Somebody else posted that Woody Kyle hybrid. It's cool but the one I rode - Rocket Science bike - got twitchy at speed in my desert race. 100+ MPH I don't need any twitching 
Yeah I could see where that might be a problem... My YZ490 gets a little twitchy when I hit 130+ MPH (LOL)
Just kidding...
I like the new frames and all the cool after market parts you can get from them but I agree with you on keeping the stock KX500 frame and motor together. It seems you would be opening a whole new can of worms.
So guys... I'm going to ride Alan's KX500 next weekend and if I like it as much as I think I will. I will plan on buying one here soon... any news on the last year model yet?
I know every year I look for them to drop her... and I've heard that Kaw filed chapter 11?
I do want to buy a new KX500 before they drop them and I know the clock is ticking on me.