Story time..
A customer calls me up tells me that my keyboard is really dirty..
"Yes" I replied...
"How come?" He asks.
"Might have something to do with how dirty my hands are" I said.
He then tells me how unprofessional it looks when I send or show pics that have my keyboard or desk in the back ground.
"That's because I am unprofessional" I said.
Dead silence....
Then I say, "We sell used dirt bike parts. They are covered in grease and dirt and I am constantly handling them all day. Consequently I can't wipe my hands off every few minutes to use the keyboard. I clean it once a week and call it good".
Well, it just looks unprofessional" he says..
Ok, is there anything else I can do for you?" I ask.
Dead silence....
I hung up

It never fails to amaze me how some people have nothing better to do...