Okay.. somthing I have been ranting about to my fellow riders for several years now... (especially local) since the sand dune sceen became trendy..
what happend to the good armord gloves from the late 80's and early 90's when desert racing was still king?!
then Motocross etc Fad hit. and gloves turned into nothing more than a pair of spandex...
Ever hit a puckerbush branch with your knuckles at 90+mph?! it hurts like hell even with a good pair of gloves...
with this garbage now a days, Id lose a finger!
so... any good sources for good gloves? Perhapse you back east woods types get the good stuff??
My desert race gloves for the last several years are a pair of deer skin Tig welding gloves that I then.... sew cut up pieces of radiator hose to...
Rant over..
))) out at desert right now... and just got back from a ride... in which I now have a black and blue line across my knuckles since I was wearing my "casual" off the shelf gloves ((((