What you are about to see it is made piece by piece and most of the parts come from the US and UK.
The engine is a K5 2001 and it came with electronis and carb. I took it apart and replaced a few parts and now its like new.
The rest of the bike is a KX450F 2006 that i put it together piece by piece.
God blass e-Bay.
I choose the 450 cause it has more space for the engine.
The bike has cost so far 5000? including shipping cost and custom services.
"What we have here?"
When we first put the engine on the frame we notice that we are not going to have any problem with the sprockets and the chain, but we have some issues with the swingarm.
The swingarm it is not from the same bike (frame) even if it is a 2006 year, so we had to make new spacers from an T8 alou.
For those who use their own bike as a donor will not have any problem.