44 mag.
Tent camping in bear country is crazy anyway, I carried a .44 mag.
problem is its mosqito country also... and I fear them more than bears.. HATE HATE bugs.
Get a taser if you plan on them coming in your tent lol
or some
Bears Like strawberrys right?
My dad has a taurus raging bull 500. I'd probably take that. It's got one hell of a kick. I'd think that would put em down if you could get a decent shot off.
Get a taser if you plan on them coming in your tent lol
or some
Bears Like strawberrys right?
My dad has a taurus raging bull 500. I'd probably take that. It's got one hell of a kick. I'd think that would put em down if you could get a decent shot off.
Reason I sold my smith and wesson 500 magnum years ago.. "If you could get a decent shot off"
The average (if there is such a thing...) attack is supposed to be three and a half seconds from seeing it to Bear on you. Not a lot of time to get the gun out, aim and shoot. I read a bear attack investigative book and the bottom like is with a Brown Bear/Grizzly you have a 50/50 chance the attack is real, as opposed to a bluff. Black bears can usually be scared off by yelling. There was a big game guide that timed a rifle shot Brown Bear (kill shot) and it tore small tree's out of the ground for nearly thirty seconds before it dropped. They say bear spray works better then a handgun, but I have a friend that killed one with a 44 mag when it stuck it's head into his tent at night. Best thing is avoiding the problem to begin with. Make noise while hiking on a trail, clean up after yourself, don't walk up on them and surprise them. Have fun!
Here is a vid that I made of my buddy shooting his "Bear"ett gun.
http://youtu.be/8qBLuvIOqps (http://youtu.be/8qBLuvIOqps)
Double barrel pistol is pretty sweet. But I like the .50 cal Barrett myself :P
Okay.. all set...
Taking the K5 now aparently.
Okay.. all set...
Taking the K5 now aparently.
Whatever.......We're not that dumb......thats not your bike!! I can tell because your bike has a Zip Ty tank!!! :-D
I've have just started dabbling with a o/u 12 guage shot gun loaded with a sabot that will hold a 50 cal 500 grns full copper solid projectile. :evil: havent had a chance to use it on anything yet, but testing on a pile of phone books has been very positive, very good penetration. 2 big fat slugs has got to be better than 1.
That's one hell of an arsenal you have there lol. I'd feel safe riding anywhere with that.
a few years back I shot a nusence bear( from the safety of my cabin porch) with a 12 gauge load of rock salt. I never saw him again. Cheaperthandirt.com has a bunch of non-lethal loads to make any bear retreat. Killing a bear in defence usually ends up with a report to some gov't official too. Save yorself the mess
well if your able to place the shot and the recoil doesnt tear you shoulder off, dislodge your brain and cause blindness. Then you'll
probably see just about any charging bear drop in his tracks or even get blown back a few feet......lol
well if your able to place the shot and the recoil doesnt tear you shoulder off, dislodge your brain and cause blindness. Then you'll
probably see just about any charging bear drop in his tracks or even get blown back a few feet......lol
I have actually settled on a Mossberg 930 SPX. normal stock. ghost ring sights..
it will break down into 2 pieces (in half) easy enough.
and Canada will alow it in to the country (reason im on a shotgun quest). otherwise Id just take my Les baer (1911 .45) and my 357 snubby as usual.. but Canada has stupid laws..
and I REFUSE to go ANYWHERE... Un-armed... (including 7-11)
Oh.. and what sold me..
Mossberg is having a special this month... Buy a shotgun.. it comes with one of these free. :-D :-o
(this is the pistol grip stock I dont like)
I have been looking for the perfect gun for hunting of Aussie Buffalo. I found it!!! hava look at this site "Practical Machinist" and type in "12ga from hell" this guy knows how to make a shottie just the thing for the bears. you might need a doctor on hand to relocate your shoulder...
Found the perfect solution..
Just sprinkle this on your riding buddys tent at night...
and set your tent up at the OTHER end of camp..
I have actually settled on a Mossberg 930 SPX. normal stock. ghost ring sights..
it will break down into 2 pieces (in half) easy enough.
and Canada will alow it in to the country (reason im on a shotgun quest). otherwise Id just take my Les baer (1911 .45) and my 357 snubby as usual.. but Canada has stupid laws..
and I REFUSE to go ANYWHERE... Un-armed... (including 7-11)
Good choice on the shotgun. I live in Wyoming, and when we camp in the hills, I have a Mossberg Maverick 88 Security Pump that I take. It has a 20 inch cylinder bore barrel, holds 7 rounds in the tube, and one in the chamber. Its great with slugs or 000 buckshot. Eight rounds of either of those will make a bear think twice (or think its last thought.) The important thing is to keep it with you! This is simple with a handgun, but it is too easy to develop a tendency to lay the shotgun down. Even if its only 10 feet away when you notice a bear close by, that might be too far. Look for a sling to keep the Mossberg close at hand. But like Alward says, always carry the pepper spray holstered on your belt. If at all possible, use the pepper spray first!